Cam Wyatt receives Secondary SkillsUSA Advisor of the Year award

Cam Wyatt, educator at Homer High School, receives top state award as 2016 Secondary SkillsUSA Advisor!
“This has been a bonus year for me,” said Cam Wyatt, Homer High School educator. “The 2016 Secondary SkillsUSA Advisor of the Year is a high honor and it will hang right beside the 2015 ACTE Promising Practice Award presented to me in November at the Alaska Statewide ACTE Conference. To be selected as the 2016 Secondary SkillsUSA Advisor of the Year by my peers, mentors and supervisors is a personal and professional honor. Twenty-six years of teaching has led me to develop an instructional style that focuses on “allow the eyes to see what the hands are doing and the mind is thinking.” This proactive constructivist style is a student centered growth mindset philosophy that values hands on learning. SkillsUSA is all about being able to demonstrate skill sets that lend themselves to be “Prepared-Polite-Productive”. Roll it all together and you have an educational environment that is exciting, full of discovery learning, and promotes personal investment by all. As many know, I’m retiring from the classroom this year and will become Principal of Mesa County School District 51 Career Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. It has been a lifelong dream to lead a school of this type and now I get my chance. My two decades of service in KPBSD have served me well. I will take this award and others with me as I continue to make a difference in the lives of young people.”

Cam Wyatt, Homer High School, with KPBSD students at Alaska State SkillsUSA conference
Cam Wyatt, Homer High School educator, with KPBSD students at Alaska State SkillsUSA conference

“Mr. Wyatt is one of the best teachers we have in our district and I am in so proud of his efforts with our students,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “This is a well-deserved award and I am very exciting recognition that he has earned. While I am sad to see him retire from our district, I am happy for him and the next steps in his career that will allow him to be closer to family.”
“Cam is an ambassador and a tremendous asset for the students and the programs of SkillsUSA and the learning community of Homer,” said Matt Widaman, Work Experience & Work Force Coordinator  It is exciting to see the powerful impact that Cam has had on the students of Homer High and surrounding Russian village schools, helping them gain the skills and the confidence to tackle and succeed with some very technically challenging projects. Cam’s students are well prepared and compete in a wide variety of different competitions. He provides a culture of leadership and high expectations for his students and the SkillsUSA programs at Homer High School.”

Cam Wyatt, 2016 Alaska State Secondary SkillsUSA Advisor award recipient
Cam Wyatt, 2016 Alaska State Secondary SkillsUSA Advisor award recipient