David Kalugin | Voznesenka School #Classof2017

David Kalugin
Voznesenka School
Class of 2017

Voznesenka School David Kalugin Class of 2017
“Voznesenka School is proud to recognize David Kalugin as an accomplished member of our 2017 graduating class who created a reputation of being witty and laid back,” said Principal Wojciak.
Starting his school career at McNeil Canyon School, which he attended from kindergarten through sixth grade, David completed seventh through twelfth grade years at Voznesenka. As a student, David had a plethora of experiences. He was on the football team for two years, attended three construction classes in Homer, and was involved with Project Grad. Most memorable for David were his years in football and the end of the year activities such as beach day. His efforts steered him towards earning both the Project Grad and Alaska Performance Scholarships.
School was an important part of his life, but so was his family, and commercial fishing. For the last two summers David was a captain on his family’s fishing vessel, and prior to that he spent several years as a deckhand. However, David does not have an interest in making fishing his livelihood, rather, his dream is to become an industrial electrician. He is currently working towards an apprenticeship in this field. He’s liked electronics since he was a little boy, and has earned respect by repairing inoperative cell phones.
As a school and community we wish David all the best in accomplishing his dreams and goals. His ever present smile will be missed, yet remembered as we resume school in the fall.
Voznesenka School website
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District www.KPBSD.org
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