Collective Bargaining 8-27-19 between KPBSD and KPEA-KPESA

Bargaining on August 27, 2019 will be streamed via Facebook Live on the @KPBSD page. It’s also open to the public to attend beginning at 4:30 PM in the Soldotna High School library.
During collective bargaining on August 24, 2019, KPEA and KPESA requested information about the health care cost estimate for 2020-2021 (FY21). This document contains the requested information.
August 24, 2019 Collective Bargaining post:
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) package proposal to the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) and Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) to settle FY19-FY20-FY21 bargaining, provided during negotiations on Saturday, August 24, 2019.

PDF: 8.24.19 KPBSD Package Proposal to KPEA and KPESA to settle FY19-FY20-FY21 bargaining

This KPBSD Collective Bargaining webpage contains links to all past proposals and additional facts. (Updates will be made to this webpage on 8.26.19)
Facebook Live videos of bargaining (videos may be viewed through @KPBSD Facebook links):

Additional PDF handouts during bargaining:

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