KPBSD Ski Teams En Route Home | News Release

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
Media Release
KPBSD Ski Teams En Route Home
Soldotna, January 11, 2014—KPBSD confirms a charter bus departed Valdez at approximately 1:30 p.m., and is heading back to the Kenai Peninsula, driven by the owner of Unique Bus Charters. All students from the Kenai Central High School (KCHS) and Skyview High School ski teams who were evaluated at the Providence Valdez Medical Center are on board the bus. Additionally, one student was medevac’d to Anchorage, and has been released. Travel time is estimated to be ten to twelve hours.
Saturday morning KCHS head coach Brad Nyquist said, “We feel very fortunate about how everything turned out. The kids are doing great. At the incident site everyone responded so well taking action to care for each other and keeping composure. The Valdez community opened their arms, and made us feel welcome and safe. The medical responders took all precautions necessary. I had a team meeting Friday night, and the kids showed a good sense of humor. Everyone is very understanding.” Cellular coverage at the bus accident site on the Richardson Highway, mile 55, was difficult with very little coverage. Nyquist said, “I’m sorry it took so much time to contact parents, and apologize for the delays in communication.”
Kent Peterson, Skyview head coach said, “We were so fortunate. Adults—chaperones and coaches—immediately divided up duties at the accident site, and one of the first people to stop happened to be a woman who was an emergency responder! DOT and two Valdez police arrived shortly after. We worked in teams to take care of everything. The kids are all good, and when we first assessed everyone it appeared any injuries were minor. The emergency team checked them out at the site, and then again in Valdez another team checked everyone.” Several students did go to the hospital for further evaluation, and Peterson added, “Some kids thought they were checked out too thoroughly!”
We are awaiting word on the bus driver, and our care and concern extends to his family and medical team.
Due to the circumstances, the two KPBSD teams did not compete in the Valdez Invitational on Saturday. “I thank all of the staff from Valdez City Schools, the Valdez Emergency Services, Valdez Police, personnel at the Valdez Hospital, and the Alaska State Troopers for their immediate and professional response to today’s accident,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent.  “The location of the accident made the response difficult, we are thankful that these agencies are so well trained. In addition, thank you to local families who volunteered to bring food to students, and open their homes to parents.”
On Friday, January 10, 2014, while traveling to the Valdez Invitational, Kenai Central High School and Skyview High School cross-country ski teams were in a bus accident at 11:44 a.m., at mile 55 on the Richardson Highway. Valdez City Schools sent buses to transport students to the elementary school, where a medical triage team assembled to assess every student. Several students were subsequently transported to Providence Valdez Medical Center for further evaluation, and released. The bus driver and one student were medevac’d to Anchorage. The student has been released. Forty-nine people were on board the bus, in addition to the bus driver.
Media release January 10, 2014: KPBSD ski teams in bus accident
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
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Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.
Pegge Erkeneff | Communications Specialist

KPBSD Ski Teams in Bus Accident | News Release

News Release: contact Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Specialist | 907.714.8888

KPBSD Ski Teams in Bus Accident

Soldotna, January 10, 2014—While traveling to the Valdez Invitational, Kenai Central High School and Skyview High School cross-country ski teams were in a bus accident at approximately 11:44 a.m., at mile 55 on the Richardson Highway. Valdez City Schools sent buses to transport students to the elementary school, where a medical triage team assembled to assess every student. Several students were subsequently transported to Providence Valdez Medical Center for further evaluation.
At the accident site cell coverage was minimal, weather conditions were poor. Forty-nine people were on board the bus from KPBSD, in addition to the bus driver. Skyview High School team: 15 students and three adults; from Kenai Central High School: 28 students and three adults. Students and KPBSD staff began arriving in Valdez at approximately 4:00 p.m.
At the time of this media release, students at the hospital were being treated and released, and we are awaiting a full update. All parents and guardians have been contacted.
Due to the circumstances, the two KPBSD teams will not compete in the Valdez Invitational on Saturday; Unique Charters is sending a replacement bus for the teams which plans to leave Valdez and drive back to the central peninsula midday.

“I thank all of the staff from Valdez City Schools, the Valdez Emergency Services, Valdez Police, personnel at the Valdez Hospital, and the Alaska State Troopers for their immediate and professional response to today’s accident,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent.  “The location of the accident made the response difficult, we are thankful that these agencies are so well trained. In addition, thank you to local families who volunteered to bring food to students, and open their homes to parents.”

This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
New: Suggest or contribute a story online link:
Please contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications specialist, with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

Soldotna 7-12 grade schools reconfiguration

News Release

KPBSD logo 4c today

Advisory Committee recommendations for Soldotna schools 7-12 grade reconfiguration

Soldotna, November 8, 2013—The Soldotna area 7-12 grade schools Advisory Committee completed its work and presented recommendations to the KPBSD Board of Education during a work session on November 4, 2013.
Last spring, the school board voted to reconfigure the three Soldotna area secondary schools which set in motion a series of events to address the details of what needed to be in place for these schools at the start of the FY15 school year. One of these events was the administration’s creation of an advisory committee. This committee was tasked with making recommendations on school names, school colors, school mascots and suggestions on how to address the pending changes in school cultures.
This committee’s work is complete, and Doug Hayman, Transitions Coordinator, presented the following recommendations to the school board on November 4, 2013, during a work session. Consensus by the Advisory Committee was reached on the following topics:

  • The 7-8 grade middle school be named Skyview Middle School
  • The 7-8 grade middle school mascot be a Panther
  • The ninth grade school be named Soldotna Prep
  • Two 10-12 grade high school name possibilities are Soldotna High School or Soldotna Central High School
  • The ninth grade school and 10-12 grade high school mascots both be a Star
  • The available colors for all three schools be blue, purple, black and white. (This palette opens the possibility but does not require additions of complementary highlights.)
  • The committee recommends that the current student body of each of the three schools, with the guidance of staff, develop and plan the transfer and preservation of all cultural and historic elements.

“I am pleased that the advisory committee accomplished so much and I want to thank each member for their positive, can-do approach toward their committee membership,” said Dr. Atwater, Superintendent. “Now that the committee’s recommendations have been made, it is important to dispel the misinformation that large sums of money will be required for next steps. As necessary, the district will change small items, e.g., signs in front of a school, but will not commit to large cosmetic changes, e.g., changing the gym floor. I encourage everyone to look forward to the benefits that the students will receive from this reconfiguration. We have an excellent secondary staff at our three schools who will do all that they can to ensure that the transition to the new schools will be smooth.”
Thank you to Soldotna Schools Reconfiguration Advisory Committee
Community and Parent Representatives: Michelle Blackwell; Lynne Carter; Dale Dolifka; Michael Gallagher; Roxanne Miller
Skyview High School: Paul Kupferschmid, site council; Darren Jones, staff; Austin Laber, student
Soldotna High School: Kathy Gensel, site council; Troy Minogue, staff; Kelci Benson, student
Soldotna Middle School: Krista Arthur, site council; Joel Burns, staff; Jode Sparks, student
Doug Hayman, Transitions Facilitator
 School reconfiguration

  • Soldotna area 7-8th grade students will be housed at the existing Skyview High School
  • Soldotna area 9th grade students will be housed at the existing Soldotna Middle School
  • River City Academy (7-12) will be moved to the existing Soldotna Middle School
  • Soldotna area 10-12 grade students will be housed at the existing Soldotna High School



Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release: 2013_11_08 Soldotna area schools Advisory Committee recommendations to KPBSD school board

Soldotna 7-12 grade school administrators announced for 2014-2015

KPBSD logo 4c todayMedia Release

KPBSD announces Soldotna 7-12 grade administrators for 2014-2015

Soldotna, October 2, 2013—The principals and assistant principals for the Soldotna schools reconfiguration were determined this week after an interview process. Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent, made the final decision. The assignments will take effect in the 2014-2015 school year, and each of the five is an administrator in good standing with the district. The administrators will remain in their current position for the 2013-2014 school year.
“One of the more pressing needs of our reconfiguration process is naming the administrators for the three Soldotna area secondary schools. In response to this need we created a process that included district administration interviewing the five Soldotna area secondary school administrators,” said Dr. Atwater. “I am pleased with how the process worked and am confident that the five will work well together in their assignments to ensure a smooth transition for our Soldotna area secondary students and staff.” The new assignments (school names are not yet determined) are:
10-12 grade high school at current Soldotna High School campus:

  • Principal: Mr. Todd Syverson (currently Soldotna High School principal)
  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Randy Neill (currently Skyview High School principal)

Grade 9 at current Soldotna Middle School campus:

  • Principal: Mr. Curt Schmidt (currently Soldotna Middle School assistant principal)

7-8 grade middle school at current Skyview High School campus

  • Principal: Mr. Sarge Truesdell (currently Soldotna Middle School principal)
  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Tony Graham (currently Soldotna High School assistant principal)
  • River City Academy (7-12 grade) will relocate from the Skyview High School campus to the current Soldotna Middle School campus. Mrs. Dawn Edwards-Smith will remain the administrator.

Todd Syverson said, “Over the past 24 years the KPBSD has blessed me with the privilege and honor of working with the greater Soldotna area at Skyview High School, Soldotna Middle, Redoubt Elementary, Soldotna High School, and now as the principal of the new 10-12 grade high school. My vision is to continue to strive for excellence in creating a school that has our students ready for career or college pathways that will land our students with rewarding careers and a promising future!”
“It’s been a privilege working the past nine years at Skyview High School,” said Randy Neill. “I look forward to continuing to work with students, staff, and the community in the coming years. This is great opportunity to help students and staff come together to bring out the best of both schools.”
Curtis Schmidt, new principal for the ninth grade school said, “I am excited and privileged to be selected as the principal for the Soldotna area ninth grade school. It is my intent to assist every ninth grade student in making a successful transition to high school and to provide them with a learning experience that is engaging and challenging.”
“It is an exciting time to be a member of the team at Soldotna Middle School and I feel privileged to be chosen to lead such a great school,” said Sarge Truesdell. “I look forward to being here to support our students, staff, and stake holders as we transition to a new building in 2014-2015.”
Tony Graham, who will be the new assistant principal at the 7-8 grade school said, “I am thankful to be given this opportunity and I am looking forward to cultivating a new educational community along with Sarge Truesdell. I plan to use my experience to help support students, staff, and community transition and grow.”
The Board of Education will approve these five contracts in the spring during the normal process of administrator contract renewals.


KPB General Obligation Bond, Proposition 2

Media Release

General Obligation Bond, Proposition 2

Flyer_General Information Bond October 1 2013 Proposition 2Soldotna, September 10, 2013—On October 1, 2013, Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) voters will be asked to consider $22,987,018 in bonds to repair ten school roofs ($20,995,282) and install a turf field at Homer High School ($1,991,736). These projects have been approved by the State Department of Education for 70% reimbursement under the state debt reimbursement program, which means the state reimburses the KPB 70% of the total cost of the bonds and KPB taxpayers pay 30%.
Voters approved Phase I of the roof school bonds project in 2010; the work was completed in 2011-2013.*
Phase II includes roofs dating back to 1967, is staggered over three years, and provides an opportunity for our local labor force. Many schools have expanded since their original construction date, and different sections of roof were built in phases.
Kenai Alternative High School, Kenai Middle School, Skyview High School, Tustumena Elementary, and Homer High School turf field
Homer Middle School, Kenai Central High School, Paul Banks Elementary, Soldotna Middle School
Ninilchik School, Soldotna High School
“Why bond now?”

  • Energy measures, such as increased roof insulation, will be built into the project plans
  • The roofs have exceeded their expected useful life and are in need of repair
  • The new roof systems include a 20 year warranty, and will cost less to maintain overall
  • Take advantage of the 70% state debt reimbursement

Taxpayer 70% Savings on the Bond – Debt Reimbursement Program

  • Borough cost: 30% of every dollar
  • State Debt Reimbursement Program: 70% of every dollar (approved)

Cost to the borough taxpayer

  • $ 6.77 per $100,000 assessed property value (annually)
  • $ 472,350 annual net cost to Borough with State of Alaska 70% debt reimbursement program (approved)

The funds are subject to the appropriation process in the Alaska Legislature, as are all funds expended by the State of Alaska.
Borough school district roofs equal 1,861,400 square feet; nearly 43 acres of roof
*History Phase I (2011-2013)
In October, 2010, Kenai Peninsula Borough residents approved Phase I school bonds of $16,865,000 for these KPBSD schools spanning the peninsula from Seward to McNeil Canyon in Homer. The work is complete.

  • Chapman School
  • Cooper Landing
  • Homer Middle School
  • K-Beach Elementary
  • Kenai Elementary
  • Kenai Central High School*
  • McNeil Canyon Elementary School
  • Moose Pass School


  • Nikiski Middle-High School
  • Ninilchik High School*
  • Seward Elementary
  • Seward High School
  • Soldotna High School*
  • Sterling Elementary*
  • KPB School District Warehouse
                 * Partial reroofing

“It’s important to protect almost a billion dollars in Borough facility assets. This is responsible stewardship.” – Mayor Mike Navarre


Mayor Mike Navarre, Kenai Peninsula Borough, 907-714-2150,
Pegge Erkeneff, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District communications specialist, 907-714-8888,


Soldotna 7-12 grade Schools Reconfiguration Advisory Committee

KPBSD logo 4c todayMedia Release

Soldotna Schools Reconfiguration Advisory Committee

Soldotna, September 9, 2013—The fourteen person advisory committee will meet for the first time at Soldotna Middle School library on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 5:30 p.m. The committee will make recommendations about cultural and historic issues (colors, school names, mascots, and so forth). This committee will serve in an advisory capacity.
Twenty-six community members applied to serve on the advisory committee; five people were selected, in addition to a student, staff member, and site council member from Skyview High School, Soldotna High School, and Soldotna Middle School.
Soldotna Schools Reconfiguration Advisory Committee Members
Doug Hayman, Transitions Facilitator
Community and Parent Representatives

  • Michelle Blackwell
  • Lynne Carter
  • Dale Dolifka
  • Michael Gallagher
  • Roxanne Miller

Skyview High School

  • Paul Kupferschmid, site council
  • Darren Jones, staff
  • Austin Laber, student

Soldotna High School

  • Kathy Gensel, site council
  • Troy Minogue, staff
  • Kelci Benson, student

Soldotna Middle School

  • Krista Arthur, site council
  • Joel Burns, staff
  • Jode Sparks, student

The Advisory Committee will meet six times at the Soldotna Middle School library on Tuesdays, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.

  • September 10
  • September 24
  • October 8
  • October 22
  • November 5
  • November 19

“Last spring the KPBSD School Board approved the reconfiguration of our three Soldotna area secondary schools. We are now ironing out the details for our three schools and will be utilizing an advisory committee as a way to gain critical public input on the upcoming decisions.” — Dr. Steve Atwater, Superintendent.

The KPBSD Board of Education approved a reconfiguration for Soldotna area 7-12 grade schools, effective August 2014:

  • Soldotna area grades 10-12 will be located at the current Soldotna High School campus
  • Soldotna area 9th grade students will be housed at the existing Soldotna Middle School
  • Soldotna area 7-8th grade students will be housed at the existing Skyview High School
  • River City Academy will be moved to the existing Soldotna Middle School

Information: Soldotna Area Schools Advisory Committee
Background documents: Soldotna Area Schools Reconfiguration
Media Release, September 9, 2013: Soldotna Area 7-12 Grade Schools Reconfiguration
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications specialist, 907-714-8888
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
148 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna, Alaska 99669

News Release: Appreciating School Counselors

News Release
Appreciate School Counselors

Soldotna, February 4, 2013—Kenai Peninsula Borough School District celebrates our seventeen certified school counselors who serve approximately 4,100 middle and high school students. Governor Parnell proclaimed February 4-8, 2013, “Alaska School Counseling Week” joining the national celebration of school counseling, and the 2013 theme: “School Counseling: Liberty and Learning for All.”
“It is a pleasure to recognize the professionalism and critical work of our school counselors,” said John O’Brien, the KPBSD director of secondary education. “Our students are well served by this group of dedicated professionals who ensure that their academic, social-emotional, and future college and career planning needs are met.”
National School Counseling Week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), is celebrated February 4–8, 2013, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of professional school counselors within school systems in the United States, and how students are different as a result of the work of school counselors. National School Counseling Week highlights the valuable contribution school counselors can make to help students achieve school success and plan for a career.
Several KPBSD school counselors responded to the question, “What is most meaningful to you regarding your work as a school counselor?” Their responses are in this KPBSD web highlight story: “Appreciate School Counselors.”
Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent said, “I am pleased that our counselors are playing such an important role in the development and facilitation of career pathways for our high school students. This exposure to applied learning through our pathways is invaluable for our students.”
Governor Sean Parnell proclaimed, “…WHEREAS, school counselors are an integral part of the educational process and work closely with teachers, administrators, fellow educators, and parents to assist students in exploring their potential and setting realistic academic and career goals; and …
WHEREAS, this year’s theme, “Liberty and Learning for All,” highlights the profound impact school counselors may have on the lives of their students as they help students succeed academically and socially….”
Governor Parnell Proclamation: “Alaska School Counseling Week”
KPBSD highlight story, “Appreciate School Counselors”
National School Counseling Week

KPBSD News Release: KPEA and KPESA negotiations status update

Status of Negotiations following the January 22, 2013,
post advisory arbitration bargaining session between KPBSD and the KPEA and KPESA.

Soldotna, January 23, 2013—The following email was sent to all Kenai Peninsula Borough School District employees this morning.
Sent to: All KPBSD staff
Subject: info: 1/22/13 collective bargaining update from KPBSD
Dear KPBSD employees,
Thank you for your patience during the past twelve months of negotiations between KPBSD and KPEA and KPESA.
On January 22, 2013, KPBSD met with both KPEA and KPESA for collective bargaining. This was the first meeting since the Advisory Arbitration Award/Opinion was received on December 21, 2012.
KPBSD presented a last best offer to the Associations on January 22, 2013. The school district demonstrated willingness to accept the Arbitrator’s report with one exception. The last best offer by the school district to KPESA and KPEA adopts the Arbitrator’s recommendations of:

  • A 2% salary increase for each of the three years of the contract, built into the salary schedule*
  • Health care percentage change to 80/20 % (year one); 83/17 % (year two); and 85/15 % (year three). (Currently, if health care plan costs exceed the mandated fixed contributions by both the District and the employees, those costs are shared 50/50 %. The school district proposal eliminates the 50/50 cost share.) Also, the additional amount employees contribute monthly for dependent, spouse, or family health care coverage is eliminated.*

The only change the District proposed when it met with the Associations on Tuesday would have precluded both the District and the Health Care Committee (HCC) from changing health care coverage without mutual consent. As you know, the 50/50 split comes into effect if the amounts set forth in the negotiated agreement do not cover the actual health plan costs. That exception related to the authority of the current structure of the HCC—now composed of a super majority of classified and teaching staff—to increase health insurance coverages and thereby increase the cost of the insurance plan without District approval. The current structure of the HCC has been acceptable to the school district because the 50/50 % sharing of excess health care plan costs requires thoughtful and cautionary consideration of any Plan changes that increase costs. The school district is not willing to continue with this structure in a new 80/20; 83/17; 85/15 split. The committee change is described in the attached offer.
Finally, the Arbitrator’s Award/Opinion did not address the difficult issue of implementing a new health care plan cost sharing methodology in the middle of the school year, retroactive to July 1, 2012, or recommend a methodology of implementing wage increases retroactive to July 1, 2012. On January 22, 2013, the Associations were not willing to engage the District to address these administrative issues. Appendix A and B in the attached offers address these topics and how to implement them.
The KPBSD negotiating team is awaiting a reply from KPESA, and KPEA, on this last best offer.
Thank you for your commitment to your work at KPBSD.
*From final two pages of the Arbitrators Award/Opinion
1. Salary Schedule: “For FY 13, FY 14 and FY 15, the pay scales in each year of these Agreements shall be increased by two percent (2%).”
2.  Health Insurance:
“For FY 13 the District will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 80% of the cost of the health care program and employees will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 20% of the cost of the health care program.
For FY 14 the District will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 83% of the cost of the health care program and employees will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 17% of the cost of health care program.
For FY 15 the District will make contributions on 12 month basis equal to 85% of the cost of the health care program and employees will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 15% of the cost of the health care program.
The paragraph that provides for the 50/50 percentage split between the District and employees for health care costs shall be eliminated. Additional amounts for dependent, spouse and family coverage shall be eliminated.”


This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, communications specialist, 907.714.8888,

Message to KPBSD staff and families

Soldotna, December 14, 2012—A tragic day in the United States is unfolding as the world learns of a school shooting and the death of children and educators at a Connecticut elementary school.  The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District offers care and condolences to everyone affected in this tragedy. Our hearts ache with colleagues and school communities.

At 9:41 a.m. on Monday, December 17, 2012, most of the school district will pause for a minute of silence.

“I am shocked and saddened by today’s events in Connecticut. All of us at KPBSD offer our condolences to the victims and their loved ones. On Monday morning at 9:41 a.m., the district will pause for a moment of silence to remember the lost lives and to offer our thoughts and prayers to families and the greater Sandy Hook Elementary School community.” – Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent

School safety
“Families trust our schools to keep their children safe during the day. The reality is, however, that schools may be touched either directly or indirectly by a crisis at any time. Knowing what to do when faced with a crisis can mean the difference between calm and chaos, courage and fear, life and death” –KPBSD Emergency Action Plan
The safety of our students and staff is a top priority at each of our 43 schools. Every school year, at every school, several drills are practiced, including school lock-downs, hit-the-deck drills, and emergency actions and evacuations in the event of intruders, fire, earthquakes, or other unforeseen circumstances. District-wide procedures are in place and practiced regularly and in conjunction with local law enforcement through our KPBSD Emergency Action Plan.
Our schools are currently:

  • In heightened awareness and paying extra attention to students, staff, and to any school visitors’ onsite.
  • Suspending curriculum to offer support to students if necessary.
  • Administrators and staff are offering a noticeable presence in the hallways.
  • Continuing to work closely with local law enforcement.

Helpful Resources
A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope, Tips for Parents and Teachers
School Safety and Crisis Resources:
December 14, 2012 message to KPBSD staff and families

KPBSD assistant superintendent Dave Jones named 2012 Alaska School Business Official of the Year

Media Release

KPBSD assistant superintendent Dave Jones is named 2012 Alaska School Business Official of the Year
Soldotna, December 7, 2012—The Alaska Association of School Business Officials (ALASBO) announced that Dave Jones, KPBSD assistant superintendent of instructional support, is named 2012 School Business Official of the Year.
The ALASBO Business Official of the Year is a peer recognition program for outstanding service, innovative plan design and implementation, and other exemplary business practices within school business management. Melody Douglas, Past President of ASBO International said, “Dave Jones’ long-time and exemplary service to public education and the school business profession warrants recognition as Alaska’s 2012 School Business Official of the Year! Among his many accomplishments is the process he co-chaired that ensured all school districts completed the data gathering questionnaire for the American Institute for Research study that ultimately, after an Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) peer review, led to an unprecedented three-year forward funding of public education to Alaska school districts a number of years ago. Dave’s willingness to help his colleagues when asked makes him a valuable resource to ALASBO and to ASBO International. Working with Dave over the years has been an honor and a privilege.”
Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent said, “KPBSD is thrilled that Dave is being recognized for his long and distinguished career in school finance. The District joins ALASBO in applauding Dave for receiving this award.”
Jones began working with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District in 2007. His responsibility as assistant superintendent of instructional support is to manage non-instructional operations of the school district including finance, human resources, information services, facility planning, custodial care, transportation, food services, warehouse, purchasing, and risk management. In addition he serves as a member of the District’s leadership team. From 1997-2007, Jones was director of finance for the Kodiak Island Borough School District in Kodiak, Alaska. Prior to his move to Alaska, Jones worked as the business manager and director of business services at school districts in Montana and Wyoming.
“It is an honor to be singled out for recognition by my peers,” said Jones. “However, I believe it is more of a recognition of the team I work with and our cumulative efforts than it is the things I have done individually. I want to thank the folks I work with and let people know I am proud to work for the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District.”
“We are proud and pleased to learn that Mr. Jones has received this prestigious award,” said KPBSD school board president, Joe Arness. “I think the entire district can be proud of our administration and of Mr. Jones in particular.”
Links: KPBSD Instructional Support | Alaska Association of School Business Officials (ALASBO)
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, communications specialist, 907.714.8888,