KPBSD 6.3.20 update: Survey | Strength | Safety

Q: What did you–youth and parents or guardians–experience during remote learning?

A: Tell KPBSD in a simple SURVEY for students, parents & guardians

How did the March to May remote learning work for you and your family? Your response will help KPBSD plan for a Smart Start for school in August. Our 20 person planning team is meeting several times a week, and you’ll hear more about that throughout June and July.
Your thoughts will assist: we’re at 1,400+ responses & the goal is 5,000+ by June 8, 2020. Kindly invest a few minutes to respond:

Sources of Strength Family Toolkit

Take a deep breath! We all have strengths, and your social and emotional health is important. Download a wonderful booklet with activities and resources for all ages. #WhatHelpsUs #KPBSDstrong

Safety: Create your COVID-19 Family Plan

Have you made your plan for what will happen if the caregiver or caregivers in the family become ill with COVID-19? Who is in your Circle Of Support? Download a helpful three-page resource to create or refine your plan.

Connect with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District throughout the summer. Call during office hours 907-714-8888. Visit the website for online registration, and regular updates about COVID-19, and the KPBSD planning and response.

1 thought on “KPBSD 6.3.20 update: Survey | Strength | Safety

  1. Let it go! Covid is turning out to be less serious than the annual flu. Shelter in place is for nursing homes not school aged children. Children don’t get sick. New information indicates many more have been infected and recover without even knowing it. The time for Flattening the curve is over. It Will be politically difficult to Admit we all over reacted with the lockdown. But. Now is the time for truth. A strong economy makes people healthy. Open schools in the fall of 2020 just like fall of 2019. The human body needs to be exposed in order to strengthen the immune system. Lockdown and hand washing and masks are proven to make it worse !

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