KPBSD Update: 3.27.20

March 27, 2020 KPBSD Update

Weekend message from KPBSD: get outside and play before school starts on Monday, March 30, 2020, but practice responsible social distancing of 6’ or more, wash your hands for 20 seconds or more, and wipe surfaces like cell phones, water bottles, door knobs, counters, faucets and, don’t touch your face!

This evening two new State Health Mandates were issued. What is important to understand? KPBSD is an (vi) essential business, and a (9) “educational institution facilitating distance learning.” Meals will continue and school will begin on Monday via distance delivery.

All Staff Message
Acting Superintendent of Schools Dave Jones emailed KPBSD staff today with this message. Please celebrate the historic effort that KPBSD employees made in the past two weeks!

Dear Staff,

On Monday, March 30, 2020, KPBSD will enter into a new and unknown arena of delivering instruction to all of our students through distance delivery. We have been able to reach a readiness level to do so, thanks to the diligent and productive work of all of our employees. I want to take this time to recognize and thank each of you for your efforts and contributions!

Governor Dunleavy issued COVID-19 Health Mandate 010 on March 23, 2020. Attachment A – Alaska Critical Workforce Infrastructure, states that:

Certain critical infrastructure industries have a special responsibility in these times to continue operations.

At this time, critical industries and entities in Alaska include:

              n. Educational institutions facilitating distance learning;

As one of the designated critical industries, we will strive to provide quality instruction through distance learning to all of our students. Through your efforts, we have created a platform of instruction that will enable us to move forward in these uncertain times.

In the last two weeks, we have encountered a constantly changing situation, and together we have adapted. I am sure we will see more changes ahead. It is our intention to continually work to find solutions to these changes that will allow KPBSD to move forward with our critical mission of providing distance learning to our students.

Please make time this weekend to take a deep breath or two and relax. I am confident that come Monday, our students will return to their virtual classrooms and be met with quality instruction. Thank you again for your efforts and contributions that have brought us to this point.

Dave Jones
Assistant Superintendent

Helpful Resources:


Learn more about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at

For non-clinical related questions please call 2-1-1 or 1-800-478-2221, or contact your health provider