Logan Smith | Seward High School #Classof2017

Logan Smith
Seward High School
Class of 2017

Seward High Logan Smith
Logan Smith is a tinkerer. This curiosity led him to all things tinkering that Seward High had to offer—shop, metals, woodworking, and so forth. Logan also has a natural aptitude for mathematics. This made him a logical candidate for Seward High’s engineering course called Project Lead the Way. “It was here that his talents combined to truly find his niche—and make Seward High better in the process,” said Principal Trevan Walker. “We’ve been slowly putting together our own Maker Space, but the process has been slow as these efforts have been largely extra-curricular. It was Logan who self-taught himself how to leverage the equipment he had, and advocate for additional equipment that we didn’t, to turn our Maker Space into something that is used every day and by a variety of students and teachers.”
Logan carries a 3.24 grade point average even as he has taken Seward High’s most rigorous course load. His work ethic, commitment to studies, and contribution to Seward High was also recognized by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), who accepted him into their early admission engineering program where he will begin his post-secondary education in the fall. I’m am confident that UAF will be as proud to claim him, as one of their best and brightest, as we are.
Seward High School website
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District www.KPBSD.org
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