News Release: KPBSD can hire 12 of 30+ frozen positions

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KPBSD can hire 12 of 30+ frozen positions

Soldotna, June 8, 2017—The Borough Assembly passed the Fiscal Year 2018 budget on June 6, 2017, which included funding for the KPBSD school year which begins August 22, 2017. The State of Alaska has not yet determined funding for public education.
Mayor Navarre increased the FY18 borough funding appropriation to KPBSD by $1.5 million over FY17 in Ordinance 2017-19, and the Borough Assembly voted to pass this funding. The Borough will provide KPBSD $38.88 million in Local Effort support available for use by KPBSD, and $10.85 million for operations and in-kind support, for a total appropriation of $49,738,432.
The increase provided KPBSD the fiscal certainty to offer contracts to a handful of local teachers on June 7, 2017, some of who had not yet been offered positions because of the hiring freeze and fiscal uncertainty. In addition, a handful of principals are interviewing for positions now open at their school site, with the ability for KPBSD to offer a qualified candidate a position immediately. The remaining positions are still on hold until the state legislature determines education funding, which could range from status quo to a five percent reduction.

“I am grateful that the Borough Assembly and Mayor Navarre took action that provided some fiscal certainty to the school district. They demonstrated leadership and made some difficult decisions that supported the schools in our district. We will continue to work closely with the Assembly and Mayor in our planning for next year to ensure efficiencies and provide the best opportunities for all of our students in the coming years. We will work together to make our communities positive, vibrant places that our graduates will want to live and work in as they have their own families in the future.” – Sean Dusek, Superintendent of Schools

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