KPBSD Update 3.29.20

School begins Monday!
These next few months will require a growth mindset for each of us. Your school district staff is here to help you as together we navigate the shift to virtual schooling and remote learning activities. We have an opportunity to learn together, and ask you to join in this historic time to learn, stretch, and discover things we did not know we could do!

Message from the KPBSD Instructional Team

Dear Parents & Students,

Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, and most importantly, your trust in our teachers and staff to continue to hold your student’s best interests close as we navigate through these truly historic times!

KPBSD educators are working carefully to:

  • Ensure students have an appropriate balance of online and offline work so students do not spend too much time in front of a computer.
  • Define appropriate amounts of work for students to perform in a Remote Learning environment. This link describes workload descriptions, separated by grade spans with time recommendations.
  • Ensure every student has access to learning materials and activities, regardless of computer and internet access at home.

Although delivery of our Remote Learning instruction will primarily take place online, parents and students will have access to hard copies of materials as needed. Principals and teachers are working directly with parents, and there are various options for both delivery of material, as well as returning completed work back to teachers. Kindly work with your student’s teacher, or principal, for arrangements that work for your family situation.

As school districts around our state and nation begin shifting where and how instruction happens, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development Commissioner Michael Johnson reminded us that “Teaching is not a location; it’s a relationship and action.” Regardless of where and how we serve parents, guardians, and students, we are committed first, to maintain and enhance our relationships with parents and students, while also providing the highest quality instruction possible.

There is no question that challenges face us ahead as we navigate this new format of teaching and learning, but KPBSD is prepared, and our teachers and staff are up to the challenge. Working together to accomplish great things is what Alaska has always been about, and we have confidence in our ability to work in partnership to provide the best learning experiences for every one of our 8,500 students!


The KPBSD Instructional Team

Helpful Resources:


Learn more about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at

For non-clinical related questions please call 2-1-1 or 1-800-478-2221, or contact your health provider

1 thought on “KPBSD Update 3.29.20

  1. Please give instruction for exactly how the student is to get online, access information, and carry out said lesson, and then submit this lesson. A timeline is expected to have lessons completed by.

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