The Honorable Representative Paul Seaton awarded Golden Apple

2019-09 Paul Seaton Golden Apple.pptx

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
The Honorable Paul Seaton, Alaska House of Representatives
Golden Apple Award | September 9, 2019

Golden Apple nominator Sean Dusek said, “It is with great pleasure that I nominate Paul Seaton for a Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Golden Apple Award for his tireless support of public education in Alaska.” The Honorable Paul Seaton, Alaska House of Representatives, is a long-time Kenai Peninsula Borough resident, a successful businessperson, and public servant. He served as a leader in the Homer community before serving as a State Representative from 2003-2018. His time in the State House of Representatives culminated as the House Finance Co-Chair where he led Alaska in its strong support of public education during a critical time in the history of this state.
Representative Seaton took great risk to do what was right and serve all Alaskans, especially those who could not necessarily speak for themselves—our children. Former Superintendent of Schools Dusek said, “He protected public education throughout his legislative career and consistently expected better results, innovative practices, and a high return on investment. By championing adequate funding with high expectations, our district worked hard to deliver, and I believe he is quite proud of our results, current students, and graduates. With his leadership, personal technology has engaged students from Chapman to Nanwalek. Data shows this engagement led to higher student achievement as well as increased attendance.”
Representative Seaton made a tremendous difference in the lives of the students in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. He championed a healthy life style—especially with Vitamin D, a safe and supportive school environment, an engaging and innovative instructional environment, and a fully funded public school system. This has made the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District one of the best districts in Alaska and we thank him for all he has done and hope he continues to be actively engaged with our schools.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize the Honorable Paul Seaton, Alaska House of Representatives, for his dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.