Weekly Update: a video, cloth face masks, a poll, a FAQ

Dear KPBSD students, families, and staff,

Greetings! This week Superintendent O’Brien has a video message* for you about the new cloth face covering decision in KPBSD schools, a request that you take a brief poll about what you think your school choice would be, and current COVID19 risk levels. Today the district leadership team and all 42 school principals and assistant principals met for several hours to plan for the new school year!

View video on YouTube, or go to @KPBSD Facebook to watch

Quick School Choice Poll
Schools need your help
: kindly take a less than one-minute poll asking, if you had to choose today, Which K-12 learning option would be best for your child?

Responses will assist principals and school instructional leaders during the Leadership Academy next week with plans for the opening of school on August 24, 2020. This is not your definitive answer—you will receive a separate required “Returning School Information Update” response form next week.

Your quick poll response is needed by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2020.

Quick poll: Which KPBSD school option would you choose today?

NEW! All KPBSD staff, and students in third grade and above, will be required to wear cloth face coverings whenever 6’ physical distancing is not possible.

Cloth face coverings will be required for KPBSD staff and everyone in grades three and above, if 6′ physical distancing is not possible.

Cloth face coverings will be required in KPBSD schools in all COVID19 risk levels (low, medium, high) for all staff, and students in third grade and older, whenever a 6’ physical distancing is not possible. If a cloth or clear face covering is medically inappropriate or cannot be worn, a face shield that extends at least to the chin and around the sides of the face will be allowed. Students in grades Pre-K through second grade will not be required to wear a face covering, yet do still need to have a cloth face covering in their school supplies. They will be directed when and if they need to wear them. Handwashing and physical distancing will emphasized in all grades.

Smart Start 2020 Frequently Asked Questions Flyer

Make sure to do something kind for yourself this week. We know this might be hard, we are confident in our plan, and being flexible, along with staying hopeful that schools will open, and stay open. This year will be better than “last year with a mask on” and it will take all of us working together with resiliency, and kindness toward each other.

ps: Please take a minute to complete the poll – it will really help with planning the best school year possible for all students, and our hard working staff.


REFERENCE: Which K-12 learning option will be best for you? Review or download the PDF

ONSITE at Your KPBSD School
Learning at your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school

100% Remote with Your KPBSD School
Learning with your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school

HOMESCHOOL: Enrollment in KPBSD Connections Homeschool program
Learning is designed by families with a Connections Teacher Advisor and facilitated by parents

Kindly note: if you ask questions in a comment, I’ll do my best to review them a few times a week, and respond. You can always contact your school, or call the district office at 907 – 714 – 8888 – Pegge Erkeneff, Director of Communications