New: COVID19 Risk Levels in KPBSD dashboard

Example dated August 20, 2020

When the onset of COVID-19 happened, the need to make rational and informed operational decisions became primary for the health and safety of our students, staff, and communities. KPBSD incorporated science-based guidance to assist in our decision-making processes.

Find COVID19 Risk Level information for KPBSD schools in two places:

Webpage: KPBSD and COVID19 Risk Level descriptions, and information

DASHBOARD: KPBSD and COVID19 Risk Levels, updated daily from State of Alaska official counts

The KPBSD COVID19 risk webpage offers detailed information and shows low, medium, or high risk in three general areas of the Kenai Peninsula, and small communities. The risk determination is made in conjunction with the State of Alaska actual 14 day case counts, state seven day averages of positive cases, Public Health, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), the Alaska Department of Education and Early Learning (DEED), Kenai Peninsula cooperators, and the KPBSD COVID19 Community Risk Level Medical Advisory Group.

First version is live!
The new COVID19 Risk Level for KPBSD schools dashboard updates automatically with data from the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) daily positive state case counts. You can find it from the homepage, and in future weeks, it will be automatically updated and visible on 42 school websites. Updates are daily.

Example dated August 19, 2020
Example dated August 19, 2020

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