Would you like more information about your child’s development?
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) provides free screening for children 3 through 5 years old (not yet in kindergarten)
Areas screened include: speech and language, learning and understanding, coordination and movement, social-emotional skills, self-helping skills (feeding, dressing, and toileting), vision or hearing.
Children already identified with disabilities should also be screened if not receiving special education services through the district.
Screenings in your area
Seward and Moose Pass
For: Newborn to 5 years old (not yet in kindergarten)
When: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Where: Seward Community Library
Time: 9:15am – 3:00pm (by appointment only)
Contact: Kelli at 907.260.5148 for an appointment
Homer Area
For: Newborn to 5 years old (not yet in kindergarten)
When: Monday, September 30, 2024
Where: Paul Banks Elementary School
Contact: Kelli at 907.260.5148 for an appointment
For: Newborn to 5 years old (not yet in kindergarten)
When: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Where: Tebughna School
Time: (by appointment only)
Contact: Kelli at 907.260.5148 for an appointment
To make an appointment or for more information call the KPBSD Child Find office at 907.260.5148 or email KCreglow@kpbsd.k12.ak.us
Additional locations on the Kenai Peninsula will be added throughout the year
Developmental Checks
By Age 3
- Count to 3
- Speak to most adults and be understood
- Build a tower of at least 8 blocks
- Walk up and down stairs
- Run without falling very often
- Follow simple directions
- Repeat simple sounds or rhymes
- Match colors and shapes
- Put on some clothes without help
- Point to 6 parts of the body (hair, nose, eyes, feet, hands, mouth)
- Name several objects (chair, box, ball, etc…)
- Imitate drawing a circle (even if it is not quite round)
By Age 4
- Count to 5
- Speaks in sentences of about 5 words
- Asks “how” and “why” questions
- Cuts with scissors
- Stands on one foot without falling
- Catch and throw a ball
- Holds crayons with fingers, not fist
- Answers simple question like: “What do you do when you are hungry?”
- Recognize and name 3-4 colors
- Enjoys playing with other children
- Dresses self completely (with help on pullover shirts and sweaters)
By Age 5
- Count 5 objects
- Explain what objects are used for
- Understand the concept of “yesterday”, “today”, and “tomorrow”
- Climb a ladder to a slide
- Cuts with scissors on a straight line
- Copy a picture of a circle and a square
- Understand words like “on”, “under”, and “behind”
- Match colors and shapes
- Go to the bathroom without help