How RESPONSIVE fits into the KPBSD educational strategy

Four key areas define the KPBSD five year strategic plan. In this two minute video, Superintendent Sean Dusek explains how Responsive is a core element:

Learn more about the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan

Video text
Hello! This is Sean Dusek and today we are going to examine what Responsiveness means in KPBSD.
As you know, we are working hard to refine our instructional approach for each student in our schools. With that being said, our foundational philosophy is still centered on the concept of a strong, positive relationship between every teacher and each of their students. In order to strengthen this foundation, our teachers believe that every student can learn and hold high expectations for that learning. A growth mindset for all teachers and students is critical.
The Alaska State Standards define what each student should know. Our teachers understand what engages each student through the foundation of a strong, positive relationship. This allows teachers to build assessments tailored to each student to determine if they are proficient in a given standard. The assessment is very likely much more than a test and is relevant to the individual child.
If a student cannot demonstrate proficiency on a given standard, we respond in a variety of ways with that individual. The learning environment is of the highest quality with specific interventions and a wide-variety of instructional practices that fit what an individual child needs, when they need it. If a student easily demonstrates proficiency, we respond with other opportunities for growth that expands the depth of knowledge for the child.
Overall, KPBSD responsiveness is about the instructional environment and expanding the quality of it for each individual. This will take outstanding and focused professional learning opportunities for teachers and leaders as the instructional toolbox is deepened to optimize student learning.
Thank you!
Responsive: Be immersed in a high quality instructional environment:

  • Prioritize strong, positive relationships with all students to support their social and emotional needs
  • Teachers will utilize a repertoire of high-yield instructional strategies that  are research-based, high quality instructional strategies, within the instructional environment
  • Develop a culture of continuous innovation within all schools across the district
  • Professional learning is embedded and ongoing, resulting in continuous growth and innovation
  • Develop a highly reliable and efficient organization through online and concurrent collaboration tools
