700 kids: Take me to the river #service

2017 River cleanup (2)
The weather cooperated with the 4th Annual Kenai River Spring Cleanup, students scoured the river and campgrounds, and logged in a total of 3,055 pounds of debris and trash. And that’s a lot considering how light fishing line is!
Six KPBSD schools and nearly 700 students participated from 27 third through sixth grade classes. Connections Homeschool program, Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, K-Beach Elementary, Soldotna Elementary, Sterling Elementary, and Redoubt Elementary participated.
Congratulations to Redoubt Elementary for once again pulling together to bring in the “Most Trash Collected” award! Their contribution to this year’s total was a whopping 1,540 pounds!
Thank you to all of the students and volunteers who contributed their time to make this year’s event another huge success, and all the local area sponsors who collaborated and donated prizes to create another excellent event for children and the community.

Photo album: 2017 Kenai River Spring Cleanup

Facebook: Kenai River Spring Cleanup