9/15/19: KPBSD message to parents about emergency school closure

Sunday, September 15, 2019KPBSD logo
KPBSD communications sent this message via emnail to all KPBSD parents and guardians via student contact information in PowerSchool.
Dear KPBSD parents and guardians,
We hear your concerns and care for all of our schools and communities. It’s Sunday evening, and all KPBSD schools will open Monday, September 16, 2019, on a normal schedule.
The school district team worked throughout the weekend, and will continue to work with KPEA and KPESA to reach a Tentative Agreement that would prevent or end this strike. Monday evening the Board of Education will meet in executive session to discuss employee contract negotiations.
We have received questions about how you will learn if the strike will happen, or how schools will be reopened during a work stoppage.
Please prepare for a work stoppage and emergency school closure slated to begin Tuesday, September 17, 2019. A strike will continue until a Tentative Agreement is reached between the school district and the KPEA and KPESA associations. When a Tentative Agreement is reached, we will communicate with everyone through all KPBSD platforms about the opening of schools. On Monday:

  • Make sure that your child takes home any personal belongings he or she may want, and that you pick up any medications from the school nurse.
  • If you have updates to your contact information in PowerSchool, talk to your school secretary, and make sure to opt-in to receive text messages from KPBSD. Simply text “Yes” or “Y” to 67587 to receive text messages to your PowerSchool mobile contact.

Monday may be challenging for you and your family with the unknown about school being in session on Tuesday or in coming days. We will continue to provide you with daily updates every evening, and as soon as a Tentative Agreement is reached.

*The KPEA and KPESA association presidents sent an email to the superintendent of schools the evening of September 13, 2019 giving 72 hours’ notice about a work stoppage beginning September 17, 2019. Read the email letter.