A visit to Port Graham, Alaska

Monday morning: I flew to a small school in Port Graham, Alaska, which is south and east of Homer. I’ve had the opportunity to tag along on several trips to our diverse schools where I’m learning about the KPBSD school district, taking photos, meeting students and educators.

Arriving at the school, two framed paintings hinged with a mirror caught my attention. Curious, I learned it will be a part of a cultural learning experience for the students. Two accompanying head pieces had just arrived. One of the Port Graham students I’d met during the recent KPBSD student council conference day showed me the headpiece for the girls. I’ll post more as the students engage this cultural learning experience; meanwhile, I’m grateful to hear the stories and meet Port Graham students. Everyone was welcoming, curious about the camera in my hand, and the K-3 grade elementary students grinned when they each told me their name.