KPBSD Update 3.25.20

NEW! Remote Learning Resources For Parents
This web page is your go-to resource as everyone transitions from interacting with students face-to-face in classrooms to Remote Learning. You will find a collection of general academic and support links on this page to help serve the academic needs of K-12 learners. Tip: Bookmark the Remote Learning Resources web page

Guidelines for Offline Learning Materials
Read the details
We’ve heard concerns about student belongings and materials, when you can pick them up, how to pick them up, and who has touched items. Please call your school directly if you have questions or concerns.
KPBSD implements every state health alert and mandate, and has a Symptom Free Schools Protocol in place. The limited staff who are still at work in schools practice social distancing, and the focus of custodians is to keep buildings sanitized and clean.

Please give a thank you – from a distance – to hard working KPBSD staff who are heeding the call to continue to educate all our youth as part of the Alaska Critical Workforce in these extraordinary times. The coronavirus is passed primarily by breathing in droplets when an infected person has coughed or sneezed, so continue to wash your hands frequently, be calm, practice social distancing, and stay home close to your immediate family.

Internet Access Offers for students and teachers
Local providers, including Alaska Communications, GCI, and SpitwSpots are offering Internet Access Resources for students and educator who need connectivity in this exceptional time of COVID-19.

“Get-It and Go” Free Meals for KPBSD Students
If you want to sign-up, or stop delivery, please call Student Nutrition Services at 714-8890.


Learn more about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at

For non-clinical related questions please call 2-1-1 or 1-800-478-2221, or contact your health provider