KPBSD hiring Superintendent of Schools

News Release KPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Soldotna, February 13, 2019–The Board of Education of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) is searching for a superintendent; applications are open until March 15, 2019. The Board of Education accepted Superintendent Dusek’s retirement in January, and approved the search for a new superintendent to open during their February 11, 2019, board meeting. The detailed position description and application details are online at
The successful candidate will have outstanding educational leadership and advocacy skills. They will possess and demonstrate a strong background in improving student learning in a culturally responsive and student-centered approach. The board is especially interested in a leader with high integrity who has proven experience as an effective educational administrator and school system leader. The preferred candidate should have demonstrated expertise in school district finance and budget management, human resources and effective curriculum and instruction implementation. The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is perhaps one of the most diverse districts in the state regarding community size, ethnicity, and religious composition.
Application and Timetable
The Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB) is facilitating the search. The following is the timetable the Board has established for the superintendent search:
Application deadline:                           March 15, 2019 (midnight)
Selection of Finalists:                            March 21, 2019
Onsite Interviews with the Board:          April 4 (Alternate date is April 11th if needed)

Employment begins:                              July 1, 2019

Application Materials should be sent to:

[Digital submission of materials is highly desired, preferably as PDF files.]
Association of Alaska School Boards
1111 W. 9th St., Juneau, Alaska 99801
Phone: (907) 586-1083
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is one of the top performing districts in the state of Alaska encompassing 21 communities within 25,600 square miles and serves nearly 9,000 students. Four of the district’s schools are accessible only by water or air; one by hiking or all-terrain vehicle. Each school day, more than 2,700 students are transported a total of 7,200 miles on school buses throughout the District.

8 KPBSD schools MAP 2016