Kristin Klaich, Nikolaevsk School, #ClassOf2018

Kristin Elisabeth Klaich, Class of 2018
Nikolaevsk School

Nikolaevsk School_KKlaich Class of 2018
I plan to spend a semester at home and take a full load of online college classes through the University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA). Then, I will travel to Peru for six months to live with a missionary family and help with their three children. In the fall of 2019, I will attend a college full time and graduate in Spring of 2022 with my degree in Early Childhood Education. Recent scholarship awards include: University of Alaska (UA) Scholar $12,000; Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS)—up to $3,566 per year; Safari Club International (SCI) $4,000; Austin E. Lathrop $1,000; Benjamin B. and Virginia M. Talley $1,500.
My best memory of learning at Nikolaevsk isn’t one specific thing, it’s just how everyone is one big family and how we have and had amazing teachers that really care about us students on an academic and personal level. Also, the opportunity I had to aid for Mrs. Parrett, our elementary teacher, both helping and even teaching a little bit of all the elementary grades. This really changed my prospective on teaching and now I actually want to go into this field!
Facebook: Nikolaevsk School
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

1 thought on “Kristin Klaich, Nikolaevsk School, #ClassOf2018

  1. Thanks for posting Kristin’s profile. I am following her experiences in Peru with great interest. She’s smiling in every picture so I think she is adapting just fine. I admire her adventurous spirit. May it take her far. She has a great foundation for accomplishing anything and she got that from her Parents and Nikolaevsk School. Way to go, Kristin.

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