Contact your Kenai Peninsula State Legislators

Six state legislators represent Kenai Peninsula Borough Schools

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2019 Kenai Peninsula Borough School District state legislators


1 thought on “Contact your Kenai Peninsula State Legislators

  1. The last two weeks the Road Maintenance to the Kenai is atrocious! Specifically, Turnagain pass, milepost 64-75. This morning was the worst with my wife leaving Kenai at 7AM and getting to “the Wye” several hours later only to run into un-plowed road up in the pass and backed up traffic in whiteout conditions due to a jack-knife semi up the road and down the hill toward Ingram Ck. Yes, the conditions were TERRIBLE as I could see, watching webcam praying my wife would make it through. But that is why 24hr service is needed especially on that part of the highway system. It wasn’t much better one week ago when I had to work in Anchorage and made the trip going through “the pass” at 7AM; un-plowed roads then too. It was all I could do to keep in the ruts and rev’ng my little “swift” in 2nd gear to keep the wheels spinning, keeping up fwd momentum, afraid to stop. I never did see the “pullout signs” to the parking-lots in the pass due to whiteout. But that roads still had 8″ of packed snow was beyond reason.
    I pray that all our Peninsula representative will continue to fight for 24hr road maintenance especially in winter on the Seward and Sterling Highways.

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