Snapshot: Kenai Peninsula graduate inspirations #ClassOf2016

One school district: 43 diverse schools: Kenai Peninsula graduate inspirations

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District encompasses 25,600 miles, with 43 diverse schools including neighborhood schools, a K-12 school house, Russian Old Believer schools, a performance based school, four charter schools, Connections Homeschool, and four schools only accessible by boat or plane. Meet #ClassOf2016 graduate inspirations
Class of 2016

Three years ago, these young people were beginning their last few months of K-12 education in Kenai Peninsula schools.

These student graduate snapshots 
demonstrate Kenai Peninsula school success.
A full story is online for each graduate—click their name to read on.

Valedictorian, his academic achievements, including a 4.069 GPA, graduating with 32.5 credits, and scoring a 35 on his ACT, only begin to describe Jayce’s successes. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Jayce has a passion for music…

When she enrolled, she was behind on credits and questioning the role education would play in her life. Jenna’s transformation from reluctant learner to head of her class came with a lot of hard work and determination, but with the support of her family, she persevered…

Apart from earning straight A’s in the most rigorous classes Homer High School offers, including seven Advanced Placement (AP) classes, Nolan managed to build a résumé that looks more like a list of volunteer opportunities rather than anything anyone could have actually done, and done so well: Briggs and Stratton Master Service Technician, multiple state champion and team captain in both Drama Debate and Forensics (DDF) as well as in Skills USA, volunteer-extraordinaire for various local non-profits in the fields of marine biology, ornithology, and veterinary…

Melissa will be joining the United States Army on July 18, 2016, when she heads to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Following basic training, PFC Bower will then go to San Antonio, Texas, where she will begin her formal training and studies to become a nurse in the military…

A three sport athlete, Alli has held the position of captain and been recognized on various levels for her athletic ability and leadership strengths. Due to her personal experience with a sports accident that had her frequenting the dentist office throughout her junior and senior year of high school, Alli hopes to, “help others and give people confidence” while pursuing her goal of owning her dentistry practice…

Through the 13 years we’ve had these students in our school, we’ve seen these students work through personal and academic risk factors that some might say were insurmountable or impossible for any student to overcome. But, our nine overcame all the risk factors, grew in their academic performance and critical thinking, and have made achievable dreams for their future…

Valedictorian, Cade is a champion for his community, and takes pride in serving his community through mentoring youth in sports and recreational activities at the North Peninsula Recreation Center. The impacts are clear that the children mentored by Cade exemplify the highest levels of sportsmanship, teamwork, compassion for others. Cade’s credibility as an emotionally intelligent leader solidified through his years at Nikiski Middle-High by being chosen as the team captain on the football team that earned state berths to the championship game and was awarded academic state champions four straight years, being a member of the National Honor Society that led NMHS in service learning opportunities…

She graduates with a 4.0 GPA and 21 college credits through Kenai Peninsula College utilizing the KPB Jump Start program. Krista earned the UA Scholar Scholarship, the Alaska Performance Scholarship and was awarded the first year tuition waiver at Kenai Peninsula College (KPC). Her plans are to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice…

In her senior year, Kelsey volunteered in the Headstart classroom and would often report about how positive her experiences were in the classroom. Her natural caregiving instincts will serve her well as she goes on to pursue post-secondary education in veterinary science…

Haley participated in the United National Indian Tribal Youth Conference her sophomore year and was chosen to attend the Youth Leader Conference at the White House in the summer of 2015. She has been recognized as an honoree in the UNITY “25 under 25” program of young leaders. A member of the Nondalton tribe, she participates in local activities with the Kenaitze tribe…

Maddy set a goal early in her high school career to travel abroad and volunteer to work with animals. Her research landed her in Yungas, Bolivia, at La Senda Verde (which means The Green Path). Maddy secured a position for two and a half months. She saved the money from her summer job to buy her tickets, visa, and pay for her volunteer position…

Kayla, class valedictorian, said, “With my advanced degree, I can not only become a rare female engineer, but also a female leader, inspiring similar young women to challenge occupational stereotypes and enter the field of engineering to pursue their passion for math and science. This state has taught me that being a part of a community, whether it’s a large town or small village, not only requires participation, but also contribution and dedication.” …

Salutatorian, Aiden attended school at SBE from K-12th grade and exemplified what all students should strive to be. He worked hard in school, out of school, and on the basketball court. Aiden will be attending Clarke University, Dubuque, Iowa, where he received an academic and basketball scholarship, and will pursue a degree in Sports Physical Therapy. He has challenged himself by taking college classes, AP classes, and being very involved with community service…

Alexey, who will be attending Job Corps for Facilities Maintenance this fall, after commercial fishing this summer, demonstrated excellent initiative and follow through every step of the way, and is a prime example of the success and confidence that can be gained when young people invest themselves into the academic, career and technical education, and athletic opportunities available…
#AKlearns #KenaiLearns #results
The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.
Do you have a story tip about a KPBSD graduate to profile in our Wednesday Inspiration? Kindly email Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications liaison,