June 29, 2020 KPBSD Update

KPBSD Sports & Activities webpage

There is a new opponent on the Kenai Peninsula—meet COVID-19, who changed the game plan and conditions for summer activities and play in KPBSD schools. Several schools have plans approved now, and youth are practicing. Read the “Playing Safely” Peninsula Clarion June 18, 2020 article. Pools at Skyview Middle School and Kenai Central High School are reopening.

You can learn more at the KPBSD Sports and Activities COVID-19 webpage, and read a letter to students, families, and staff about summer activities.

Everyone needs to be a superhero and do their part so that schools open to students. Make sure to wash your hands, watch your 6’ feet, and wear a mask when appropriate. In a pandemic, personal choices count and it will take teamwork from all of us to keep positive COVID counts down, summer sports happening, and schools to open to students in August.

Helpful Resources

August SmartStart 2020

As preparations continue for the reopening of schools in August, you can count on parental choice, consistency and continuity, and symptom free schools. During the July 13, 2020 Board of Education meeting, the SmartStart 2020 plan will be shared, then posted online that week. The KPBSD planning committee of district leadership, administrators, and others are working diligently. We will meet with the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Education and Early Development in early July to define updated risk determinations in order to keep schools open to students and staff. More details will be available to respond to your questions in mid-July. Thank you for your patience!