How federal funds benefit KPBSD in FY19

In 1965, federal funds were KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_Seal circle no edgesestablished through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to ensure that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to education.
KPBSD has developed programs to support struggling learners all around the district, and various forms are included in school registration packets each year to help identify qualifying students and families. Your voluntary participation to complete these forms–even if you don’t think you qualify-could assist the entire school district. In the 2018-2019 school year, $5.6 million* in federal funds will provide supports for some of the most vulnerable youth in our communities. 
Read and download the FY19 Federal Allocations PDF to see amounts and number of students in various categories.
*The annual  federal tax dollars that KPBSD receives are based on identifying and documenting qualified students and families. Additional federal funds are allocated to Pupil Services (special education) and through the Carl Perkins grant, which supports career and technical education.

  • Title 1 purpose is to provide fair and equitable educational opportunities to students identified as economically disadvantaged. KPBSD’s targeted assistance provides support to identified pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first, and second graders in those schools with more than 35% of enrolled students identified as economically disadvantaged. The ten Title I prekindergarten programs currently serve 217 students. Title I has also provided reading support to 350 kindergarten, first and second grade students in nineteen Title I schools.
  • Title 1C Migrant supports the needs of migratory students across the district. In order to be identified as migratory, students must have traveled away from home a minimum of seven nights and eight days due to economic necessity. KPBSD has 400 migrant students enrolled in the district.
  • McKinney Vento provides clothing, school supplies and transitional services for homeless youth so that they experience consistent, uninterrupted learning opportunities.
  • Title ID Delinquent/Neglected and Youth in Detention provide staffing, professional development, and academic activities to Marathon School, Kenai’s youth detention facility.
  • Title IIA Professional Development funds support the improvement of teacher and principal quality including training on curriculum resources, teacher collaboration opportunities, administrative effective instruction training, new teacher induction, and other professional development events.
  • Title IIIA English Learners provides teacher and tutor training in differentiation strategies to support identified EL students. KPBSD has 332 EL students representing 23 languages.
  • Title IVA Student Support and Academic Enrichment supports activities directed at well-rounded educational opportunities, safe and healthy students, and the effective use of technology.
  • Title VI Indian Education supports tutoring to Native youth in KPBSD middle and high schools. Last year, 68% of students receiving tutoring services through Title VI demonstrated academic improvement.
  • E-Rate funds are used to support telecommunication infrastructure within and between schools. These funds are based on a tiered system of the district’s economically disadvantaged eligibility rate.

To learn more about KPBSD federal programs,
go to

Download the FY19 Federal Allocations PDF to see amounts and number of students in various categories.