Update from KPBSD Superintendent John O'Brien

March 23, 2020

Greetings to our KPBSD community,

Over the past few months we have all experienced a surreal situation unfolding before our very eyes. COVID-19 emerged as an isolated situation that had a profound impact in China but caused little disruption to our daily lives here in the U.S.A. What a different reality we are experiencing now with this virus present in our own communities.

During this time, when spring break is extended and schools closed for students, our incredible staff is hard at work preparing and delivering meals for students, and planning remote learning lessons. The education of our students must continue. Therefore, on Monday, March 30, students will “return to virtual schooling and remote learning activities,” by State Health Mandate 008.

On a personal note, in addition to the challenges of this pandemic, the Friday before spring break I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. I have been out of state receiving medical care and diagnostic testing. This week on Tuesday, I will undergo surgery and begin treatment. I feel blessed that it was caught early and my prognosis is good once surgery and treatment occur. I am thankful for our incredible Leadership Team which has risen to the occasion and will continue to lead our school district while I focus on my health, treatment, and recovery. During my absence, Assistant Superintendent Dave Jones is serving as Acting Superintendent until my return.

I thank each of you for your courage and resilience during these difficult, trying, and uncertain times. I wish you all well. We will come out of this stronger and more united than before. Take care of yourselves, your friends, and family.

KPBSD Superintendent John O’Brien

With hope for the future,

John O’Brien

Superintendent, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

6 thoughts on “Update from KPBSD Superintendent John O'Brien

  1. Dear Mr. O’Brien,
    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Please know our family will have you and your family in our prayers. As a Care Taker for my Mom who was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the beginning of the school year. I know took my Mom to The Cancer Treatment Centers of America, in Phoenix, AZ. It was a very stressful time for my family, especially my as it is his freshman year. And I was gone, missed homecoming, his birthday. Having said that I want to commend Mrs. Randle , as she was very helpful a few times when I needed someone to help. Again we will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless,
    Patti Coghill

  2. Wishing you a healthy recovery, Mr. O’Brien! You and your family are in our thoughts. Wishing you well❤️

  3. We are wishing you a speedy recovery and we are deeply sorry you are suffering from cancer. Prayers for you and your family and #*uckcancer!

  4. John and Jen our good thoughts and prayers for both of you. John may your recovery and health proceed well and quickly. Jen, may you continue to be strong. Be safe and hope to see you both soon.

  5. Sending prayers your way surrounding you and your family. Thank you for always looking out for the students and families of the KPBSD!

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