KPBSD Guidelines for Offline Learning Materials

Distance or remote learning instruction for all grades will take place primarily online beginning March 30, 2020, through May 1, 2020

On March 30, 2020, a new phase of education begins for Kenai Peninsula schools. This shift will involve adaptability and flexibility for educators, students, and KPBSD families.

The primary method of education delivery will be online. However, to ensure that every student has access to learning materials and activities, KPBSD will provide the opportunity for parents and students to access printed copies of materials if necessary, regardless of computer and internet access at home. Teachers and principals will coordinate scheduled times at the school level to arrange for delivery of offline learning materials to families. Parents and students are asked to work with the student’s teacher, or principal, for arrangements that work best for individual family situations. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance or help.

KPBSD is diligently working to protect the safety and wellbeing of staff, parents, and students by following symptom-free schools protocol and state quarantine mandates for employees who enter our buildings. Everyone must practice social distancing, and limit contact as much as possible. These Covid-19 health guidelines for the exchange of offline learning materials were created, and could be revised in the future:

  • Each school will establish a process or location outside of their building where materials will be available for parent or student pick-up. Prior to pick up, the school will clearly communicate their process to families
  • No paperwork or other offline learning materials or assignments given to a family should come back to the school
  • To return offline work and assignments back to teachers for grading, families could:
    • Scan and email materials    
    • Utilize free methods to take photos of homework with a phone, and email the assignment directly to the child’s teacher                      
    • Relay answers via phone to their teachers.

If any of these ideas create a hardship, please contact the teacher or principal for coordination of assignments and work.

In an abundance of coronavirus precaution, with so many unknowns, KPBSD recommends families quarantine materials from schools for 72 hours before accessing them. #SocialDistance

KPBSD Parent Resource webpage
COVID-19 and KPBSD webpage

1 thought on “KPBSD Guidelines for Offline Learning Materials

  1. This has been done for college education very effectively for a long time so this can work with patience and perseverance. I think the way the future seems to be going we may need to utilize these types of resources in many different situations.

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