Gavin Elvsaas | Susan B. English School #Classof2017

Gavin Elvsaas
Susan B. English School
Class of 2017

Susan B English Gavin Elvsaas

Gavin Elvsaas grew up in Seldovia and is part of the graduating class of 2017 at Susan B. English School, the same school from which her mother, aunts and uncles, cousins, and other relatives graduated. She is a self-possessed, kind-hearted, and passionate girl who has made her family and community proud.
During her sophomore year, she made some choices that left her unable to earn the credits she needed for that year. Instead of being discouraged, she came back to school the next year with a plan and the determination to work hard and catch up so that she could graduate with her class. Her grades her last two years have been excellent and prove that she allows her past mistakes to inform her future choices so she can be successful. Gavin is responsible and curious by nature, and enjoys reading the news and following politics. Because she seeks to live by her convictions and do what she thinks is best not just for herself, but the world around her, Gavin has chosen to eat a vegan diet for the past few years, not an easy choice for a teenager growing up in a semi-remote town with limited grocery options. She is brave, sensitive, thoughtful, and strong, and she understands who she is and constantly looks out for others.
As a K-12 school, Susan B. English provides opportunities for students to become leaders and role models for much younger students, and Gavin is both. She worked as a classroom aide in the K-6 class this year, helping kids with their reading and math. She has earned her Emergency Trauma Technician certificate and aced her anatomy class, and she plans to pursue a career in the medical field.
Susan B. English School website
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Jackson Blackwell | Soldotna High School #Classof2017

Jackson Blackwell
Soldotna High School
Class of 2017

Soldotna High School Jackson Blackwell
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District and Soldotna High School have provided me and many other students with countless opportunities. Over my thirteen years in the district I have been challenged to excel and make a difference within the school and greater community. I credit my many teachers and the KPBSD staff for allowing many students, like myself, to find opportunities and challenges that engage and make us all better global citizens.
Over my years at Soldotna High School I was heavily involved both in-and-out of school. I served in Student Council as Class President and the National Honor Society as President. I was involved in band, as well as having participated in a few years of sports. I was involved with Kenai Peninsula Youth Court and Teens Against Tobacco Use. Because of the opportunities I have received, I have excelled and will be able to attend college. I will be starting my studies at Boise State University this fall where I will be enrolled in the Honors College and plan to receive a double major in Political Science and Economics. Following undergraduate studies, I hope to attend Law School and focus in Constitutional and Resource Law. Following Law School, I hope to move back to Alaska to practice Resource Law and ultimately be involved in State politics.
Thank you to KPBSD for providing a world-class education and allowing students to reach their fullest potential.
Soldotna High School website
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Soldotna High School Jackson Blackwell with Gov Walker and Sen Miccichi
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Izabeau Stalkfleet Pearston | River City Academy #Classof2017

Izabeau Stalkfleet Pearston
River City Academy
Class of 2017

River City Academy Izabeau Stalkfleet Pearston
Class of 2017 Valedictorian Izabeau Stalkfleet Pearston has been a cornerstone of River City Academy since seventh grade. Izabeau graduates with a 3.98 GPA and a total of 16 college credits through JumpStart at Kenai Peninsula College (KPC). Her completed college courses include college algebra, trigonometry and communications. Izabeau has earned the University of Alaska Scholars Scholarship, the Alaska Performance Scholarship and a partial tuition waiver from Kenai Peninsula College for next year.
In addition to her excellent academics, Izabeau has worked since she was in tenth grade both at Jumpin’ Junction and the Orca Theater. Izabeau met her required service projects through consistently volunteering in the community at the Sterling Community Center, Community Dinner Theater, and a variety of other events. At RCA she is well known for her amazing skills at batik and for helping teach batik to new students. She has been a mentor, role model and all around excellent student since middle school. Izabeau will stay in the local community and attend KPC next year studying a health-related field.
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Rick Jager | Port Graham School #Classof2017

Rick Jager
Port Graham School
Class of 2017

Rick Jager s

During the Port Graham School 2017 graduation ceremony, natural storyteller, University of Alaska scholar, and graduate Rick Jager told the story of what helped him reach the finish line. Hard work and perseverance were part of it, but having a teacher who took the time to reach out to Rick during challenging times was the key to his success during his final year. Rick was speaking of his teacher, Mr. Colby Way, one of the 2017 BP Teachers of Excellence finalists. Rick’s story underlines that without supportive relationships, none of us can be as strong.
Port Graham is proud of Rick for finishing strong and graduating high school. Rick has the distinction of being Port Graham School’s 2017 UA Scholar. After working at the Port Graham Council for the summer, he will put his scholarship to good use with further education and training at Job Corp. He hopes to gain the skills he needs to find work and live in Anchorage.
Rick is an example of a student who values people. Whether it be a community member or the regional administrator coming to visit the school, Rick welcomes them pleasantly and with warmth, genuinely wanting a report on how they are. His respect for people does not discriminate by age: Rick is fantastic with younger students as well, and he encourages them to keep their heads up in difficult times.
That Rick’s commencement speech focused on how much his teacher helped him during his last years in school is not a surprise. Rick Jager is a young man who has his priorities straight, realizing that his own merits are worth so much more because of the care and support he received when he needed it. Rick will, in turn, give back to others.
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Mikayla Clark | Ninilchik School #Classof2017

Mikayla Clark
Ninilchik School
Class of 2017

Ninilchik School Mikayla s
Mikayla Clark has been an outstanding student at Ninilchik for the past 10 years. “I’ve had the pleasure of knowing her for the past six years, and during these years I’ve seen her grow into a mature, confident young woman,” said Principal Jeff Ambrosier. “Through the I-team process she started taking both math and language arts classes for high school credit and she didn’t stop there. She sits on the State Future Farmers of America (FFA) team and this has allowed her to travel on a national level to talk to kids about not only FFA but also growing as a young adult. In addition to her academic success, Mikayla has also been a member of three varsity sports and has been part of state track and basketball.”
Mikayla’s love of Alaska and all that it offers has helped shape her plans after high school. Her post high school goals include attending University of Alaska, Southeast, for her bachelor’s degree in environmental science and then onto the University of Idaho for a masters in biological engineering.
She will be missed at Ninilchik school and we not only wish her the best of luck in her future plans but also thank her for helping make Ninilchik a better school.
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Michale Meyers | Nikiski Middle-High School #Classof2017

Michale Meyers
Nikiski Middle-High School
Class of 2017

Nikiski Middle High School Michale Meyers
Michale Meyers is the first high school graduate in his family, and has taken advantage of every opportunity throughout high school to prepare himself for the world of work. With a diploma in hand, eight semesters of welding courses under his belt, and a job already in place with MagTec, Michale knows his future is bright.
Michale attributes his success in school to the love and support of his parents who encouraged him to keep his eyes on the prize and to Mr. Bostic and Mr. Rizzo, two educators he said always pushed him to do the right thing and stay on the right track.
After graduation, Michale will continue to work in his position as a roustabout while pursuing his dream of a career in welding. For Michale, having a high school diploma means having options, like the opportunity to take a project management course at Kenai Peninsula College to move up the ranks. He is a great example of a student who has positioned himself for success. With a background working for L&G Enterprises and MagTec, this brand new high school graduate already has real world experience.
We at Nikiski High know Michale will have far-reaching impacts on his community as he brings his joy for life, sense of humor and hard work and determination to bear. Michale is going to make great things happen for himself and others.
Facebook: Nikiski Middle-High School
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
COVER 1 NNS and NMHS buddy bench 2017

Vera Fefelov | Nikolaevsk School #Classof2017

Vera Fefelov
Nikolaevsk School
Class of 2017

Vera Fefelov Nikolaevsk
Vera Fefelov, is the Nikolaevsk Class of 2017 Valedictorian, graduating summa cum laude with a GPA of 4.105, with an incredible work ethic academically and athletically. Through hard and focused work she is graduating one year early. She has earned many academic and athletic awards during her tenure at Nikolaevsk and has maintained a sense of humor and humility the entire time.
Vera will attend Georgetown University in the fall where she will major in International Business Regional Studies at the McDonough School of Business, with a minor in Russian. Vera hopes to “get other languages under her belt” in future. When asked if she had any advice for the schoolmates she is leaving behind she stated,

“Never doubt yourself in anything you put your mind to. Just because you may experience failure in some way, it’s what you do with that failure that defines you. Don’t be afraid to push your limits–that’s where you find yourself and learn what you are capable of. The struggle is definitely worth it. It isn’t easy–but it’s worth it, trust me!”

Facebook: Nikolaevsk School
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Vera Fefelov Nikolaevsk 3

Terence Paul Swenning | Nanwalek School #Classof2017

Terence Paul Swenning
Nanwalek School
Class of 2017

Nanwalek School Terence Paul Swenning s
Terence Paul Swenning is an inspiring graduate with exceptional determination, talent, and perseverance. Rather than taking a solely academic route through his schooling, Terence has demonstrated the ability to finish school with attention to academics, artistry, and athletics. Balanced with determination, Terence moves into the world with energy and independence.
Terence was eager to finish school and move into his adult life, and succeeded in earning his diploma a semester early. Spring semester was spent working for the Nanwalek IRA Council, and creating a business plan for his next adventure.
An ambitious young man, Terence plans to move to California to start a business selling t-shirts with his own artistic designs. He is currently putting his mind to the finances of this endeavor, seeking small business loans, and making necessary contacts in California. This independent means of making a living will allow him to pursue professional skateboarding.
Throughout school, Terence was known as a strong reader, a talented artist, a natural musician, and an active skateboarder.
Terence went about these talents gently, but firmly. Although students and staff know Terence as a quiet student, we have always been clear that he has a strong voice and a determination.
Terence is a driven young man, and his work ethic is very strong. To put the necessary pieces in place to move from the rural village of Nanwalek with 275 residents to the large state of California and start a small business to compliment his talents and lifestyle is remarkable. Everyone in Nanwalek will be watching to see his plan unfold!
Facebook: Nanwalek School
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Emily Koziczkowski | Kenai Central High School #Classof2017

Emily Koziczkowski
Kenai Central High School
Class of 2017

Kenai Central HS Emily Koziczkowski s

Emily Koziczkowski is a shining example of how life’s challenges shape who we become. Emily’s yearbook quote: “Life’s a climb but the view is great” exemplifies her approach to her education. She took the most rigorous classes offered at Kenai Central and still excelled. When she had completed the highest math offered, AP calculus, she decided to continue taking math at Kenai Peninsula College. She took calculus II and III and earned A’s in both classes. Additionally, she took psychology so that she could get a head start on some of the general college requirements. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school, she is an Honor Graduate, and represents Kenai Central as one of the valedictorians. Because of her dedication to excellence in her education, she has received a variety of scholarships to help pay for her college. In the fall she will attend Portland University and pursue a degree in chemistry. Since middle school, her dream has been to become a doctor. She will achieve this goal one day!
Emily is not just an academic, she is a well-rounded young woman and is a role model in how she gives back to her community. She has a drive to help others and demonstrates this by volunteering at the Leeshore Center and the Central Peninsula Hospital, and by coaching volleyball at Kenai Middle School. She is a leader. She was captain of the softball team for the 2016 season, was President of NHS in 2017, and is valuable asset to the KCHS varsity volleyball team.
Emily will leave Kenai Central with everyone cheering her on!
Kenai Central High School Facebook
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Azary Reutov | Kachemak-Selo School #Classof2017

Azary Reutov
Kachemak-Selo School
Class of 2017

K-Selo Azary Reutov senior pic

One of Azary Reutov’s most notable traits is his positivity. He is cheerful and supportive of classmates and a natural leader in school and out. His ready sense of humor, combined with his willingness to work hard, make him sought after as a teammate and friend. As an upperclassman, he has been a great role model to younger students, showing strong and steadily improving academic achievement and consistent attendance.
Azary is also a skilled athlete, and has made a mark in the last several years as a member of the Cougars football team, which brings together students from all three Head of the Bay Russian villages. He has contributed to the team’s growth in his role as quarterback and team captain. His enthusiasm and excitement about football, in victory and defeat, has spread into the Kachemak-Selo community and led to an increase in participants from Kachemak-Selo, as well as interest in the sport among younger students. He can often be seen after school on the community field, in all weather, leading a large diverse group of students in a game of touch football.
This example of Azary’s inspired leadership in the community is just one of many, and Kachemak-Selo is very lucky to call him one of their own.

Kachemak-Selo School website

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

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