Cathy Kibling, Special Education Instructional Coach
Office: 907.260.2308
Mobile: 907.398.7015
Office Location: SoPrep School Building, Soldotna
What can I do for you?
- Provide support to early career special education teachers, Intensive needs teachers, and new-to-district special education teachers, using the KPBSD mentoring and coaching model
- Provide assistance as requested to experienced special education teachers
- Provide training and support to build capacity in curriculum materials and teaching models used in special education
- Provide districtwide/building support and professional development as needed
- Create schedules
- Model lessons
- Provide training for you and/or your paras
- Problem-solve
- Develop classroom management
- Develop IEP’s
- Implement behavior strategies, BIP’s, etc.
- Organize
- Implement Instructional strategies
- Collect Data
- Work with general ed teachers
- Attend IEP meetings
- Assess student learning
- And more
Archive Slides / Videos
- AUTISM: Why Visuals? How to Use Them Properly – Kerry Hogan
- Building a Better Team: Teachers and Paras Working Together, slides – Cathy Kibling
- Filling out the Remote Learning Plan, slides – Cathy Kibling
- Physical Activity at Home for students, families, and you, slides – Heidi Renner
- Integrating Speech/Lang into IN Online classrooms, slides – Olivia Orth, Rebecca Owen, Emily Kornelis
- Canvas Helps for Special Educators, slides – Cathy Kibling
- Self-Care for Professionals – Angie Nelson, Deborah Roemhildt
- Classroom Accommodations in the Home – Lindsey May
- SESA-Activities to Support Students on IEP’s, slides