Soldotna High School freshmen iNspire

Soldotna High School (SoHi) freshmen surprise Mr. Walton with a freshly painted ceiling tile with the iNspire logo and their handprints, demonstrating their personal commitment to make a positive difference.

Freshmen students at Soldotna High School (SoHi) discovered a new resource to find inspiration: themselves. Soldotna English teacher Matt Walton recently designed a website specifically to showcase freshmen students who achieve success in academics, sports, or extra-curricular activities, overcome a personal challenge, or perform a good deed. Walton says, “I wanted to design an inspirational website for our freshmen that would be student driven through their own personal success stories. I called the site iNspire, as in I inspire, which in itself represents the central theme of the website.”
As Walton hears of or discovers a new student achievement, with that student’s permission, he uploads a picture or video of the student, along with a brief summary of the student achievement into his website and then links the site to his class webpage. Once a student story is uploaded to the iNspire webpage, Walton informs SoHi counselor Erin Neisinger of the new student entry, and she then places a “positive home call” to that student’s parents.
Response to the iNspire website has been extremely positive as students see and read about themselves and their peers’ accomplishments. Walton stresses, “A good self-image is absolutely essential to any student’s success, and this website offers our freshmen the opportunity to see themselves in a favorable light and for them to also consider the value of working hard to achieve a goal or overcome a personal challenge.” He adds, “If it is true that what we focus on we give power to, then iNspire is an opportunity for our SoHi freshmen class to focus on their positive achievements and to realize that they have the choice to iNspire not only for their good, but also for the good of others.”
Visit the iNspire website

Important Pre-K dates in April and May 2014

Media Release

Pre-Kindergarten Title I assessments take place in April and May

Will your child be four years old by September 1, 2014?Print

Soldotna, April 2, 2014—Children who will be four years old by September 1, 2014, have an opportunity to attend pre-kindergarten classes at their local area school in the fall. To qualify for the classes, parents and guardians must contact their local area school to schedule a Pre-K assessment, and complete an application prior to the school screening appointment date.
“The Title I funded Pre-K programs available at specific sites in the KPBSD provide an excellent opportunity for children who turn four by September 1, 2014, to get a jumpstart on success in school,” said Christine Ermold, director of elementary education. “KPBSD’s Pre-K teachers are all certified and have specialized training in early childhood education. As a result, the programs they offer are engaging and developmentally appropriate, with an emphasis on preparing children to be successful when they enter kindergarten. Pre-K the KPBSD way focuses on experiences that facilitate each child’s growth in the targeted areas of social and emotional development; approaches to learning; communication, language, and literacy; cognitive development, and; physical well-being.”

 Action steps

  1. Contact local attendance area school. (See list)
  2. Complete a Pre-K application—the school office will provide applications, or download a Pre-K application from the KPBSD website.
  3. Return the application to your neighborhood school office during school hours. Schedule your child’s assessment prior to the date for your neighborhood school. (See dates on school list.)
  4. Children must be age 4 by September 1, 2014
  5. Title I KPBSD programs web link: Title 1 programs at KPBSD

KPBSD Title I Elementary School Screening dates
Students qualify for Title I services based on academic need.

  • Chapman Elementary, 235-8671, April 24, 2014
  • Mountain View Elementary, 283-8600, April 15, 2014
  • Nikiski North Star Elementary, 776-2600, April 17, 2014
  • Paul Banks Elementary, 226-1801, April 10, 2014
  • Redoubt Elementary, 260-4300, April 29, 2014
  • Seward Elementary, 224-3356, May 6, 2014
  • Soldotna Elementary, 260-5100, April 29, 2014
  • Sterling Elementary, 262-4944, April 30, 2014
  • Tustumena Elementary, 260-1345, April 16, 2014

Title I programs are required to utilize effective, research based instruction, and must also provide evidence that students receiving Title I support are showing academic growth.

Priceless art time
Pre-K the KPBSD way!


This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
New: Suggest or contribute a story online link:
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

KPBSD celebrates employee Greg Zorbas

Kenai Central High School teacher Greg Zorbas named ASTE* 2014 Teacher of the Year!

“My biggest take away from this award is the fact that the program that Rob Sparks, Gregory Weissenberg, and I started eight years ago has changed the way we teach. With over 80 years of experience we are still willing to look at new ways of delivering history. When Gregory retired it forced us to change again how we are doing things and now Rob and I are team teaching from two different buildings. The use of video conferencing around the world is a means to enhance our curriculum but the collaboration that has happened because of the video has allowed us to develop a new strategy for teaching. The collaboration allowed us to focus on our concept of thinking historically which is continually making kids think at higher levels. A better lesson is the result of three or four teachers working together—who are not afraid to have themselves and their lessons evaluated. We created a history class that kids don’t want to miss; they use the video technology to be in class when they are gone. It’s a class where before the bell rings to begin class, kids start working, and after the bell rings to end class, continue without being told to do so. I think I have always been able to relate to kids and find ways to be a successful good teacher but I have never been more excited and worked harder in my career. We really are developing a strategy that has kids using history to understand the present and in many cases think about the future.” –Greg Zorbas

greg and cathy award
Mr. Zorbas’ work with his students using technology to access classrooms from around the world is inspiring,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent. “The learning opportunities that he brings to his class are an excellent way to broaden his students’ perspective on the taught content.”
“Greg Zorbas of the Kenai Peninsula School District is, first of all, a world history teacher. He is one, though, with an affinity for collaborative technology and one who quickly mobilizes those technologies to broadly engage students and foster learning. Today there are fifteen educators in eight Kenai Peninsula schools whose classes routinely connect via videoconference, all thanks to Greg blazing an electronic trail for us. Students now routinely collaborate via their many technology devices with teams from other schools in the district or interact with an expert (e.g., a Soviet gulag survivor) thousands of miles away. None of this would have happened without Greg’s gift for adapting technology to the curriculum. Time and time again, I have seen an apathetic student enter Greg’s world of connected learning, get excited about his technology and opportunities, and then transfer that enthusiasm into lesson content.
I am one of the teachers who Greg has touched and I will tell you that Greg is really not so much about technology–mere bits and bytes–as he is about teaching! Though he and I each have 20-plus years in the classroom, I am a far more effective teacher today than I was eight years ago when Greg started us on our journey. His technology has served as a catalyst for reinventing (and re-energizing!) our instructional methodology. Indeed, his enthusiasm is infectious–how can you do a half-hearted job when you know Greg was in at 0400 setting up your conference?
While Greg is a classroom teacher, you must understand that his classroom is The World. Via videoconference he takes his students across the globe. He also, though, brings an international coterie of technology-enabled educators into his classroom. For instance, in 2013 Greg led a workshop on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) collaboration at the ISTE conference while his students back home presented projects to the distant audience and answered questions regarding the experience. Students learned world history, sure, but they also gained poise and 21st Century skills interacting with a sophisticated international audience.
In my two decades as a classroom teacher, I have never met anyone more committed than Greg to the concept of student success. He has a vision for the future and how his students should have their part in it. He is absolutely tireless in attacking impediments in their way.
On behalf of all of those: the tenth-graders and their parents in Soldotna, the colleagues across the Kenai Peninsula, fellow Alaskan teachers, and the international body of educational innovators who have learned from this remarkable teacher, it is my privilege to nominate Gregory Scott Zorbas as the 2014 ASTE Teacher of the Year.” – Rob Sparks, KPBSD teacher
CWOW Zorbas KCHS 1“I have been invited to the many videoconferencing (VC) events Greg plans for KCHS students outside the school day,” said Karla Barkman, district librarian and technology integration coach. “He uses Polycom’s CAPSpace, Global Nomads, and The Manhattan School of Music to expose his students to people and ideas they would never have access to in Kenai. He most recently arranged four VC sessions in which his students have opportunity to interact with students in Tunisia. Due to time difference, these events are often early in the morning (as early as 5:00 am) and yet students come for the experience.
Besides being an excellent teacher, Greg takes time to provide support and professional development for those he works with. He has assisted teachers in some of our small district schools connect with a class in a bigger school to create more offerings for the small school students. Students who may be the only one in their grade at a small school, join a class at a larger school, via VC, and become part of that class. As a result, Greg has become the go-to person for a lot of educators who are interested in video conferencing. He never refuses his help.
The most recent project I partnered with Greg on was creating a PD event for KPBSD teachers introducing sources that provide quality video conference content. We organized a half-day session where presenters from Polycom, The Manhattan School of Music, and Whirlidurb presented content sources. Participants joined the event live or virtually using Polycom and Microsoft Lync.”
Alaska Society for Technology in Education (ASTE)
Polycom video: Greg Zorbas Named 2014 Alaska Teacher of the Year
CWOW story

Public Education Legislative Action Alert – HB 278

The House Finance Committee is sponsoring a public hearing to discuss House Bill 278. “Education: Funding/Tax Credits/Programs”

Two minute public testimony is invited on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, beginning at 5:30 PM.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District:

  • SUPPORTS the need to increase public school funding through the Base Student Allocation (BSA). A $268 increase would provide a balanced Fiscal Year 2015 budget.
  • SUPPORTS the repeal and replacement of the High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE)
  • BELIEVES the current process for charter school approval and school district oversight works well. (KPBSD school choices)

Read the letter Superintendent Steve Atwater sent to Representative Austerman, regarding HB278, on March 17, 2014. Click to see all KPBSD letters to legislators.
Please consider watching or listening online, or testifying from your local Legislative Information Office (LIO) when the House Finance Committee hears public testimony.
Link: LIO office locations
House Finance Committee
Co-Chair Alan Austerman  
Co-Chair Bill Stoltze              
Vice Chair: Mark Neuman  
Mia Costello                             
Bryce Edgmon                         
Les Gara                                     
David Guttenberg                  
Lindsey Holmes                     
Cathy Munoz                            
Steve Thompson                     
Tammie Wilson                      
PrintKenai Peninsula Borough School District  |  |  907.714.8888
Link: KPBSD and The Legislature webpage

KPBSD and the Alaska State Legislature

“All political power is inherent in the people. All government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the people as a whole.” – The Constitution of the State of Alaska, January 3, 1959

PrintKPBSD created a webpage “KPBSD and the Legislature” to help you navigate to valuable links for the Alaska legislative session. Also included are links to letters written by KPBSD in support or opposition to pending education-related legislation.
Visit the webpage to learn about:

  • KPBSD Legislative Priorities
  • KPBSD Legislator Communications
  • Links
  • Legislative Information Office (LIO)
  • Kenai Peninsula Legislators
  • Watch Live
  • Apps

Please email to express what else would be helpful to include on the webpage.
To access the page from scroll to the link in “Community Interest” on the homepage, or navigate from the KPBSD “Communications” department.

Opportunity knocks: high school students to attend Job and Career Fair in Kenai

Media ReleasePrint
KPBSD juniors and seniors to attend career and job fair
Soldotna, March 17, 2014—The annual Peninsula Job and Career Fair, billed as the biggest recruitment event on the Kenai Peninsula, will be Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Peninsula Job Center in Kenai, Alaska. KPBSD and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) will once again partner to deliver resume writing, interviewing, and work ethics training in preparation for this event.
Students from Kenai Alternative School, Kenai Central High School, Nikiski Middle-High School, Skyview High School, and Soldotna High School, will attend. More than sixty employers will be present to speak to job seekers about their current and future job openings. KPBSD students who plan to attend must sign-up through their school counselor, and bring several copies of their resume to provide to employers. Transportation is provided by KPBSD.
KPBSD is happy to once again be able to partner with the DOLWD,” said John O’Brien, director of secondary education and student activities. “Our students benefit from access to their professionals working together with our school counselors and career guides on resume writing, interviewing, and work ethics training skills. KPBSD juniors and seniors looking for either part time employment or something more, can benefit from attending the Peninsula Job and Career Fair, since it is the biggest recruitment event on the Peninsula.”
Employers include: AJEATT, Adult Learning Programs/MASST, Alaska Crane Consultants, Air National Guard, Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Department of Corrections, Alaska Division of Forestry, Alyeska Pipeline, ASRC Energy, AVTEC, Beacon OHSS, Central Peninsula Hospital, Consumer Care Net, Copper River Seafood, Crowley Marine Services, ESS Service, Fred Meyer, Frontier Community Services, Gas Drive Global, Governor’s Council on Disabilities, Halliburton, Home Depot, Hope Community Resources, Inlet Fish, Kachemak Electric, KDLL Radio, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Kenai Peninsula Care Center, Kenai Peninsula College, Key Bank, Kenaitze, Lee Shore Center, McDonalds, Nana Management, Northern Training Industrial, Offshore Systems, Pacific Star Seafood, Peak Oil Field Services, Peninsula Clarion, Peninsula Community Health Services, RESCARE, Safeway, Schlumberger, Snug Harbor, State of Alaska Juvenile Justice, Taco Bell, US Army, US Marines, US Navy, AK Army National Guard, Wal-Mart, and Wells Fargo.
“We are extremely pleased with the excitement students are expressing about attending the job fair and meeting with employers about current and future openings,” said Rachel O’Brien from the Peninsula Job Center. “School district personnel have been very instrumental and supportive of Department of Labor staff by allowing us to work with students during their class time and discuss resume writing, career exploration, interviewing skills and work ethics. Attending the job fair is an outstanding opportunity for students to speak directly to employers about short and long-term employment, learn about labor demands, and make local connections. The Peninsula Job Center wants to extend our sincere appreciation to KPBSD administration, principals, counselors and teachers of Skyview, Soldotna, Kenai, and Nikiski high schools for partnering with the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the second year in a row to deliver this invaluable experience to local students.”
The Peninsula Job Fair is coordinated by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development with support from the Peninsula Clarion and, the City of Soldotna, the City of Kenai, and the Kenai and Soldotna Chambers.
Contact for businesses: Rachel O’Brien, employment specialist, Peninsula Job Center, 907-335-3001
Contact for employers to sign up and have an informational or recruitment booth: Jackie Garcia, business connections specialist, Peninsula Job Center, 907-335-3030.
Media Release: Kenai Job Fair is March 26 2014
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

KPBSD schools participate in drill on 50th anniversary of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
Media Release
March 27, 2014, at 1:36 p.m. – Great Alaska ShakeOut
Soldotna, March 17, 2014—To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District will participate in the Great Alaska ShakeOut “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” earthquake drill at 1:36 p.m. on Thursday, March 27. In addition, we will conduct an ALMR radio check in conjunction with this drill.
Graphic-Drop-Cover-and-Hold-On-300x100Tens of thousands of Alaskans will “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” in The Great Alaska ShakeOut on March 27, 2014. KPBSD registered all our schools in the school district category, joining thousands of Alaskans who also registered to participate.
Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support, said, “We need to be prepared for incidents we hope never happen, but if they do, we can minimize the danger to our students, staff, and community.”
Earthquake preparation and the proper “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique is valuable safety education for our students and employees.  We will also practice a radio check-in to the district office from each of our schools following this earthquake drill.
Alaska schools, families, and businesses are encouraged to participate. Resources, including audio clips for the drill, are available online at:

This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link:

How would you spend 160 million dollars?

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
MEDIA RELEASE: How would you spend 160 million dollars?
Soldotna, February 14, 2014—Everyone interested in quality public education is invited to a public meeting about the 2014-2015 budget designed to provide a K-12 education for our local students on the Kenai Peninsula.
The reality is that when the budget process began, an $8,235,753 deficit for a status quo budget in 2014-2015 existed. This is to provide what KPBSD did in 2013-2014. Please step up to the plate and attend a public budget forum. You’ll take a deficit walk with Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support, and learn about the budget reductions we have already made, possibilities for the future, the role of the legislature, borough, and general fund balance. Do you know that in July 2013, the school board already determined a .5 increase for student-to-teacher ratio in the classroom to address the deficit? This equates to more than ten current positions which will not be funded next year. Even with this, other proposed expenditure reductions, and use of the general fund balance, KPBSD still has an unresolved deficit of $4,593,729 to solve.

Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent, said, “The financing for our schools is complicated. I encourage the public to attend the budget forums so they can better understand this financing and to gain a sense of our deficit and what steps we are taking to close the revenue-expenditure gap.”

Parents, employees, students, community members—you are invited. Mark your calendar for one hour, and bring your inquiries and questions to KPBSD Budget 101, where you will learn about the district perspective, expenditures, revenues, and where to find specifics for your neighborhood school:

• Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 5:30 p.m., Seward High School library
• Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 5:30 p.m., Soldotna High School library
• Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 5:30 p.m., Homer High School library

KPBSD finance department and budget documents:



Seward Elementary teacher loses home to fire

Lyon Family benefit

Our KPBSD teacher, Nickole Lyon, suffered a devastating home fire in Seward. The KPBSD and Seward communities are showering  the Lyon family with care and outreach. If you would like to assist, these are some ideas:
An account for donations has been created at Wells Fargo Bank. Anyone can donate at a Wells Fargo to the “Lyon Family Benefit Fund.”
Lyon Family Benefit
Spaghetti Dinner and Auction
Saturday, January 25, 2014
American Legion
All proceeds will go to the family.
4:00-8:00     Spaghetti feed: $10 donation, take outs available
4:00-7:30     Silent auction
7:00-till done     Live Auction
Auction donations needed
Would you like to make a donation to the auction, or volunteer to assist? Contact Joanne Frey via text or call, 907-362-1948, or email: A volunteer signup sheet is at Seward Elementary lounge, or contact Joanne.
Clothing donations can be brought to Seward Elementary. Household items will be needed when the Lyon’s have a new living location. If you cannot hold them, bring them to Seward Elementary.
Seward City Church is organizing meals; call Max or Deanna Ingalls, 907-301-1046, to be added to the list.

Much appreciation to everyone who is coming to the assistance of the Lyon family. Thank you for your generosity, care, and compassion.