Volunteer Lynn Rickert awarded Golden Apple

Mrs. Lynn Rickert, Sterling Elementary volunteer
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | March 2, 2020

A volunteer at Sterling Elementary School, Mrs. Nada “Lynn” Rickert has logged 277.5 hours since March 2018. Principal Denise Kelly said, “She works well with all of our teachers and our students. She is willing to work with individual students or small groups, complete teacher tasks, make popcorn every Friday, and assists our Native Youth Olympics club. Ms. Lynn does all of these things for our school several times per week. How is she so different from our many other fabulous volunteers? Ms. Lynn does not have any children at Sterling Elementary!”

The teachers who work with Ms. Lynn put into words who she is:

“She is selfless. Many times, she has mentioned helping our kids and teachers before running her own errands in town. Or trying to find a ride to get to school to help when her own car will not start.”

“She has unconditional love for all the students. She always has a smile and a warm welcoming attitude. She is happy to help with any task. Ms. Lynn is genuinely a compassionate lady and her warmth is felt by all.”

“She is humble. She is willing to so any task needed–even if it is something that she has never done before. Always willing to give her time to volunteer. She is very kind and always has a positive attitude.”

“She has a quiet manner, and always asks what can be done. She stays late to get things accomplished. Ms. Lynn comes in and asks if she can help in any way and then accepts the work with a smile.”

“Ms. Lynn is very selfless. She takes on any task with a smile. She cares deeply for staff and students alike. She goes out of her way to notice and talk to students who may be having a rough day. Many of the things Ms. Lynn does to help students and staff are thankless and she avoids recognition (making popcorn, copying, washing dishes, etc.). She try changes the world of Sterling Elementary with kindness.”

“Ms. Lynn is a hidden gem in Sterling,” said her nominator, Principal Kelly. “She works for our school in the only way that she knows how–from the heart! She helps us all in every way asked and is someone that we have all come to rely on.”

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Mrs. Lynn Rickert for her dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.

Sterling Elementary demonstrates “Class Meeting” community building circle at the Board of Education meeting, that also celebrated Mrs. Lynn Rickert. Everyone shared a response to, “I am thankful for…”