KPBSD Seeks Substitutes!

Begin at the “Substitutes” tab on the KPBSD website

Do you have time and interest to be a substitute in a KPBSD school? It takes a village!

KPBSD Seeks Substitutes—all types of positions are needed!

You choose when you say, “Yes, I can work!”
Teachers: certified and non-certified; Aides; Instructional Assistants; Secretaries and clerical positions; Custodians; Interpreters; Nurses; Pool Employees; Activity Bus Drivers

Can your neighborhood school recruit YOU?

Substitute wages were increased at the June 2020 Board of Education Meeting to be competitive with the other school districts.

Substitute Positions Rate of Pay
Teacher (Certified) $150.00 per day (based on 8 hour day)
Teacher (Non-Certified) $130.00 per day (based on 8 hour day)
Secretary (all clerical) $13.00/hr.
Custodian/Stock Handler/Theater Crew $13.00/hr
Deaf Ed. Interpreter (Certified/Licensed) $20.00/hr.
Food Service Cashier/Kitchen Assistant/Cook/Manager $13.00/hr.
Aide/Instructional Assistant $13.00/hr.
Tutor/Bilingual Instructor $13.00/hr.
Nurse $20.00/hr.
Temporary Positions Rate of Pay
Pool Employees Instructor/Senior Lifeguard $15.00/hr.
Junior Lifeguard/Cashier $13.00/hr.
Temporary Worker Temporary employee’s salary placement must be pre-approved by Human Resources prior to start date minimum wage* – $15.00/hr.
Activity Bus Driver   Two times the Alaska minimum wage**

New Training Opportunity!

  • KPBSD offers one day of on the job training as soon as a substitute has completed requirements to be hired
  • Be paid while shadowing an employee currently in the position for which you may be substituting for!
  • Contact the administrator of the school or schools that you are interested in substituting at for more information. Link to School Directory

Your Future!

Substituting in the KPBSD is a great way to be ready when a permanent position opens!

Apply Online

Begin at the “Substitutes” tab on the KPBSD website

Parents and Guardians: Prepare for a positive COVID-19 case in a school

link: COVID-19 in KPBSD Web Hub

Dear KPBSD Parents and Guardians,

This letter will help your family prepare should our school district or your school have a COVID-19 event occur. An event could be a positive COVID-19 case, outbreak (two or more positive cases in a school) or exposure to COVID-19 in a school. The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority.

Letter templates for if or when there is positive COVID-19 case exposure or spread in a KPBSD school

KPBSD works closely with local public health officials and they will provide support and direction to manage every COVID-19 related scenario that affects our school communities. If or when a COVID-19 event occurs related to your school, you will receive information via the usual school and district communication methods. Depending upon the situation and response needed by you, the contact may come via a phone call, email, alert, or general notification.

KPBSD honors HIPAA and FERPA privacy laws, so your name and your child’s name will not be revealed by the school, unless you give the school permission to do so. A dedicated webpage at is where to find the most up to date information.

If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result, and they have been at school two days prior to the onset of symptoms, or the testing date that resulted in a positive test result, it will be helpful to begin contact tracing at their school immediately. So, we need your help when you learn of a positive COVID-19 test result for your child. Call Nurse Iris, KPBSD Nursing Supervisor to confidentially report a positive COVID-19 test result. You can reach her at 907-260-2391, Alternately, call your school nurse or administrator.

It is important for everyone in our community to protect themselves against the remarkably contagious novel coronavirus. These are some ways to protect your family:

  • Symptom Free School Protocol: keep children who are sick at home—do not send them to school

  • Teach your children to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, and set a good example by doing this yourself

  • Teach children to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or by coughing into the inside of their elbow, Be sure to set a good example by doing this yourself

  • Time and distance: teach your children to protect your family bubble or their school cohort, and practice physical distancing of about six feet away from others

  • Mask up with a cloth face covering when appropriate, especially indoors in crowded public places, on the school bus, and in school hallways. Grades 3 and older in the KPBSD wear a mask at school when six foot physical distancing is not possible

When you have COVID-19 related questions, contact your school nurse, healthcare provider, local public health department, or visit the state DHSS or national CDC websites. You can find specific information for the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District on our dedicated COVID-19 in KPBSD Hub webpage that includes communication updates, safety protocols, 2020 Smart Start Plan, sports and activities, risk levels on the Kenai Peninsula, and the COVID19 Confirmed Case in School Response Matrix. Your school is always available to help, or you can reach out to the school district COVID-19 line at 907-714-8864, email, or visit

This year will require adaption, a flexible mindset, and we will get through this with both challenges and blessings. We promise to communicate often, be proactive and swiftly reactive when necessary, even when we do not have all the answers. Superintendent John O’Brien reminds us, “We will focus on and provide for the social, emotional, and mental health needs of our students, staff, parents, and community. I have no doubt that together we will not only get through this new school year but will also hopefully become more resilient and empathetic to the needs of others.”

KPBSD Update: Schools open in Central Peninsula | Labor Day Holiday

September 2, 2020

Dear KPBSD staff and families,

“Thank you to everyone who is doing your part to keep schools open by practicing physical distancing, wearing a facemask when needed, and for frequent hand washing. You are making a difference. Let us not let our collective guard down! Have a safe holiday weekend!”

– Superintendent John O’Brien

Tuesday, September 8, 2020, schools throughout the central peninsula* will open to welcome students to onsite, at school learning!
The COVID-19 risk levels have dropped in the central peninsula area, so after evaluating 14 day positive COVID-19 case counts, 7 day trends, consultation with the KPBSD COVID-19 Medical Risk Level Advisory Team and Public Health, everyone can plan for schools* to open!

School Start and End Times

Visit the new KPBSD COVID-19 risk level dashboard with daily updates.

*Central Peninsula Schools will open on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, to onsite at school learning. The 100% Remote Learning option also continues.

Central Kenai Peninsula includes Kasilof to Sterling, extending through Kenai, Nikiski, Soldotna, and DHSS “other north” communities

  • Aurora Borealis Charter School
  • Kaleidoscope Charter School
  • K-Beach Elementary School
  • Kenai Alternative School
  • Kenai Central High School
  • Kenai Middle School
  • Mountain View Elementary School
  • Nikiski Middle-High School
  • Nikiski North Star Elementary School
  • Redoubt Elementary School
  • River City Academy
  • Skyview Middle School
  • Soldotna Elementary School
  • Soldotna High School
  • Soldotna Montessori Charter School
  • Sterling Elementary School
  • Other North: Tustumena Elementary School

Calendar change: the two Early Release days for students in September and October are cancelled.

Happy Labor Day!

Monday, September 7, 2020, is a holiday, and KPBSD schools and district offices are closed.



Weekly update: Symptom Free School Protocols, risk levels, meals, photos

KPBSD Weekly Update: August 26, 2020

“During this first week of school, I have heard countless positive stories from our staff about how excited they are to have students back and begin a new school year. I am closely watching each day as DHSS releases COVID-19 case counts, and am pleased with how the Central Peninsula has been trending the past few days.

I am hopeful that we will be able to open our Central Peninsula schools to in-person onsite learning on Tuesday September 8, 2020, if these encouraging trends continue. Thank you for your patience and commitment to education on the Kenai Peninsula.” –Superintendent John O’Brien

New Risk Level Data Dashboard by school, geographical area, and 14 day positive case count is live, and updated automatically, every day! The need to make rational and informed operational decisions is primary for the health and safety of schools. KPBSD incorporates science-based guidance to assist in decision-making processes. Learn more at the KPBSD and COVID19 risk level webpage. Tip: visit and bookmark the new data dashboard.

What is the Symptom-Free School Protocol for students and staff?

The purpose of this protocol is to provide a learning environment that is as free of illness as possible, so students and staff of all health levels can participate in school without fear. By extension, this will also promote the safety, health and welfare of our communities. This applies to students, staff, parents and guardians, volunteers, and any school visitors.

Parents and Guardians: check your child’s temperature every morning before sending them to school. Ask your child how they feel before determining if they should be sent to school.

When to Stay Home from School

Stay home if:

  • You have active vomiting or diarrhea
  • You have fever, chills, generalized body aches. (Fever threshold will constitute 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher without use of fever-reducing medication like Tylenol or Ibuprofen.)
  • If you have any other COVID-19 symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, runny or stuffy nose, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.
    • Parent, guardian, or individual should call their health care provider or Public Health first for guidance regarding presenting symptoms and possible testing for COVID-19
  • You are taking the first 24 hours of antibiotic treatment
  • You have an undiagnosed, new and, or, untreated rash or skin condition
  • If you have traveled outside Alaska or returned in the last 14 days and have not yet completed the state-required quarantine and, or, testing protocol

When to Return to School After Illness

  • If you have been tested and are diagnosed with COVID19, you may return to school no sooner than 10 days after the onset of symptoms, or the date you took the test that was returned positive, whichever is earlier, and you have been symptom free for 24 hours without medication
  • If you have COVID19-like symptoms but choose not to be tested, you may return to school no sooner than 10 days after the onset of symptoms AND you must be fever-free for 24 hours without taking any medicine to reduce the fever AND you must be free of cough, cold, or other symptoms for 24 hours, without taking medication to reduce symptoms
  • If you have COVID19-like symptoms, are tested and receive a negative result, you may provide the test result and return to school 24 hours after you have been symptom-free with no medication
  • If you have symptoms and visit a doctor who determines your symptoms are caused by something else besides COVID19, you can provide a doctor’s note and return to school 24 hours after you have been symptom free with no medication
  • If you feel the symptoms were caused by a chronic problem, such as allergies, please consult your school nurse. Your doctor may be able to provide an order with an alternate diagnosis. However, your child will still have to be symptom-free before returning to school


If you have a first day of school photo to share in the KPBSD 2020-2021 Social Photo Album, email it to!

Five days of K-12 SEL class content for KPBSD teachers is live!

Awesome SEL ready-to-go resource for our K-12 teachers!

New in Canvas Commons, every grade level in KPBSD has five days of ready-to-go Social and Emotional Learning classes to incorporate into the first week of school, with options for onsite or 100% Remote Learners. Hopefully across the KPBSD, many teachers will join the SEL Activity August 24-28, 2020!

“In these uncertain times it is more important than ever that we focus on and be able to provide for the social, emotional, and mental health needs of our students, staff, parents, and community. I challenge myself and every KPBSD staff member this year to approach every interaction that we have with a student, colleague, parent, and community member with kindness, compassion, and understanding. I have no doubt that together we will not only get through this new school year but will also hopefully become more resilient and empathic to the needs of others.”

-Superintendent John O’Brien

Teachers—you have tools to use to help the first week of school! Educators can import Social Emotional Learning (SEL) courses directly from Canvas Commons. Ready to use are:

  • Social Emotional Learning K-2 Grades
  • Social Emotional Learning 3-5 Grades
  • KPBSD Social Emotional Learning 6-8 Grades
  • SEL for Secondary Students

Each class includes a Boot Camp for the first five days of school, with one core component per day and a small selection of choice for an activity. If a teacher wants more, there are additional nine weeks of SEL learning. Bonus, a teacher can personalize the course and assign it to students to complete remotely!

The KPBSD Boot Camp focuses on the five core components from CASEL. (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)

Directions for KPBSD teachers to access the ready-to-go K-12 classes

*Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. CASEL Wheel and Competencies

Thank you!

Deep appreciation extends to Jennifer Derks-Anderson and Leslie Fazio for their work on the Canvas Courses, together with Angie Nelson for facilitating SEL Professional Development (PD) for the new school year first week! Angie worked with co-presenters Kelly King, Nicole Murphy, Leslie Fazio, Deborah Roemhildt, and Jennifer Derks-Anderson. In addition, presentations will be available via the KPBSD staff PD and the SEL Launch website.

Get It and Go Meals for students with 100% Remote Learning

Get It & Go Meals for KPBSD Students Begin Monday, August 24, 2020

Students who receive their education via 100% Remote Learning, OR
if schools shift to 100% Remote Learning during COVID19 High Risk, can order Get It & Go Meals

Sign-up online by Friday at noon each week

Point the camera on your phone to this QR code to open the sign up form immediately

Action: complete the simple online sign-up for lunch and breakfast meals. If you do not have access to the internet, call KPBSD Student Nutrition Services at 907-714-8890.

100% Remote Learning Students pickup is once a week: Wednesday from 10:00-10:30 AM

When a school is in HIGH RISK status, all students shift to 100% Remote Learning, and student meal pickup is every day, from 12:00-1:00 PM
Children must be currently enrolled in KPBSD through either 100% Remote Learning or Onsite at School Learning to be eligible for Get-It & Go meals. Connections Homeschool students are not eligible for meals.

Get-It & Go Meals at 29 Schools

  • Small across the water schools: Nanwalek School, Port Graham School, Tebughna School
  • Eastern Peninsula: Moose Pass School, Seward Elementary, Seward Middle School, Seward High School
  • Kenai Area: Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, Kenai Alternative School, Kenai Central High School, Kenai Middle School, Mountain View Elementary
  • Nikiski Area: Nikiski Middle-High School, Nikiski North Star Elementary
  • Soldotna Area: K-Beach Elementary, Redoubt Elementary, Soldotna High School, Skyview Middle School, Soldotna Elementary, Tustumena Elementary
  • Sterling Area: Sterling Elementary School
  • Southern Peninsula: Chapman School, Homer High School, Homer Middle School, McNeil Canyon School, Nikolaevsk School, Ninilchik School, Paul Banks Elementary, West Homer Elementary

Pickup is curbside at the school this fall. If the student is not present, please have the student ID to present at the pickup location. We apologize that no special dietary substitutions will be accommodated. When you pick up your meals, protect your personal health and the people near you by frequent hand-washing, wearing cloth face coverings, and keeping a distance of 6 feet or more between yourself and others.

If you have questions, or do not have internet access to complete the weekly online signup, call KPBSD Student Nutrition Services, 907-714-8890, or email


100% Remote Learning Students – Weekly Meal Pickup

  • Once a week pickup is Wednesday, between 10:00-10:30 AM
    if the school shifts to High Risk, meal pickup changes to daily delivery from 12:00 – 1:00
  • You must order meals before 12:00 noon, on the Friday before week of pickup (This is a firm cutoff time)
  • Pickup location is curbside in front of the school
    Seward schools will pickup at the top of Sea Lion Drive, on the Seward Middle School side
  • People may order up to a maximum of five lunches and five breakfasts for each enrolled student
    No breakfast meals are provided at K-Beach Elementary, Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science, or Kenai Alternative School
  • Meals will be charged to student account based on their meal determination of Free, Reduced, or Paid
  • Meals are only available for KPBSD students enrolled in a brick and mortar school. Connections Homeschool is not eligible, nor are student family members
  • Charging for meals will only be allowed if parent has signed the Opt-In form to charge meals, and the maximum is two days of meals. Charges must be paid back before subsequent meals will be distributed
  • Preorder form must be completed every week by noon on Friday, for the following week
  • Parents must notify the pickup kitchen at their school if they will cancel the order once it has been placed

During High Risk (Red) Status
Daily meal pickup from 12:00-1:00 PM is available for all onsite learners who shifted to 100% Remote Learning due to High Risk at their school, and for students who are already 100% Remote Learners

  • Daily Curbside pickup at schools during high risk school status is between 12:00-1:00 PM
  • Meal orders must be made online before 12:00 noon, on the Friday before week of pickup (This is a firm cutoff time)
  • Pickup location is curbside in front of the school
    Seward schools will pickup at the top of Sea Lion Drive, on the Seward Middle School side
  • People may order up to a maximum of five lunches and five breakfasts for each enrolled student but will be a daily pickup unless requested by parent on first day of pickup
    No breakfast meals are provided at K-Beach Elementary, Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science, or Kenai Alternative School.
  • Meals are Free to enrolled students during high risk school status (family members and Connections Homeschool are not eligible.)
  • Preorder form must be completed every week by noon on Friday, for the following week
  • Parents must notify the pickup kitchen at their school if they will cancel the order once it has been placed

Signup tips

  • When you complete the online order form, you will see a drop down menu of schools enrolled for Get It & Go meals
  • You will then choose the location for pickup 
  • The form will automatically take you to the correct page for your order depending upon the school Risk Level
    • High Risk Schools have daily pickup from 12:00-1:00 PM
    • Low-Medium Risk School pickup is once-a-week on Wednesday from 10:00-10:30 AM
  • If a school is in High Risk (Red) status, meals are free

Order online at

New: COVID19 Risk Levels in KPBSD dashboard

Example dated August 20, 2020

When the onset of COVID-19 happened, the need to make rational and informed operational decisions became primary for the health and safety of our students, staff, and communities. KPBSD incorporated science-based guidance to assist in our decision-making processes.

Find COVID19 Risk Level information for KPBSD schools in two places:

Webpage: KPBSD and COVID19 Risk Level descriptions, and information

DASHBOARD: KPBSD and COVID19 Risk Levels, updated daily from State of Alaska official counts

The KPBSD COVID19 risk webpage offers detailed information and shows low, medium, or high risk in three general areas of the Kenai Peninsula, and small communities. The risk determination is made in conjunction with the State of Alaska actual 14 day case counts, state seven day averages of positive cases, Public Health, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), the Alaska Department of Education and Early Learning (DEED), Kenai Peninsula cooperators, and the KPBSD COVID19 Community Risk Level Medical Advisory Group.

First version is live!
The new COVID19 Risk Level for KPBSD schools dashboard updates automatically with data from the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) daily positive state case counts. You can find it from the homepage, and in future weeks, it will be automatically updated and visible on 42 school websites. Updates are daily.

Example dated August 19, 2020
Example dated August 19, 2020

Central Peninsula schools rise to High Risk

News Release: 17 KPBSD schools in Central Peninsula will open with 100% remote learning on August 24, 2020

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Soldotna, August 18, 2020—COVID19 community transmission risk level jumped to High Risk (Red) on August 18, 2020, for the geographical region KPBSD defines as “Central Peninsula” when the State of Alaska positive COVID19 case count reported numbers today. This triggers a safety and operational decision for the school district about opening schools to onsite learning. The need to make rational and informed operational decisions is primary for the health and safety of our students, staff, and communities. In contrast, at this time, risk levels dictate schools in the Southern Peninsula (Homer area), Eastern Peninsula (Seward area); and schools in individual or remote communities* will all begin with the onsite school option available.

“Offering predictability for our families, staff, and communities is tricky during a global pandemic,” said Superintendent O’Brien. “I’ve made the difficult decision to suspend opening schools in central peninsula to onsite at school learning on August 24, 2020. I know how hard this is for our students who are excited to return to school, for families, and for our staff. I’ve looked at the science-based guidance to assist in our decision-making process, consulted with our KPBSD COVID19 Risk Level Medical Advisory Group, and am following our SmartStart plan. I am disappointed the positive case count appears to be trending with increases in high risk levels. Every day we will evaluate risk level trends and actual counts. To aid planning for families and eliminate a ping-pong effect back and forth between risk levels, I hope that if case levels in the central peninsula drop to a medium risk level, we can open schools to onsite learning after Labor Day, on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. We will continue providing district level updates every week, plus each school will communicate directly with their families.”

When a school moves into a High Risk (red) level, KPBSD will provide services and learning opportunities onsite in school for vulnerable students. In the SmartStart plan, Special Education PreK; Title I PreK; Kindergarten; and certain groups of students in special education will be able to attend school in person. Bus transportation will continue for students in special education who already receive special education bussing services. In all other instances, transportation will need to be provided by parents or guardians during high-risk levels. Please contact your school or case manager directly with questions.

Which schools are opening with High Risk, 100% Remote Learning?

Central Kenai Peninsula includes Kasilof to Sterling, extending through Kenai, Nikiski, Soldotna, and DHSS “other north” communities

  • Aurora Borealis Charter School
  • Kaleidoscope Charter School
  • K-Beach Elementary School
  • Kenai Alternative School
  • Kenai Central High School
  • Kenai Middle School
  • Mountain View Elementary School
  • Nikiski Middle-High School
  • Nikiski North Star Elementary School
  • Redoubt Elementary School
  • River City Academy
  • Skyview Middle School
  • Soldotna Elementary School
  • Soldotna High School
  • Soldotna Montessori Charter School
  • Sterling Elementary School
  • Other North: Tustumena Elementary School

What do parents and guardians need to know?

  • Schools will contact their families to give further instructions and respond to questions about the new school year beginning with 100% remote learning
  • Get It and Go Meals for students will begin Monday, August 24, 2020. Details will be in a separate communication
  • All sports competitions in the central peninsula are cancelled. This affects Kenai Central High School; Nikiski Middle-High School; Soldotna High School; Aurora Borealis Charter School; Kenai Middle School; and Skyview Middle School. KPBSD follows ASAA Return-to-Practice Protocols  
  • Pools: Kenai Central High School, Skyview High School, and Soldotna High School pools are closed to public use

How are risk levels determined?

The KPBSD COVID19 risk map shows low, medium, or high risk in three general areas of the Kenai Peninsula, and small communities. The risk determination is made in conjunction with the State of Alaska actual 14 day test counts, state seven day averages of positive cases, Public Health, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), the Alaska Department of Education and Early Learning (DEED), Kenai Peninsula cooperators, and the KPBSD COVID19 Community Risk Level Medical Advisory Group. Learn more.


All links are accessible from the KPBSD webpage, and your school will have updates and school specific news on their website, and through communications to families

webpage: COVID19 Risk Levels in KPBSD and new risk level dashboard

webpage: COVID19 and KPBSD

webpage: KPBSD 2020 Smart Start

webpage: Sports and Activities, and conditions for play

webpage: KPBSD School Start and End Times

Geographical Risk Areas

The KPBSD is divided into geographical risk areas:

Central Kenai Peninsula includes Sterling to Kasilof, extending through Kenai, Nikiski, Soldotna, and DHSS “other north” communities:
Aurora Borealis Charter School; Connections Homeschool; Kaleidoscope Charter School; K-Beach Elementary School; Kenai Alternative School; Kenai Central High School; Kenai Middle School; Mountain View Elementary School; Nikiski Middle-High School; Nikiski North Star Elementary School; Redoubt Elementary School; River City Academy; Skyview Middle School; Soldotna Elementary School; Soldotna High School; Soldotna Montessori Charter School; Sterling Elementary School and Other North: Tustumena Elementary School

Eastern Kenai Peninsula includes Seward area, including Moose Pass
Moose Pass Elementary School; Seward Elementary School; Seward High School; Seward Middle School

Southern Kenai Peninsula includes Homer area, north to Ninilchik, Anchor Point, Fritz Creek, and DHSS “other south” communities:
Chapman School; Connections Homeschool; Fireweed Academy; Homer Flex School; Homer High School; Homer Middle School; McNeil Canyon Elementary School; Paul Banks Elementary School; West Homer Elementary School; and Other South: Kachemak-Selo School;Nikolaevsk School; Ninilchik School; Razdolna School; Voznesenka School

Schools in Individual or Remote Communities

Cooper Landing School; Hope School; Nanwalek School; Port Graham School; Susan B. English School (Seldovia); Tebughna School


Weekly update: school start and end times, student forms, face coverings, and COVID19 risk

Dear KPBSD staff and families,

It is getting closer to the start of school! Monday, August 24, 2020, is the first day of school for most KPBSD schools with the exception that Kachemak Selo, Razdolna, and Voznesenka schools begin Tuesday, August 18, 2020; and Nanwalek, Nikolaevsk and Port Graham schools begin Friday, August 21, 2020. Your KPBSD school and district staff are working and focused to open and be ready to welcome students and families to the new school year!

Important items to know this week:

School Start and End times for many schools have changed. Make sure to check the times for your school, and read the August 14, 2020 news release with details.

The new “Returning Student Update Forms” online portal is open to you now! Kindly do your best to respond by Wednesday, August 19, 2020, to assist schools in their planning. Thank you to everyone who has completed their forms, and if you are having trouble or questions, contact your school office for assistance to log in. These forms will streamline the required annual paperwork for your child, and are where you will indicate your choice about school (onsite, 100% remote, Connections Homeschool) for your learner during the COVID19 pandemic.

Cloth Face Coverings: You have read that cloth face coverings will be required for staff, volunteers, visitors, and students in grades three to grade 12. PreK through second grade students will not need to wear a mask in their class cohort, but will be required to wear a mask on the bus, when mixing with grades three or higher, or in common areas with other classes or grades. Today I posted clarifications about cloth face coverings from KPBSD Nursing Supervisor Iris Wertz, RN, RSN, for Pre-K to 2nd grade students, based on questions from parents and schools. Read about when PreK to 2nd grade students would need to wear cloth face coverings.

As of today, good news! Based on current COVID19 Risk Levels, all 42 of our schools would be open to in-person onsite learning. There are no current high-risk areas on the Kenai Peninsula (Friday, 8-14-20). The KPBSD health team is closely monitoring positive COVID19 case counts, and both eastern (Seward area) and southern (Homer area) regions are continuing to trend down. If this continues, we may be able to open schools in low or green risk levels. Daily updates M-F are posted to the website, and I will send the risk status in the weekly update late next week, or if any area changes. PLEASE continue to do your part to wash hands, keep your circles small, physically distance, and wear a mask when appropriate.

Enjoy this weekend, the weather is spectacular!

Kind Regards,
Pegge Erkeneff, Director of Communications, Community, and Government Relations

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
148 N. Binkley Street
Soldotna, Alaska 99669
907.714.8888 | Twitter @KPBSD | Facebook KPBSD

KPBSD will inspire all learners to pursue their dreams in a rigorous, relevant and responsive environment.


info: Cloth Face Coverings in the KPBSD

Cloth face coverings will be required in KPBSD schools in all COVID19 risk levels (low, medium, high) for all staff, and students in third grade and older, whenever a 6’ physical distancing is not possible. If a cloth or clear face covering is medically inappropriate or cannot be worn, a face shield that extends at least to the chin and around the sides of the face will be allowed. Students in grades Pre-K through second grade will not be required to wear a face covering, yet do still need to have a cloth face covering in their school supplies. They will be directed when and if they need to wear them. Handwashing and physical distancing will emphasized in all grades.

Clarifications specific to Pre-K to 2nd grade mask wearing:

1. If a cohorted* student steps outside the classroom and there is the possibility that they will come in contact with a person from another class cohort, they should wear a mask. Example: leaving class to go down the hall to the bathroom or nurse office, riding the bus, coming into school in the morning before they reach their classroom, or leaving at the end of the school day.
*students treated as a group

2.  If a medical doctor deems there is a medical issue that dictates a student not wear a mask at all, a note to that effect from the doctor will suffice for an exemption. However, if they cannot wear a mask, perhaps they can still wear a face shield.

3.  Students with special or intensive needs will follow the same mask wearing guidelines as all students. Although, there may be extenuating circumstances that due to the child’s disability, a mask will not be required.

4.  Classes need to be cohorted on the playground, and masks do not need to be worn.

5. If a class has mixed grades, and some of those students are in grades 3 or above, or if a small school combines students in PreK – 12th grade, everyone needs to wear a mask, even if they are in PreK – 2nd grade.

6. All vulnerable student populations attending school during a high “Red” High Risk scenario will be required to wear mask unless a medical condition or disability prevents that from occurring. This includes all preschool and kindergarten students.

A cloth or clear face covering is included in the student school supply list (needed in certain situations, such as when a student is ill and going to the nurse’s office or will be in a common area of the school outside their cohort.)

This communication is from our KPBSD Nursing Supervisor Iris Wertz, RN, RSN, about mask wearing at this age:

Now that there has been enough time to gather data from a worldwide perspective on COVID19 we are able to see patterns of transmission and infection on a larger scale. What we are finding is that children under 18 have a lower rate of transmission and infection than older groups, and children under 10 have significantly lower rates. Due to this, our state changed the travel mandates from testing children over the age of 2, to only testing over the age of 10. We are in line with the CDC’s statement that: Younger children (e.g., preschool or early elementary aged) may be unable to wear a mask properly, particularly for an extended period of time. Wearing of masks may be prioritized at times when it is difficult to maintain a distance of 6 feet from others (e.g., during carpool drop off or pick up, or when standing in line at school).

When younger students are able to be in their regular classroom they will not be required to wear masks and physical distancing will still be emphasized where possible. However, in commons areas outside the classroom where they might mix with other classes or students, they will need to wear a mask. They will be directed when to do that by their teacher.