Below are some common questions and answers for young people living on their own.
What does “Unaccompanied Youth” mean?
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth (HUY) are youth on their own – students who have been kicked out, abandoned, or who have made the decision to leave home due to a negative or unhealthy dynamic within the home. These students are in one of the living situations that are mentioned on the “Home” tab of this website (usually couch-surfing, doubled-up with friends or family, or sleeping in places like cars), and are not living with a parent or legal guardian.
What if I live in an apartment?
You may still qualify for services, but MVP staff would need to get more information, such as if your name is on the lease, how long you intend to stay there, how many people live there, etc.
What can the MVP Program do to help me?
HUY are provided the same supports and services as students who are part of a family unit (including all of those listed on the “Services” tab of this website), such as school supplies and basic clothing, support with any extra-curricular activity (band or athletics as examples), FAFSA support, and CTE programs, as well as access to the Youth Support Specialist, help with applying for medical coverage and nutritional support, etc.
Do I need my parent or guardian to contact you?
If you are a youth in one of these situations, you can receive services without parent or guardian involvement.
What if I think I am an Unaccompanied Youth but quit attending school, and I want to come back?
If you are not currently enrolled in school but would like to be, the MVP staff can help you determine options, even without documentation regularly required.
How do I get help?
To see if you qualify for the MVP program or if you have any questions, simply call or email your local Liaison (located on the “Contact Us” tab of this website) – there is no paperwork to fill out, just a conversation, and your information is kept private. You may also work through your school counselor or any school staff to contact your local Liaison.