Students host science fair in Nanwalek

Sixth through twelfth grade students at Nanwalek hosted a Science Fair for their community. The Nanwalek community showed tremendous support for students by helping them with their projects and coming to the science fair to listen to student presentations and learning about their topics. The Nanwalek gym was buzzing with excitement! A few of the highlights for students:

  • “Talking to community members about things we were working on”
  • “Researching and learning on our own”
  • “I think the best part was being able to teach and present”
  • “Being able to give our ideas to the community”
  • “Interviewing community members about our topic”
  • “Learning a lot about our village population and capacity”
  • “I’m more comfortable presenting and conversing with people”
  • “Learning from my classmates about local, helpful plant-life”

The science fair was definitely a hit. Students, staff, and community members are already looking forward to next year’s science fair!
Story contributed by Penny Bearden
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