Borough funds Kenai Peninsula education with maximum allowable contribution

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
KPBSD is grateful our Borough funds public education

Soldotna, June 5, 2015—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District will receive the maximum amount of funding for K-12 public education from the Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) in 2015-2016 (FY16). At the KPB assembly meeting on June 2, 2015, assembly members voted to fund the KPBSD FY16 budget with the maximum allowable contribution that Alaska state law permits.

“We are grateful the Borough recognizes that with the fiscal unknowns in the state budget, and by funding the school district with the maximum amount possible, this action will help soften any potential reductions in service that we will likely need to make,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “The local funding will minimize negative consequences students will experience with any future reductions in services and educational funding.”

“I am especially thankful for the strong support we received from the Borough administration, assembly, and Mayor Navarre,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent.

The Alaska State Legislature has not yet passed a FY16 budget, so KPBSD remains uncertain about the amount of educational funding that will be designated to the district through the Foundation Formula and One-Time Funding.

The KPBSD $165 million dollar FY16 budget is a deficit budget, and requires use of General Fund reserves. The actions of the Borough will allow KPBSD to extend its General Fund reserves into the upcoming years of fiscal uncertainty.



News Release: KPBSD launches new system to accept online payments

News ReleasePrint
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

Soldotna, April 21, 2015—“Mom, I forgot my lunch money!” Have you ever wanted to add money to a school meal account, for a student activity fee, donation, or lost book via an online payment? Now you can! KPBSD is working with RevTrak, which allows parents and other interested parties to make online payments to the district, via a computer or mobile device.

Food service payments
Online payment for food services is now available for all KPBSD schools. Online payments are processed in real time; this means that someone could make a payment in the morning, and the funds would be available for the student when he or she goes to lunch that day.
Student activity fees
Kenai Central High School and Ninilchik School are piloting the receipt of online payments for student activities, such as class fees, activity participation fees, donations, lost book fees and so forth. Additional schools are going live in coming weeks.
To make a payment
Parents or other people making payments can access a student record in three ways to make payments:

“The district has had many requests for some type of online payment capability, so we are glad to be able to offer this service for students and we hope it will be helpful,” said Laurie Olson, director of finance. “Liz Hayes in our finance department together with Eric Soderquist and David Henson in information services have worked since last summer to get this online and functioning; they are the main reason we are able to offer this service.”
Note: there is a 3.61% processing fee calculated on all payments, no exceptions. This is the actual cost of the processing fee from RevTrak, and is not a source of revenue for the district.
KPBSD web store

News Release: KPBSD and Proposed Education Funding Reductions in HB72

PrintSoldotna, April 10, 2015—The Senate and House Conference Committee for HB 72 Operating Budget formed. The first meeting is Friday, April 10, 2015, at 4:00 PM.

  • KPBSD understands that difficult financial decisions have to be made. We have confidence in our legislators and Speaker of the House Chenault, who have demonstrated support and advocacy for public education on the Kenai Peninsula.
  • Over 80 percent of our 2015-2016 budget is related to staff (salary and benefits). The proposed reductions of $8 million translates into the potential loss of up to 100 positions and vital programs.
  • It is a constitutional responsibility of the State of Alaska to provide and maintain a public school system open to every child.

Principal Nate Crabtree, K-Beach Elementary: “Legislators are proposing additional reductions to education funding. Our children have one chance for a K-12 education and it needs to be the best we can provide. KPBSD is committed to delivering a quality education to our students and providing stability for our staff and communities. Unanticipated education funding reductions, proposed this late in the budgeting process, will have an impact on K-Beach Elementary. While it is imperative that we find ways to save money as a state, we need to carefully consider doing so in a way that doesn’t negatively influence students during these very formative years when the emerging skills of reading, writing, and math are taking root. Please consider ways in which you can positively influence legislators. Time is essential; the legislative session ends April 19, 2015.”


Principal Dan Carstens, Nikiski Middle-High School: “When I learned of the possible additional reduction to the BSA [Foundation Formula 4.1% reduction], I was taken aback and immediately examined my current staffing sheet to determine what else could go. It came down to programs and opportunities for our students. … I looked at our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and would have to have lighter versions due to the fact that our instructors would need to teach a wider variety at mainly a beginning level. In other words, not a deep understanding, only introductory. Which would be a shame, especially with the variety of equipment we currently possess.”


Soldotna High School student council: “We, the students of Soldotna High School Student Council would like to address the current status of HB72 as it stands on April 8, 2015. We are gravely concerned about the educational implications of this bill if it should pass as it currently exists. … We would encourage you to continue to look at a variety of ways to help balance the budget without such extreme cuts to education.”*

Please contact legislators to voice your opinion about the proposed reductions to education funding.
The Senate Finance Committee amended HB 72 with a 4.1 percent reduction to the Foundation Formula educational funding on April 2, 2015. The impact to KPBSD is:

  • Reduction of state contribution to KPBSD: $4,238,432
  • Reduction of local (borough) contribution to KPBSD: $977,007

Governor Walker proposed an operating budget reduction of educational One-Time Funding in HB 72.The impact to KPBSD is:

  • Reduction of state contribution to KPBSD: $2,262,989
  • Reduction of local (borough) contribution to KPBSD: $520,487

Potential 2015-2016 revenue loss to KPBSD: $7,998,915
Total possible reduction in state funding to KPBSD: $6,501,421
Total possible reduction in local (borough) funding to KPBSD: $1,497,494

*HB72 Operating Budget Conference Committee Members

Kenai Peninsula Legislators

Connect with KPBSD on Facebook, twitter, our Mobile App, and website to follow updates. Contacts for Alaska legislators are noted in this announcement, and also on the Alaska State Legislature webpage.


News Release: Proposed reductions to education funding in Alaska

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
Proposed reductions to education funding in Alaska

Soldotna, April 3, 2015—The Senate Finance Committee has amended HB 72, proposing a 4.1 percent reduction to the Foundation Formula educational funding. The reduction to the state contribution also impacts the maximum allowable contribution the Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) can contribute to the school district. KPBSD is analyzing the potential impact of this additional reduction in revenue to our 2015-2016 budget, together with our commitment to provide stability for our students, staff, and community within the changing fiscal climate. The impact of the unanticipated HB 72 reductions to the KPBSD budget are:
Senate Finance Committee proposed education Foundation Formula reduction of 4.1 percent:

  • Reduces state contribution to KPBSD: $4,238,432
  • Reduces local (borough) contribution to KPBSD: $977,007

Governor Walker’s proposed operating budget reduction of educational One-Time Funding:

  • Reduces state contribution to KPBSD: $2,262,989
  • Reduces local (borough) contribution to KPBSD: $520,487

Potential FY16 revenue loss: $7,998,915
Total possible reduction in state funding to KPBSD: $6,501,421
Total possible reduction in local (borough) funding to KPBSD: $1,497,494

“I’m very concerned that the legislature is proposing these further reductions to education funding, particularly this late in our process of budgeting and staffing for next year,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “KPBSD is committed to deliver a quality education to our students, and provide stability for our staff and communities. These reductions compromise our ability to prepare our students for their future. We will discuss the budget and potential ramifications with the school board during a previously scheduled worksession on Monday, April 6, 2015.”

Over 80 percent of the 2015-2016 budget is related to staff (salary and benefits). An $8 million reduction translates into the potential loss of up to 100 positions.
HB 72
KPBSD and the Legislature webpage
The Alaska State Legislature webpage
April 3, 2015 News Release: Legislative Reductions to Education Funding

News Release: KPBSD Pre-Kindergarten assessment dates

KPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Pre-Kindergarten Title I assessments will take place in April
Soldotna, March 17, 2015—Children who will be four years old by September 1, 2015, have an opportunity to attend pre-kindergarten classes at their local area school in the fall. To qualify for the classes, parents and guardians must contact their local area school to schedule a Pre-K assessment, and complete an application prior to the school screening appointment date.

“The Title I funded Pre-K programs available at specific sites in the KPBSD provide an excellent opportunity for children who turn four by September 1, 2015, to get a jumpstart on success in school. KPBSD’s Pre-K teachers are all certified and have specialized training in early childhood education. As a result, the programs they offer are engaging and developmentally appropriate, with an emphasis on preparing children to be successful when they enter kindergarten. Pre-K the KPBSD way focuses on experiences that facilitate each child’s growth in the targeted areas of social and emotional development; approaches to learning; communication, language, and literacy; cognitive development, and; physical well-being.” –Dr. Christine Ermold, director of elementary education

Parent or guardian action steps before school assessment date in April

  1. Contact local attendance area school for times and testing locations. (See alphabetical list of schools offering Pre-K sessions*)
  2. Complete a Pre-K Application—the school office in your attendance area will provide applications
  3. Return the application to your neighborhood school office during school hours
  4. Schedule your child’s assessment prior to the date for your neighborhood school. (Dates listed below)
  5. Children must be age 4 by September 1, 2015
  6. Title I KPBSD programs web link: Title 1 programs at KPBSD

*KPBSD Title I Elementary Schools and Screening dates
Students qualify for Title I services based on academic need

  • Chapman Elementary, 235-8671, April 14, 2015

  • Mountain View Elementary, 283-8600, April 16, 2015

  • Nikiski North Star Elementary, 776-2600, April 15, 2015

  • Paul Banks Elementary, 226-1801, April 23, 2015

  • Redoubt Elementary, 260-4300, April 28, 2015

  • Seward Elementary, 224-3356, April 30, 2015

  • Soldotna Elementary, 260-5100, April 28, 2015

  • Sterling Elementary, 262-4944, April 29, 2015

  • Tustumena Elementary, 260-1345, April 9, 2015

Title I programs are required to utilize effective, research based instruction, and must also provide evidence that students receiving Title I support are showing academic growth. Such evidence is gathered through regular formative assessments and through annual state standardized tests.
Title 1 Programs at KPBSD
Media Release: March 17, 2015: Title I PreK testing in April



News Release: Sean Dusek selected as Superintendent of Schools

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
Soldotna, March 3, 2015—At a special board of education meeting today, the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District school board voted, with unanimous consent, to offer Mr. Sean Dusek the position of Superintendent of Schools.

“I am humbled and honored to be selected as the next superintendent of our district. We are on a journey of continuous improvement that will positively impact our students and enhance how they are being prepared for their future. It is exciting to be able to continue all of our good work with such outstanding students, staff, and communities in this capacity. I am very much looking forward to this opportunity.” — Sean Dusek

Sean Dusek KPBSD Superintendent 2015 smaller sizeAn Alaskan educator since 1991, throughout his entire career Mr. Dusek demonstrates a commitment to the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. He has served the students of KPBSD as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, director, assistant superintendent, and now, superintendent. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education – Math, and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership.
Superintendent Dusek’s focus is to ensure all students in KPBSD are prepared for their future. Problem solving, effective communication, respectful collaboration, and creativity are critical skills all students must develop while in our district. When these skills are combined with a solid academic foundation, including information and technology skills, students will be able to pursue all opportunities available to them upon graduation.
Board President Joe Arness said, “We have every confidence that Superintendent Dusek will be able to carry on the tradition of excellence we have come to expect in our school district. Thank you to everyone who provided public comment during this process.” Arness will meet with Dusek to negotiate the terms of employment, and bring a contract to the Board of Education for approval. The Superintendent of Schools position will begin July 1, 2015. Dusek has been the interim superintendent since December 1, 2014.
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Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

News Release: Hospital Career Fair for KPBSD High School Students

Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, Communication SpecialistKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
News Release
Careers in the Health Sciences are in High Demand
Soldotna, February 12, 2015—High school students are invited to learn how to become part of the fastest growing career track in Alaska and the nation.

Hospital Career Fair

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

10:00-1:30 p.m.

Central Peninsula Hospital

Students will learn about careers in Therapeutic (Nurse, Counselor, etc.), Medical Information (Billing, Coding …), Diagnostic (Radiologist, Imaging …), and Environmental (Chef, Electrician …) fields.
During the 2014 Hospital Career Day, nearly 80 KPBSD high school students attended, and hospital employees shared their passion and commitment to their chosen occupations, providing students valuable tips about how to prepare for a career in a hospital setting.
To sign up for the 2015 Hospital Career Day or learn more, students can contact their high school counselor. This opportunity will not take place again until 2017. Lunch is provided and the event is sponsored by Central Peninsula Hospital, the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, and the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
KPBSD Career and Technical department
KPBSD Career Clusters
2015 Hospital Career Fair Flyer
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
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News Release: KPBSD Public Budget Forum and Public Pool Use meetings

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release

How would you spend 167 million dollars?

Soldotna, February 10, 2015—KPBSD faces a multi-million dollar deficit for a status quo budget in 2015-2016. If you care about quality schools and an excellent public education for our Kenai Peninsula K-12 students, please attend a public meeting in your area. 
In addition, KPBSD seeks input to evaluate the operation of the pools within our schools. Community members are asked to provide thoughts about how to improve pool usage, and help KPBSD examine cost efficiencies.

“The KPBSD focus is to maximize opportunities for the students in our classrooms,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “The district looks forward to gathering innovative options from the public to help us address our fiscal realities. Additionally, we want to hear ideas from the public related to our pool usage and operation costs.”

Parents, employees, students, community members—please attend. Mark your calendar and bring your questions and ideas to a KPBSD public meeting, where you will learn about the district budget perspective, expenditures, revenues, and receive responses to your questions.

KPBSD Public Pool Use Meeting and Public Budget Forum Meetingsmoney

  • Tuesday, February 17, 2015, Seward High School library
    • 5:00 Pool Use; 5:30 p.m. Public Budget Meeting
  • Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Soldotna High School library
    • 5:00 Pool Use; 5:30 p.m. Public Budget Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 24, 2015, Homer High School library
    • 5:00 Pool Use; 5:30 p.m. Public Budget Meeting

KPBSD finance department and budget documents:
February 10 2015 News Release: Public Budget Forum
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
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Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

News Release: Public Comment Opportunity in School District Negotiations

Alaska Statute AS 23.40.235 states that a school district “shall provide opportunities for public comment on the issues to be addressed in the collective bargaining process.”

News ReleaseKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Public Involvement in School District Negotiations*

Soldotna, January 14, 2015—The public is invited to comment about issues that will be addressed in the collective bargaining process via an online comment form, or by email, fax, mail, or in person at the district office.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) plans to begin Collective Bargaining negotiations with the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA), and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) by the last week in January, 2015. The process includes items for discussion such as compensation, employee benefits, health care, and work environment that one or both sides want to address for possible revision. A link to the online comment form is posted on the KPBSD website homepage. Additionally:

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Attn: Negotiations 2015
148 N. Binkley, Soldotna, Alaska 99669
Fax: 907.262.5867

*AS 23.40.235. Public Involvement in School District Negotiations
Before beginning bargaining, the school board of a city or borough school district or a regional educational attendance area shall provide opportunities for public comment on the issues to be addressed in the collective bargaining process. Initial proposals, last-best-offer proposals, tentative agreements before ratification, and final agreements reached by the parties are public documents and are subject to inspection and copying under AS 40.25.110 – 40.25.140.


Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link:

News Release: Shop fire at Susan B. English School in Seldovia

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District News Release
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News ReleaseKPBSD logo for media release
Susan B. English School shop fire

Soldotna, November 26, 2014—An early morning fire on Monday, November 24, 2014, at the Susan B. English school shop appears to have been caused by spontaneous combustion due to rags in a garbage can. There were no injuries, and the fire was an accident.
Current situation, Wednesday, November 26, 2014, consists of water, smoke, and soot damage, and unknown as of yet, structural damage. Currently the building is being stabilized, and the focus is on restoring heat.
There is NO ACCESS to the building at this time. The only exception is Kenai Peninsula Borough maintenance department or authorized personnel.
During the week of December 1, structural assessment and analysis, capital projects, planning and operations, and insurers will begin damage assessment and the scope of repairs needed  including asbestos analysis.
No decisions about the future of the building are being made at this time, and financial estimates are not yet available
After all assessments are made, KPBSD will provide a subsequent community update.
KPBSD is very thankful to the city employee who saw flames and called the Volunteer Fire Department (VFD). Further thanks extend to the VFD who responded swiftly to fight the fire.
Questions:  contact  Julie Cisco, KPBSD director of planning and operations, 907-714-8820,
News Release: KPBSD_2014_11_26 Susan B. English fire