KPBSD Update: 3.31.20

March 31, 2020 KPBSD Update

To our parents and students, day two of remote learning is a wrap! Are you energized, exhausted, frustrated, inspired? We know it may be bumpy, and it will get easier. KPBSD staff had two intense weeks to prepare for the beginning of this huge shift to deliver education on the Kenai Peninsula. Now, it is your time for that learning curve of the newness and figuring everything out. Be patient, reach out to your school staff or principal, and know that together we can and will do this—for all our families and youth. #GrowthMindset

Starting today, a few times a week KPBSD will share a short spotlight about “virtual schooling and remote learning activities” in KPBSD. Today, take a look at Mrs. Beck’s Fantastic 5th Seward Elementary virtual classroom and story!

It is critically important to practice responsible social distancing. Today, during a briefing to the nation, Dr. Deborah L. Birx said, “Each of our behaviors will change the course of this virus in the next 30 days.”

Thank you to Alex France for her Social Distancing for Alaskans graphic:

Helpful Resources for KPBSD families:


For non-clinical COVID-19 related questions call 2-1-1 or 1-800-478-2221, or contact your health provider