Message to KPBSD staff and families

Soldotna, December 14, 2012—A tragic day in the United States is unfolding as the world learns of a school shooting and the death of children and educators at a Connecticut elementary school.  The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District offers care and condolences to everyone affected in this tragedy. Our hearts ache with colleagues and school communities.

At 9:41 a.m. on Monday, December 17, 2012, most of the school district will pause for a minute of silence.

“I am shocked and saddened by today’s events in Connecticut. All of us at KPBSD offer our condolences to the victims and their loved ones. On Monday morning at 9:41 a.m., the district will pause for a moment of silence to remember the lost lives and to offer our thoughts and prayers to families and the greater Sandy Hook Elementary School community.” – Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent

School safety
“Families trust our schools to keep their children safe during the day. The reality is, however, that schools may be touched either directly or indirectly by a crisis at any time. Knowing what to do when faced with a crisis can mean the difference between calm and chaos, courage and fear, life and death” –KPBSD Emergency Action Plan
The safety of our students and staff is a top priority at each of our 43 schools. Every school year, at every school, several drills are practiced, including school lock-downs, hit-the-deck drills, and emergency actions and evacuations in the event of intruders, fire, earthquakes, or other unforeseen circumstances. District-wide procedures are in place and practiced regularly and in conjunction with local law enforcement through our KPBSD Emergency Action Plan.
Our schools are currently:

  • In heightened awareness and paying extra attention to students, staff, and to any school visitors’ onsite.
  • Suspending curriculum to offer support to students if necessary.
  • Administrators and staff are offering a noticeable presence in the hallways.
  • Continuing to work closely with local law enforcement.

Helpful Resources
A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope, Tips for Parents and Teachers
School Safety and Crisis Resources:
December 14, 2012 message to KPBSD staff and families