
Kathy Mize

Administrative Secretary
Phone: 907.714.8894
  • Title VI-B and Title 619 grant application and revisions
  • Student Support Services professional development: Canvas/Catalog development, location set up, supplies, travel, meals
  • Substitute account codes for PBIS and Student Support Services sponsored training, meetings, and collaborations not posted
  • Temporary aide request forms
  • Account distribution and itinerant staff schedules
  • Travel and mileage reimbursement forms for itinerant Student Support Services employees and others traveling on pre-approved professional leave paid for by Student Support Services
  • Timesheets for districtwide and itinerant Student Support Services employees serving four or more locations
  • Sub collaboration budget transfers
  • Supply budget transfers for Intensive Needs, SpEd Pre-K, Speech-Language Pathologist, PBIS, and Gifted and Talented program
  • Paraprofessional training documentation forms and record-keeping
  • Early Entrance forms and record-keeping
  • Retention and Acceleration forms and record-keeping
  • PBIS team SODs
  • Extend School Year (ESY) timesheets, travel, and supplies
  • Records requests during summer break