Social Media and Communications: an online Language Arts class experiment

Social Media and Communications: It’s a racetrack out there!
Greetings! This has been an experiment for me … unable to be a guest presenter as planned to KPBSD Amanda Adams online Language Arts class, I took the PowerPoint I created, learned to add audio (via Screencast-o-matic), converted to a video, uploaded to YouTube, and am posting here.
Please view the two videos (Part 1 and Part 2), then post your questions and comments in this blog. I look forward to hearing from you and engaging your insight and questions!
This has been a fun beginning learning process to deliver this presentation to you!
Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communication specialist

woordle 4 blues
Social Media and Communications - Pegge Erkeneff

 “You would think after 12 months of having a car with a push button start I would stop looking for the key hole.”     Jamie Whincup


29 thoughts on “Social Media and Communications: an online Language Arts class experiment

  1. I find that keeping up with all the different aspects of social media can be challenging! I feel that each outlet (FB, Twitter, etc.) has a different purpose. I don’t really use it until I have clarified the purpose of it. I definitely have been proactive about creating my professional brand… but I find that what outlets I use come in and out and shift over time. How do you keep up with what is considered the best practice or current expectations for using social media professionally?

    1. In keeping up with social media, I believe that it is most important to find common ground with your audience. Most outlets that can be used informally can also be used professionally; the only difference is in what form content is presented. Still, the basis for an outlet is captivating and informing an audience with content, so simply following your audience across the internet to relate with them on their level is the key.

      1. This is so important! Social media is about engaging and a conversation–so your understanding of the common ground is important. Also, when I connect with what is interesting to me, and to the “audience” I often am inspired and learn new things too. Thanks for your insight!

  2. Just finished part 1! Being in public relations sounds fun. Which social media (FB, Twitter, Pinterest are a few you listed) gets out your information best? You said if there’s ever a lock-down or something it’s your job to tell people what’s going on. Is there one in particular that seems to get the information out better or that your audience seems to lean more towards?

    1. I enjoyed reading your comment and how you wanted know about what social media works best for parents to get information the fastest and which ones lean more towards.

    2. Maddie, Currently I think that Facebook works best. Our KPBSD page,, is a go-to place where I post first. I also post all my news releases to this blog, then share on the Facebook page. A new method, which will be fast, is our mobile app, with a push notification that I can send. However, that messaging will only go to someone who has the app. Traditionally, we do post to the website with alerts, and then news media picks it up too. I like Facebook because people can rapidly share in their circles.
      What method do you prefer?

    1. Sage, it’s both! There are days I have all planned, and then something happens and changes everything. Going to schools to create stories about all the cool things kids are learning and teachers are teaching is fun and rewarding. There are times, especially in critical communications, when the hours are long, and it’s important work. There’s only one of me for the school district, so that can at times feel overwhelming since there is so much more I’d like to do but only so many hours in the day! Flexibility is a must when I’m essentially on 24/7. But I like that too–and I get to meet amazing people. Communications and public relations is a dynamic field.

  3. I understand how important it is for those at KPBSD(and any other district) to have prompt and reliable connection with their “public.” What social media outlets or tools might the district utilize in the future to broaden and hasten their and others’ options in communication?

    1. Insightful and excellent question! I think more and more people want the information they need to come directly to them. And in a time when in our district (this isn’t true everywhere) more people rely on smart phones, I think our mobile app and push notifications will assist communication. It’s a big life to help 43 schools to post their school news and celebrations, and important announcements on their blog (website) or a social media account to feed into the individual school portions of the KPBSD app. But parents and students can log into powerschool to check on grades, add calendar events, and a whole lot of things, with more to come, through the app.
      For fun, I’d like to create an instagram account and have some peninsula photo contests…first day of school, snow day….
      Do you have any ideas?

  4. After watching the second one, I was left thinking about 2 things that you mentioned… Timeliness and creating “Voice you want”. Regarding timeliness, I think that we almost live by the nanosecond these days. Constant updates! Once you start putting your information out there, it is expected, and you are bound to continue the pace. The second part about creating your voice, my spunky, fun approach to my profession is often bound by traditional views of professionalism. Current view holds that everyone should create a brand for themselves, but I am not so sure that uniqueness is truly appreciated. Thoughts?

    1. Uniqueness doesn’t have to come in the form of charisma or class, but merely creativity in presentation. In relation to the local school district, as spoken of in the videos, very few school districts are as involved and concerned with social media. Students and their parents (others as well) can definitely appreciate their unique commitment in communication. The same creativity can reach any other crowd. Whatever your audience is looking for from you, it is your choice how to present it.

      1. I like what you said about creativity! I think it’s important to be creative and have a voice in writing to keep the readers interested. In this case it would probably be trying to get the students to go to a fundraiser or something. They would have to make it seem fun and be creative with it!

  5. What made you desire to work in our school district and also work in communications? What has communications taught or showed you?

  6. I think its awesome that you speak for such a large group of people! I was at Nikiski last year during the lockdown and I noticed that the communication was wonderful and quick so I see how well you do your job!! I was wondering what the main focus of the app was though? I really like that we have one but what was the main purpose they created it for? I enjoyed the comparison to racing! I love cars and so it was a really fun way to learn more about communicating!

    1. I agree with you, the quick communication is a great thing. I also like racing too, I go to the races in the summer and it’s a blast!

    2. I agree making the connections with cars made it interesting to learn about. And I was also wondering what the app was specifically made for.

  7. I like the second video! I think it’s nice how the schools are becoming more timely with their information and becoming more technological with it. It’s easier to get important information out there. However, I feel like I wouldn’t normally check a schools blog or twitter. I feel like I would only check it if something important was going on like if school might be cancelled or if there was a lock-down. I still remember getting those weekly newsletters in the mail so it’s cool to see how far the schools have come!

    1. And now with the technology we can see if someone were too post something the social media account and then if you get a notification then you could regularly see if something were going on. But yeah normally I guess a lot of people wouldn’t check all of the schools social media accounts.

  8. I think that even if you’re a teacher who needs to be “professional” that you should still be your fun self! I know at least for me that a teacher who is more open and fun with the kids is defiantly an easier one to work through school with! I think they put up the professional wall because they want you to be an example but in todays world if you don’t fit in to some extent it can be difficult to be an influence. To me you have to be a little friendly or else nothing is fun. And if its not very fun its a bit hard to learn. That’s my thoughts!!

    1. I like how you asked about her work day instead of what her work is about .
      Oh…. and its your BIRTHDAY! – love me, your best friend

  9. Thank you for all the comments! I am attending a two day FEMA Public Information Officer (PIO) training, and will respond to your questions and comments on my breaks.

  10. I agree with Brently that our community is lucky to have a school district that cares so much and does all that they can to ensure that we are informed!!

  11. I think that using social media is a great way for the school to update parents about what is going on because now-a-days its really easy to get ahold of people using social media because it can always be with you on your phone. You can have certain notifications pop up and alert you when or if someone is to post something the one of the schools social media accounts. It keeps the parents infirmed in a fast and easy way. And I like that you used cars to get people thinking at a different level. It made it more fun the learn about.

    1. Totally agree with your comment Elsie! 🙂 It a great way to quickly send out mass updates and alert people of oncoming events or ongoing situations.

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