Change to KPBSD School Start or End Times

News Release: Change to KPBSD School Start or End Times

School start or end times have changed for several Kenai Peninsula Borough School District schools when the school year begins August 24, 2020.*

These past two weeks, KPBSD staff totally focused on planning for the new school year with the Smart Start plan, and changes due to COVID19. Enrollment numbers and education delivery choices are becoming clear through the completion of returning student update forms, and school phone calls to families.

In order to provide quality onsite in schools and 100% remote learning, additional time for staff preparation, collaboration, and cleaning of buildings resulted in an adjusted student day for some of the 42 Kenai Peninsula Borough School District K-12 schools. The change in start or end time decision was determined on a school by school basis with district administration, site administration, and in consultation with Apple Bus, our transportation provider, who runs double-tier busing routes.

Apple Bus is in process of updating bus routes and will be updating the parent portal frequently, and thanks everyone for their patience as this may take up to a week to complete.

Parents and guardians can contact their school with questions about school times or enrollment.


*KPBSD schools open to students on Monday, August 24, 2020. Variance: Kachemak Selo, Razdolna, and Voznesenka schools begin Tuesday, August 18, 2020. Nanwalek, Nikolaevsk and Port Graham schools begin Friday, August 21, 2020.

New School Year Letter to KPBSD Special Education Families

info: Read about the three options available to every KPBSD student to attend school during the 2020-2021 school year

August 11, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) is committed to turn challenges into opportunities, and ensure that every student with a disability will have access to their peers as well as core instruction, curriculum, and learning. With the opening of the 2020-2021 school year, we want you to be reassured that KPBSD learned through the experiences from this past spring, and there will be increased rigor and accountability with service delivery and instruction for all learners, including students with disabilities.

KPBSD Student Support Services is preparing and planning to provide an excellent education to our students with Individual Education Programs (IEPs) when school opens in August. With this comes increased measures to ensure the health and safety for all students and staff. The spring of 2020 raised a challenge that no one was prepared for when COVID19 closed schools to students. We acknowledge that emergency remote learning was implemented with varying degrees of success throughout our school district, the state, and country.

Now more than ever, communication and collaboration between teachers, parents and students is vital. To that end, please note:

  • We will continue to encourage meeting options that reduce exposure and risks
  • Meetings should be held via video conferencing (Zoom or Skype) or telephonically
  • Staff will reach out to you to determine the best way for your student’s meetings to occur
  • Your student’s special education case manager, in partnership with you, will construct a remote learning plan that will address service delivery, accommodations, related services and supports in order to help your child make progress towards their IEP goals

Our school district has a long history of turning challenges into opportunities. Successfully educating over 8,800 students distributed amongst 42 schools of varying grade level configurations and enrollment, six different school calendars, and spread across 25,600 square miles, encompassing 17 distinct communities (of which four are fly in only) is one example of how KPBSD overcomes challenges.

Plans will account for changes in education delivery modes if COVID19 risk levels change to high in communities or schools, and as we navigate the 2020-2021 school year. If you believe an IEP meeting is necessary, please reach out and communicate this with your child’s school team. We are here for you.

Together, we each must acknowledge that this school year will be different from any school year in the past.  Together, as partners, we will help set students and staff up for a successful school year. KPBSD will work closely with our families and students, in order to meet their individual and unique needs. By becoming even more resilient, creative, and flexible in this time of uncertainty, we are confident that each of us can and will navigate through this global pandemic, and most importantly, quality education and support for our students with disabilities will occur.

It is our intent, desire, and mission to support our students and families. If you need more information or have questions or concerns, kindly contact your school team or Student Support Services office at 907-714-8881.

Kind regards,

Amy Hagen, Director of Student Support Services, together with the Student Support Services Administrative Team

KPBSD Student Support Services webpage

new: Returning Student Update Forms online portal is now open

Dear KPBSD parents and guardians,

The new “Returning Student Update Forms” online portal is open to you now! This will streamline the required annual paperwork for your child, and where you will indicate your choice about how your child will begin school in August.

Your KPBSD instructional teams and school staff are working to prepare for school beginning Monday, August 24, 2020* for most of our 42 schools on the Kenai Peninsula. Our school principals and secretaries are available to answer your questions, or you can contact the KPBSD help desk during business hours with questions about COVID19 and schools.

To assist your school to put plans for safety and instruction about who will attend school onsite, or 100% remote, or shift to homeschool, kindly complete your online forms and school choice as soon as possible, and no later than Friday, August 14, 2020.

Parent Choice: Parents and guardians filling out the form packets will be prompted to answer a question about their preferred learning environment during the COVID19 global pandemic. We invite every family to choose the plan best for their circumstances. The KPBSD 2020 Smart Start Plan offers three options:

  • ONSITE at Your KPBSD School
    Learning at your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school

  • 100% Remote with Your KPBSD School
    Learning with your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school

  • HOMESCHOOL: Enrollment in KPBSD Connections Homeschool program
    Learning is designed by families with a Connections Teacher Advisor and facilitated by parents

If you have questions about these three options, contact your KPBSD school for help to discern what is best for your child and family.

Thank you for your time to complete these student updates.

Begin your online student updates in PowerSchool FORMS portal


Weekly Update: a video, cloth face masks, a poll, a FAQ

Dear KPBSD students, families, and staff,

Greetings! This week Superintendent O’Brien has a video message* for you about the new cloth face covering decision in KPBSD schools, a request that you take a brief poll about what you think your school choice would be, and current COVID19 risk levels. Today the district leadership team and all 42 school principals and assistant principals met for several hours to plan for the new school year!

View video on YouTube, or go to @KPBSD Facebook to watch

Quick School Choice Poll
Schools need your help
: kindly take a less than one-minute poll asking, if you had to choose today, Which K-12 learning option would be best for your child?

Responses will assist principals and school instructional leaders during the Leadership Academy next week with plans for the opening of school on August 24, 2020. This is not your definitive answer—you will receive a separate required “Returning School Information Update” response form next week.

Your quick poll response is needed by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2020.

Quick poll: Which KPBSD school option would you choose today?

NEW! All KPBSD staff, and students in third grade and above, will be required to wear cloth face coverings whenever 6’ physical distancing is not possible.

Cloth face coverings will be required for KPBSD staff and everyone in grades three and above, if 6′ physical distancing is not possible.

Cloth face coverings will be required in KPBSD schools in all COVID19 risk levels (low, medium, high) for all staff, and students in third grade and older, whenever a 6’ physical distancing is not possible. If a cloth or clear face covering is medically inappropriate or cannot be worn, a face shield that extends at least to the chin and around the sides of the face will be allowed. Students in grades Pre-K through second grade will not be required to wear a face covering, yet do still need to have a cloth face covering in their school supplies. They will be directed when and if they need to wear them. Handwashing and physical distancing will emphasized in all grades.

Smart Start 2020 Frequently Asked Questions Flyer

Make sure to do something kind for yourself this week. We know this might be hard, we are confident in our plan, and being flexible, along with staying hopeful that schools will open, and stay open. This year will be better than “last year with a mask on” and it will take all of us working together with resiliency, and kindness toward each other.

ps: Please take a minute to complete the poll – it will really help with planning the best school year possible for all students, and our hard working staff.


REFERENCE: Which K-12 learning option will be best for you? Review or download the PDF

ONSITE at Your KPBSD School
Learning at your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school

100% Remote with Your KPBSD School
Learning with your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school

HOMESCHOOL: Enrollment in KPBSD Connections Homeschool program
Learning is designed by families with a Connections Teacher Advisor and facilitated by parents

Kindly note: if you ask questions in a comment, I’ll do my best to review them a few times a week, and respond. You can always contact your school, or call the district office at 907 – 714 – 8888 – Pegge Erkeneff, Director of Communications

Weekly Update: Three KPBSD School Solutions during a pandemic

Planning continues to open 42 KPBSD schools, and the science and spread of COVID19 in Alaska continues to change–you likely have questions and concerns. One size does not fit everyone, and COVID19 is creating challenges we have never lived through. Together we will create solutions and help you choose the best option for learning this fall.

We understand education during a global pandemic requires adaption, a flexible mindset, and serious decisions. We promise to communicate and be proactive, even when we do not have all the answers. Toward that end to assist you, a dedicated phone number and email address that will reach district office to respond to your COVID19 and school choice questions is now available—look in the question section for the contacts. School principals and secretaries return to work the week of July 28, and school staff return later in August.

Included this week is a new flyer with the Three Flexible Solutions for School in KPBSD, and responses to seven common questions. We know some of you will need devices or internet—the survey next week will help determine your needs so the district can assist.

July 23, 2020 KPBSD Weekly Update: Three Flexible Solutions for School in 2020-2021 during a Global Pandemic

Which KPBSD K-12 learning option will be best for you?

  • ONSITE at Your KPBSD School
    Learning at your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school
  • 100% Remote with Your KPBSD School
    Learning with your neighborhood school, charter school, or non-traditional KPBSD school
  • HOMESCHOOL: Enrollment in KPBSD Connections Homeschool program
    Learning is designed by families with a Connections Teacher Advisor and facilitated by parents

Seven Questions

Q: Can I change once I decide?

Yes. If you need flexibility to change between options, KPBSD wants you to be successful and you can make a change

Q: Will face coverings be required when school begins in August?

Superintendent O’Brien and the district leadership planning team are currently reviewing the science and recommendations from CDC, DHSS, DEED, and public input about requiring face coverings to be worn in the school environment. An update to the SmartStart plan is forthcoming, and will be shared in the communication next week.

Q: Help Desk

We know many of you want to talk to your school principal, secretary, or teachers, prior to making a decision. Principals and secretaries begin returning to work on or after July 28, and teachers return in August. If you need help deciding what is best for you and your children, have questions, or simply need someone to hear your thoughts and concerns, the district office is open. For your specific COVID19 and school related questions, call 907-714-8864, email us at, or visit For general questions, the main KPBSD office number is 907-714-8888

Q: When do I need to choose?

You will receive an online update form next week, and can complete it any time prior to the start of school. Through the form, you can also update student contact information, indicate what access you need for internet and learning devices, and indicate your choice for school beginning in August 2020

Q: When will schools close in high COVID19 risk level?

  • Always open: The 100% Remote with Your KPBSD School, and the KPBSD Connections Homeschool, will be open during all risk levels
  • Pivot needed: The ONSITE at Your KPBSD School will close to students during high COVID19 risk, and shift to 100% Remote Learning through the Virtual Classroom

Q: Can I receive school meals if schools close during High COVID19 risk?

Yes. We are planning to implement the “Get-it and Go” meals if schools need to close to students during high COVID19 risk

Q:How do you determine COVID19 Risk Levels on the Kenai Peninsula?

KPBSD implemented an operational plan to indicate low, medium, or high risk of COVID-19 community transmission in a geographical region or school based on 14 day averages and seven day trends. Decisions are based on state data, and local current information from the DHSS and public health. Beginning August 1, updates will be made daily, posted on the KPBSD website, and changes in risk level communicated to our families, staff, and publics. A visual map of the Kenai Peninsula risk level in our 42 schools is in development, and will be live online no later than August 1, 2020


To safely open schools, we must each take actions now, to slow or stop the spread of the COVID19 virus. When you wash your hands, watch your 6’ distance with others, and wear a mask in public places, you directly influence the safe opening of schools and learning for our children. Our actions add up, and we can and will get through this global pandemic.

COVID19 Risk Levels in KPBSD

COVID19 Risk Level in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

On July 28, 2020, Southern Peninsula rose from LOW to MEDIUM Risk
On July 27, 2020, Central Peninsula dropped from HIGH to MEDIUM Risk

Current Risk Levels effective July 19, 2020, July 27, 2020, July 28, 2020, until further notice*
Central Peninsula: HIGH (on 7-27-20 risk dropped to MEDIUM)
Eastern Peninsula: HIGH
Southern Peninsula: LOW (on 7-28-20 risk rose to MEDIUM)

When the onset of COVID-19 happened, the need to make rational and informed operational decisions became primary for the health and safety of our students, staff, and communities. KPBSD incorporated science-based guidance to assist in our decision-making processes.

Beginning on or before August 1, KPBSD will provide daily COVID19 risk updates for our schools on a new dedicated webpage at, and include a robust visual risk level map of Kenai Peninsula schools on the district and school website homepages for easy reference. Included will be what to expect with each risk level.

*RISK LEVELS Documents. (To read the most recent reports, go to

The KPBSD is divided into geographical risk areas:

  • Central Kenai Peninsula includes Sterling to Kasilof, extending through Kenai, Nikiski, Soldotna, and DHSS “other north” communities:
    Aurora Borealis Charter School; Connections Homeschool; Kaleidoscope Charter School; K-Beach Elementary School; Kenai Alternative School; Kenai Central High School; Kenai Middle School; Mountain View Elementary School; Nikiski Middle-High School; Nikiski North Star Elementary School; Redoubt Elementary School; River City Academy; Skyview Middle School; Soldotna Elementary School; Soldotna High School; Soldotna Montessori Charter School; Sterling Elementary School and Other North: Tustumena Elementary School
  • Eastern Kenai Peninsula includes Seward area, including Moose Pass
    Moose Pass Elementary School; Seward Elementary School; Seward High School; Seward Middle School
  • Southern Kenai Peninsula includes Homer area, north to Ninilchik, Anchor Point, Fritz Creek, and DHSS “other south” communities:
    Chapman School; Connections Homeschool; Fireweed Academy; Homer Flex School; Homer High School; Homer Middle School; McNeil Canyon Elementary School; Paul Banks Elementary School; West Homer Elementary School; and Other South: Kachemak-Selo School;Nikolaevsk School; Ninilchik School; Razdolna School; Voznesenka School
  • Schools in Individual or Remote Communities
    Cooper Landing School; Hope School; Nanwalek School; Port Graham School; Susan B. English School (Seldovia); Tebughna School

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) created a tool with three levels of alert based on the amount of community transmission on a per capita incidence of cases per 100,000 population as part of their plan to reopen long-term care facilities to visitors. Every day the DHSS calculates the number of new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 residents, then averages it over the past 14 days. The DHSS article and chart are found at this link:

The DHSS article specifically states:

“These community transmission levels were developed to inform decisions about allowing visitors to long-term care facilities. However average daily per capita incidence may inform decision making in other sectors as well, such as schools, institutions of higher education, and businesses.”

The Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA) adopted this modeling to determine risk levels for student activities and sports.

KPBSD believes that the safety of our staff and students should be as important as the safety of our senior citizens, so we have adopted the same numbers used by DHSS. We have created a “KPBSD Level of Determination by Community-Region” chart that converts the population of the borough and its communities on the “cases per 100,000 population” standard that the State used. The KPBSD chart shows case counts in two ways, the daily average case rate over fourteen days, and the total maximum number of cases in the last 14-day period.

KPBSD created a “Resident Coronavirus Cases On The Kenai Peninsula” chart to track the daily number of cases on the Kenai Peninsula as reported by the State of Alaska on the upper portion of the chart. On the bottom half of the page, cases are grouped by Region. The cases are shown in three different ways:

  • a total of all cases
  • a total of cases in the last 14-day period
  • a daily average in the last 14-day period

The latter two numbers are used in coordination with the “KPBSD Level of Determination by Community-Region” chart to determine what alert level each Region is in for KPBSD operations.

Reports for Resident Coronavirus Cases On The Kenai Peninsula and KPBSD Level of Determination by Community-Region were moved near the top of this page.


In July, posts will only be made when risk levels change. Beginning August 1, daily count updates will be live online and posted to KPBSD social media. Kindly note: if you ask questions in a comment, I’ll do my best to review them several times a week, and respond. However, I will be out of the office July 20-25, 2020, so there will not be any responses. I appreciate your patience and understanding until the new risk level webpage and map under development for the school year is live on August 1. – Pegge Erkeneff, Director of Communications

KPBSD Weekly Update: 7-16-20

COVID19 is creating a bumpy and difficult time. We know it may be very hard for you, and adaptions may require a new focus, mindset, and decisions. We promise to communicate and be proactive, even when we do not have all the answers. Let us trust that together we can and will continue offering learning for all our students, and keep our excellent KPBSD staff employed. To do this we need grace, kindness for each other, and self-care for families and ourselves.

To safely open schools, we must each take actions now, to slow or stop the spread of the COVID19 virus. When you wash your hands, watch your 6’ distance with others, and wear a mask in public places, you directly influence the safe opening of schools and learning for our children. Our actions add up, and we can and will get through this global pandemic.

July 16, 2020 KPBSD Weekly Update

  • The KPBSD Board of Education approved the KPBSD 2020 Smart Start for Schools, and we know it will continue to evolve.
  • The first day of school for students in most KPBSD schools is Monday, August 24, 2020. View Variance calendars for some smaller schools
  • Quick view Smart Start Plan highlights for parents and families:


New! Symptom Free School Protocol: If any symptoms of illness are present, students and staff will not go to school. New cleaning protocols are in place. Updates to COVID19 risk levels on the Kenai Peninsula will be made daily*.

Choice: Where will learning happen?

Families will have the choice* to elect for their children to:

When you enroll in your neighborhood school and choose to attend in person or via remote learning, or in KPBSD Connections Homeschool, your choice keeps education funding coming to KPBSD for the Kenai Peninsula, employs our excellent staff, and offers options for students.

*We know you have questions and want to make the best choice for your family. Helpful guidance will arrive to you next week. In addition, updated online enrollment with a preference about the three KPBSD options will be coming out soon.


Learning is designed for flexibility of location: in-person or remote. Each grade or subject course will have both the physical classroom option in school, and the virtual “remote” classroom where materials will be shared and lessons taught.


Schools will continually work to support students during this singular time in education. Students and parents will be able to count on WHO supports them, and WHERE to find materials, feedback, and access to learning.


KPBSD and schools will provide timely resources and information to staff, families, and publics. School websites will serve as a hub for their learning community and include contact information and virtual classroom links, school COVID19 risk level, updates, and school social media sites.

*Determining COVID19 Risk Levels on the Kenai Peninsula

KPBSD implemented an operational plan to indicate low, medium, or high risk of COVID-19 community transmission in a geographical region or school. Decisions are based on state data, and local current information from the DHSS and public health. Updates will be made daily, posted on the KPBSD website, and communicated to our families, staff, and publics when changes in risk levels occur. KPBSD schools will be open to students in low and medium risk levels, with increased safety measures in place.

A visual map of the Kenai Peninsula risk level in our 42 schools is in development, and will be live online no later than August 1.


Kindly note: if you ask questions in a comment, I’ll do my best to review them several times a week, and respond. I appreciate your patience and understanding that until we create a FAQ, that your questions assist to develop it, and I will get you answers soon. – Pegge Erkeneff, Director of Communications

June 29, 2020 KPBSD Update

KPBSD Sports & Activities webpage

There is a new opponent on the Kenai Peninsula—meet COVID-19, who changed the game plan and conditions for summer activities and play in KPBSD schools. Several schools have plans approved now, and youth are practicing. Read the “Playing Safely” Peninsula Clarion June 18, 2020 article. Pools at Skyview Middle School and Kenai Central High School are reopening.

You can learn more at the KPBSD Sports and Activities COVID-19 webpage, and read a letter to students, families, and staff about summer activities.

Everyone needs to be a superhero and do their part so that schools open to students. Make sure to wash your hands, watch your 6’ feet, and wear a mask when appropriate. In a pandemic, personal choices count and it will take teamwork from all of us to keep positive COVID counts down, summer sports happening, and schools to open to students in August.

Helpful Resources

August SmartStart 2020

As preparations continue for the reopening of schools in August, you can count on parental choice, consistency and continuity, and symptom free schools. During the July 13, 2020 Board of Education meeting, the SmartStart 2020 plan will be shared, then posted online that week. The KPBSD planning committee of district leadership, administrators, and others are working diligently. We will meet with the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Education and Early Development in early July to define updated risk determinations in order to keep schools open to students and staff. More details will be available to respond to your questions in mid-July. Thank you for your patience!

KPBSD Summer Sports & Activities Game Plan

KPBSD Sports & Activities webpage

Dear KPBSD students, parents, and staff,

KPBSD is dedicated to the continuation of our various athletic programs for the physical and mental well-being of our students. We are mindful of the risks associated with these events to take place and are taking necessary steps to create as safe an environment as possible for student athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, and spectators. Therefore, additional requirements are in place as summer sports and activities resume in June.

We are working closely with local and state agencies, ASAA, and reviewing the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), to create standards and expectations to help lower the risk of COVID-19 exposure. We will implement safety measures during summer practices, camps, and conditioning that will make these sporting events safer for everyone. 

Some of the COVID-19 safety measures include requiring participants to sign in when they arrive at each session, take a temperature check, and to respond COVID-19 related symptom questions. Students are asked to follow their coaches or school guidelines, dress appropriately for their activity, bring their own water bottle, and cloth face covering that can be worn outside of practice. Our actions now will slow the community spread of COVID-19, and allow schools and sports to remain open.

We encourage every family to consider the risks to participate in sports and activities during a pandemic, and make the decision that is best for their family. Due to the risks associated with playing sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, KPBSD will require each family of a student athlete, as well as anyone participating in the sporting event, to sign an acknowledgement of the risks and a waiver of liability. This form is designed to assess certain risk factors, highlight the dangers of participating in sports, and ask that each participant not hold KPBSD liable for any harm that may result if a student athlete or participant contracts COVID-19. Make sure to read the sports waiver before you sign, as you will be giving up important legal rights.

We strive to continue our sports programs to the fullest extent practical and intend to take responsible measures to promote the safety of all participants, coaches, staff, and supporting families. KPBSD will monitor community spread of COVID-19, low-medium-high risk in our diverse communities, and potentially make updates as state health mandates and guidance updates are available. You can always find information on our new dedicated KPBSD Sports and Activities webpage.

Kind Regards,
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

KPBSD Smart Start plans for new school year

Work is underway for a smart start to the new school year

Soldotna, June 18, 2020—Superintendent John O’Brien assures parents, students, and communities that although it may be summer break, significant work is underway to plan for the August start of 42 schools, during a global pandemic.

Dear parents, students, staff, and Kenai Peninsula Borough communities:

A 20 person team has been designing the safe start-up plans for school in August when we will welcome all children and staff into the new 2020-2021 school year. Our sincere hope and planning goal is to open up all 42 schools for onsite and in-person teaching and learning.

The Alaska Departments of Education and Health and Social Services requested every school district in the state to develop alternative plans in the event it becomes necessary to provide for safe social distancing measures, or a more drastic return to remote learning if the COVID-19 virus makes a strong return in our communities. Part of the planning process includes how we will be able to accurately determine community and school risk levels, and our response. Information and guidance will come from both the state and public health. The risk levels and the implemented actions in KPBSD may include:

In a Green or Low Risk environment, school will open on a normal schedule, and be as typical as possible with increased health and hygiene measures in place

In a Yellow or Medium Risk environment, plans may require safe social distancing in schools and during bus transportation, smaller groupings of students, the possibility of wearing cloth face masks in some settings, and options for remote work or learning for higher risk students and staff

If we were experiencing community spread and transmission of the COVID-19 virus, this would trigger Red or High Risk plans to be implemented which will likely result in the closure of some schools, and the need to provide remote off site instruction in that region of the district

In July, the KPBSD Board of Education and the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development will receive our draft plans for final approval. I offer a special thanks to the hundreds of staff and thousands of families who participated in the survey that took place in May.

Our critical mission is to provide equitable educational support and opportunities for all students, all school year. For information and the latest updates about the KPBSD 2020 Smart Start team’s work, please frequently visit our KPBSD 2020 Smart Start web page at, or access it from the homepage.

Wishing you success and positive impact,
John O’Brien, Superintendent
