Director Clayton Holland receives State of Alaska Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the Year Award!

“I am honored to receive this award, I hope this is seen as a reflection of the great work our entire district office department team has done along with our outstanding teachers, related services staff, and paraprofessionals that we have working in the KPBSD. I am thankful for our parents and community partners who work with us to provide positive long-term outcomes for our students. As the foundation to what we do, we have focused on building positive relationships and developing a culture across the district that is inclusive and welcoming to all students. One of the departmental highlights has been that we continually improve our graduation rate, and consistently lead the state with the number of student in special education graduating high school in four years. We have also lowered the discipline rate for students with disabilities (nationally, students with disabilities are up to five times as likely to receive long term suspension) to the point that students with disabilities are less than half as likely to face long term suspension.”

Clayton Holland, Director of Student Support Services, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Superintendent John O’Brien said, “I consider our Student Support Services department to be one of the highest performing and well-run departments in this fine district. Clayton is a visionary leader who sweats the small stuff and pays attention to details. His proactive approach to deliver quality professional development and essential trainings for his staff has resulted in exemplary services to our students, very few parental complaints for the size and diversity of our district, and no requests for mediation or due process hearings for as long as I can remember.

Clayton does a fine job overseeing our school psychologists, school nurses, Quest staff (gifted & talented), and our intervention department. He is the district point person for suicide risk assessments, self-harm, and behavioral threat assessments. Last year he spearheaded a major re-vamp of our behavior threat assessment process transforming it into a multi-disciplinary team approach. In addition, he serves as our district lead director for social & emotional learning and for partnerships with community-based behavioral health agencies and services. Mr. Holland is an exemplary educational and instructional leader, and our special education and gifted students are served well by the leadership that Director Holland provides.”

2020 Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the Year Award
Mr. Holland learned he was the recipient of this distinguished state recognition when he heard this spoken at the annual special education conference: “Each year, the Alaska Council of Administrators of Special Education (AK CASE) awards the Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the Year. W. Clement Stone once said, ‘I think there is something more important than believing: ACTION! The world is full of dreamers; there a rent’ enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.’ This year’s recipient demonstrates the actualization of their vision each day by providing quality education and instructional leadership to their district. He always has the students’ educational needs at heart, working tirelessly to ensure that no matter the school, classroom, or student that all students are afforded the opportunity to be successful. He serves as an advocate throughout the district and his community, focusing on the needs of each child individually. He is committed to excellence and holds high expectations for both himself and those he works with. He models acceptance and inclusive practices in his everyday life and work, while working hard to nurture and develop a purposeful and accessible learning environment for all. He has led the idea and the statement ‘They’re all, all of our kids’ which is echoed throughout the district-from the custodians, secretaries, teachers and administrators. We are honored to recognize this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Special Education Administrator of the Year Award -Clayton Holland of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District!”

About Mr. Holland

Mr. Holland has been the director of student support services (formerly known as director of pupil services) for the past 12 years. Prior to this, he served as the assistant director of pupil services, a pupil services program coordinator, and as a special education teacher in the KPBSD. Mr. Holland has experience as a special education teacher in the Lower Yukon School District (three years), and in Missouri (two years).

KPBSD is a district of nearly 9,000 students and over 1,200 employees, and boasts one of the highest graduation rates for special education students in the State of Alaska, and also compares well to the national average.

Mr. Holland has been an active member and leader of the Alaska Council for Administrators of Special Education. He has served as president (2015-2017), has held other officer positions, and has presented at many conferences.

KPBSD Student Support Services