Paul Bank Elementary’s Smart Start Plan

Paul Banks Smart Start 2020

Information as of  8/14/20

These protocols are subject to change as needed

Health and Safety
Parental Responsibilities-Monitor your child(ren) for COVID-19 symptoms and conduct daily health checks prior to sending your child to school.
-Follow KPBSD’s Symptom Free Schools Protocol
Hand Washing and Sanitizing-Students will wash or sanitize hands each time they enter and exit their classroom.
-Grade level teams will review shared equipment or materials in their grade level.
 Water fountains will be closed.
-Students will use water bottles and bottle fill stations.
-Teachers will send home water bottles on Friday for parents to clean and return on Monday.
Masks As per district mandate, Pre-K through second grade students are encouraged to wear fabric masks when social distancing is not possible.

As per district mandate, students will be required* to wear their masks during the following times: 
-When they are using the restroom
-When they are riding the bus
-Any time they will be walking in the hallways: -Transitioning to specials -Transitioning to recess -Transitioning to the restroom -Transitioning to the nurse’s office -When they are dropped off at school -When they are picked up from school/going to the bus

If school goes to Red Status, mask mandates may change.

All students will be given a break-away lanyard (to safely store masks when not in use).

*If a student has a medical reason for not being able to wear a mask, face shields may be an alternative
Physical Distancing-PBE has developed a strict schedule to limit mixing between cohorts of students.
-Space seating and desks six feet apart if possible, or to the maximum distance allowable.
Cohorts(A cohort is considered a group of select students)Paul Banks cohorts are by grade level: Pre-K, Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade
-Recess will be divided up by cohorts (e.g. kindergarten will have recess with only kindergarteners) 
-Students from a cohort but from different classrooms may be pulled together for small group instruction (e.g. a couple of Ms. Olson’s second grade students would work with a couple of Mr. Sawyer’s second grade students in an intervention group outside of the classroom)

*As a school, we will do our best to minimize physical contact between students between and within cohorts.
Parent Pick/Up Drop Off
Arrival: parent drop-offThe front doors will be locked until 7:30am. If you arrive before 7:30am, please wait in your car. 

Two options for drop off: 
Option 1. Drive up and use the drop off lane to drop off your child 
-We encourage you to use this option to help with congestion
-Please have your child ready with backpack and mask on.
Option 2. Park and walk your child to the front door.
-If your child is in PreK or Kindergarten, you can park and walk in with your child for the first week. 

-If you need to speak with school staff, you will need to call and make an appointment.

*Be mindful and patient in our parking lot, please stay off cell phones, watch for people, other cars, and potholes. 
Dismissal: parent pick-up-Pick up time is 2:00, please wait in your car or at an exit marker at the pick up location until the buses leave.
-Teachers will notify you of your pick-up door and the “Family Name” to give at that exit point.
-Please adhere to 6 ft social distancing while waiting for your student(s)
-Please contact Katy for any dismissal changes before noon. Any emergency changes can be made with the classroom teacher after noon. (example: flat tire)
-If you are picking up multiple families you will need to go to each exit door to pick up student(s). You will also need to be on the approved pick up list for that student.
Sign-in/Sign Out Protocol for checking students in late or leaving earlyStudents arriving late:
-After 8:15am, the front door will be locked. Once you arrive, please call 226.1801, to have your student checked in. 

Students checking out early:
-Please contact the office, 226.1801, and inform the school of your planned arrival time.
-Once at the front door, please call and we will meet you at the front door. Please wait to ensure your child is safely in the building before departing.

*Advance communication is appreciated, as well as your patience. 
Regular communications about risk levels and protocols-The school district website shows real-time graphic representation for all 42 schools’ risk status by color: .
-Local public health officials determine community outbreaks.
-Communication to staff and families when shifts between risk areas occur, is similar to weather closures or two-hour delays.
-Please see for more information about the Smart Start plan. 
School Communication-PBE communication will be found on our school website, school Facebook page, and/or communicated through PowerSchool Messenger.  
-Updated PowerSchool contact information is essential for communication.
Teacher Communication-Teachers will communicate with families using their weekly newsletters and Seesaw.
-Teachers will still be available for communication through phone calls and email.
Scheduling/Transitions – Social Distancing Plan
Hallways-Transition schedules will be staggered to decrease exposure to other classrooms and decrease the development of lines forming to enter an area.
-Minimal number of student groups or classrooms when transitioning in hallways and shared spaces.
Bathroom-Scheduled bathroom breaks will be used by classes.
-Emergency bathroom use will access the closest individual bathroom to the classroom and utilize a bathroom pass system to limit the number of students in the bathroom at a time.
Lunch/Recess-PBE will have designated times available for individual cohorts on the playground.  
-Students will eat lunch in their classrooms.  
Classroom Instruction: In-person & Remote
Remote and in-person class structure-Each classroom will be a mix of students who are accessing their education remotely and in-person.  
-Academic content and lessons for both groups will be very similar.  
-Zoom meetings and Seesaw will be the primary platforms for communication and instruction, with student choice in learning that takes place outside of those platforms through practice opportunities (games, worksheets, projects, art, etc).
-At home, parents/guardians will facilitate and guide these practice activities. In school, the teacher will facilitate the same practice activities. All students will also be showing the evidence of their learning through Seesaw.  
-Using the same platforms for both in-person and remote learning will help smooth transitions between risk levels (yellow to red, or kids returning to in person as risk levels drop).
School Supplies-Supply fee of $25 – checks made out to Paul Banks PTA (instead of supply list)
Water bottle
-Inside/PE shoes
-2 Masks (if you have a style of mask that your child is comfortable with please send it, otherwise masks will be provided). One to wear to/from school and one to leave at school.
Specials-Music and PE will rotate on two week blocks (ie: the first two weeks all students will have Music, followed by two weeks of PE). 
-Music will be held in the music room.
-PE will be held outside, weather permitting, otherwise will take place in the gym or other location.
-Social distancing guidelines will be maintained during specials.
Switching from remote learning to in-person learning or in-person to remoteRemote to in-person:
-Multi-home students need to be arranged ahead of time – calendar.
-PBE discourages rapid switching from remote to in-person/vice versa
-Minimum 48 hrs notice for teachers

In-person to remote
-Teacher will approve and set time period for transfer
New students or students transferring from home school-Contact office and fill out registration packet and meet district requirements for new students (ie: updated immunizations, birth certificate etc.).

-Minimum 48 hrs before student can start.
Nursing Protocols
Sick Students-A student who feels ill or is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent to the Nurse’s office wearing a cloth mask.
-Students displaying any symptoms will be sent home from school and not allowed to return until they are symptom-free (KPBSD Symptom Free Schools Protocol).
-Students who are ill will be kept in a separate area to prevent cross-contamination. The Nurse will monitor and supervise students until a parent/guardian arrives to take the student home.
-Parents will call the nurse once they arrive at school @ 226-1826.
Volunteers -Paul Banks loves and needs volunteers!
New this year: All volunteers in the school need to be a parent or guardian of a student in the class.
-Volunteers and visitors must wear masks and use hand sanitizer when entering the building and classrooms. 
-As in previous years, prior to volunteering parents must have a new completed background check through the KPBSD (completed yearly). This process may take 2 weeks or more.
-Contact your child’s teacher to schedule a time to volunteer in class. Only one volunteer per class at a time.
-Visitors will use the touch free sign in.
-Here are some ways to volunteer in your child’s classroom: reading with students, leading art projects, preparing materials, playing a math game, help at academic centers or sharing a special skill.