news release: New KPBSD bus routes, times, and practice run

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KPBSD welcomes Apple Bus Company
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 22, 2017*, and Apple Bus Company is in final preparations for the new school year.

Find new bus route and pickup and drop-off times

Apple Bus Company routes and times are now online and searchable via the Kenai Peninsula Bus infoFinder

Practice Run, Monday, August 21, 2017!

All Apple Bus Company buses will run their scheduled routes, in real time, stopping at all known stops, both in the morning and afternoon on Monday. Please do not think you have missed the first day of school, and your child has missed the bus! This is a full practice run, in real time, to finalize route timing and pickup and drop-off times.
Parent idea: On Monday, in conjunction with the Apple Bus bus practice, do your own practice run to determine how long it takes you to arrive at your bus stop, so on Tuesday, students are ready to step aboard a new year!

KPBSD bus questions?
Please call Apple Bus Company:

  • Central peninsula area (Kasilof, Kenai, Nikiski, Soldotna, Sterling): 907.262.4900
  • Southern peninsula area (Anchor Point, Ninilchik, Homer area): 907.235.0124
  • Seward area: 907.224.3571


Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Liaison,
*Variances – school begins:

  • August 15, 2017: Kachemak-Selo; Razdolna; Voznesenka schools
  • August 21, 2017: Nanwalek; Nikolaevsk; Port Graham schools
  • August 22, 2017: all other KPBSD schools

How to register for KPBSD Pre-Kindergarten Title I classes

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release

How to register for KPBSD Pre-Kindergarten Title I classes

Soldotna, August 8, 2017Free pre-kindergarten classes at local schools for children who will be four years old by September 1, 2017, are open. To qualify, parents and guardians must contact their local area school, schedule a Pre-K assessment (dates below), and complete an application prior to the school screening appointment date.
Parent or guardian action steps

  1. Contact local attendance area school for times and testing locations. (See list of schools offering Pre-K sessions*)
  2. Complete a Pre-K Application—the school office in your attendance area will provide applications
  3. Return the application to your neighborhood school office during school hours
  4. Schedule your child’s assessment prior to the date for your neighborhood school screening. (Dates listed below)
  5. Children must be age 4 by September 1, 2017
  6. Title I KPBSD programs web link: Title 1 programs at KPBSD

* Screening dates for KPBSD Title I Elementary Schools offering Pre-K classes

Students qualify for Title I services based on academic need

  • Central Peninsula Area, August 22, 2017, in the Borough Assembly Chambers, Soldotna
    • Mountain View Elementary, 283-8600
    • Nikiski North Star Elementary, 776-2600
    • Redoubt Elementary, 260-4300
    • Soldotna Elementary, 260-5100
    • Sterling Elementary, 262-4944
    • Tustumena Elementary, 260-1345
  • Seward Elementary, 224-3356, August 23, 2017, at Seward Elementary
  • Homer, Anchor Point, and Ninilchik: August 24, 2017, at Paul Banks Elementary
    • Chapman Elementary, 235-8671
    • Ninilchik School, 567-3301
    • Paul Banks Elementary, 226-1801
    • Voznesenka School, 235-8549

Title I programs are required to utilize effective, research based instruction, and must also provide evidence that students receiving Title I support are showing academic growth.
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link:
Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

News Release: State funding set for public education

State funding set for public education

KPBSD logo 4c today

Soldotna, June 23, 2017—The Alaska State Legislature adopted a budget which includes Status Quo K-12 education Base Student Allocation (BSA) funding for the 2017-2018 school year. Superintendent Sean Dusek said:

“Now that the legislature has come to a budget agreement for K-12 funding, we are able to move forward to prepare for the new school year beginning August 22, 2017. We will fill open teaching positions as best we can, and hope to have a full staffing recommendation for the school board to consider soon. We thank and appreciate the efforts of our legislators and local leaders in this process. We thank our staff, families, and community members who invested time and effort to learn about education revenue and expenditures, as well as advocate to the legislature and borough on behalf of our excellent schools in the KPBSD.
It is our hope that future funding for K-12 education will be decided much earlier in the process to avoid the uncertainty of programs and opportunities for our students experienced during these past several months. We will continue to work with the legislature to fulfill the goal of a sustainable, responsible, long-term fiscal plan that will allow Alaska to continue to be a vibrant and attractive state in which to live.”

HB57 is awaiting transmission to the Governor, and the next step in the legislative process is for the Governor to sign and adopt the budget.

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Liaison, 907.714.8888, communications @

News Release: KPBSD can hire 12 of 30+ frozen positions

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KPBSD can hire 12 of 30+ frozen positions

Soldotna, June 8, 2017—The Borough Assembly passed the Fiscal Year 2018 budget on June 6, 2017, which included funding for the KPBSD school year which begins August 22, 2017. The State of Alaska has not yet determined funding for public education.
Mayor Navarre increased the FY18 borough funding appropriation to KPBSD by $1.5 million over FY17 in Ordinance 2017-19, and the Borough Assembly voted to pass this funding. The Borough will provide KPBSD $38.88 million in Local Effort support available for use by KPBSD, and $10.85 million for operations and in-kind support, for a total appropriation of $49,738,432.
The increase provided KPBSD the fiscal certainty to offer contracts to a handful of local teachers on June 7, 2017, some of who had not yet been offered positions because of the hiring freeze and fiscal uncertainty. In addition, a handful of principals are interviewing for positions now open at their school site, with the ability for KPBSD to offer a qualified candidate a position immediately. The remaining positions are still on hold until the state legislature determines education funding, which could range from status quo to a five percent reduction.

“I am grateful that the Borough Assembly and Mayor Navarre took action that provided some fiscal certainty to the school district. They demonstrated leadership and made some difficult decisions that supported the schools in our district. We will continue to work closely with the Assembly and Mayor in our planning for next year to ensure efficiencies and provide the best opportunities for all of our students in the coming years. We will work together to make our communities positive, vibrant places that our graduates will want to live and work in as they have their own families in the future.” – Sean Dusek, Superintendent of Schools

This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link:
Please contact Pegge Erkeneff, communications liaison,
with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

News Release: State education funding cut scenarios for KPBSD

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State education funding cut scenarios for KPBSD

Soldotna, May 10, 2017—The HB57 Operating Budget conference committee is appointed. If you value public education in the KPBSD, please contact committee members* and local legislators now to request status quo education funding. In preparation for potential reductions to education funding, KPBSD administration anticipates:
The effect of a 1% reduction in state education funding for the KPBSD is $1,055,166
If a 1% cut were made, KPBSD would:


  • Raise the Pupil-Teacher-Ratio (PTR) ratio by one in elementary and middle schools
    Thirteen schools would be affected: K-Beach Elementary, Kenai Middle School, McNeil Canyon, Mountain View Elementary, Nikiski North Star Elementary, Paul Banks Elementary, Redoubt Elementary, Seward Elementary, Skyview Middle School, Soldotna Elementary, Sterling Elementary, Tustumena Elementary, and West Homer Elementary
  • Use of Fund Balance for remaining deficit

The effect of a 2% reduction in state education funding for the KPBSD is $2,110,332
If a 2% cut were made, KPBSD would:

  • Implement the identical changes as outlined in the 1% cut
  • Implement a variety of these administrative recommendations:
    • Cut library aide positions
    • Reduce calendar days for support staff employees including pool manager, secretarial, and custodial positions
    • Reduce co-curricular offerings for all types of activities including sports


*House and Senate HB57 Conference Committee members

These are the six legislators who will meet together representing the House and the Senate, and determine funding for public education:

Click here to send a Public Opinion Message to any or all legislators, or call any LIO and they can send it for you – 50 word limit.
Kenai Peninsula Legislators
These are legislators who represent schools and communities in the KPBSD:

School starts in three months. KPBSD has 30 positions on hold until we learn what our FY18 funding will be, in addition to millions of dollars and positions already reduced.
Budget Background
For several years, budget reductions have come through efficiencies, Pupil to Teacher Ratio (PTR) increases, and reduction of staff. Increased costs related to healthcare continue to rise.

The effects of these cuts have been kept as far away from the classroom as possible and most of the public do not realize these are already in effect. But, $8,550,530 has already been reduced in KPBSD since FY15.

  • FY15 Budget Reductions        ($1.25 million)
  • FY16 Budget Reductions          (1.37 million)
  • FY17 Budget Reductions          (3.44 million)
  • FY18 Budget Reductions          (2.48 million)
  • Total Budget Reductions     ($ 8.55 million)



News Release: Senate proposes 5% cut to KPBSD

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Alaska Senate proposes 5% cut to education funding

Soldotna, April 4, 2017—The Senate Finance Committee proposed a 5% cut to education funding, creating an additional deficit hit of $5.29 million to the KPBSD. Plus, the 5% links to a second cut of $1.21 million by reducing the maximum allowable contribution the Borough may contribute to KPBSD, thus the cuts could total $6.51 million.
But, you can speak up now to tell our legislators why a cut this large will harm children, and the future of our youth and communities. Cutting education by 5% to solve the state fiscal crisis hurts classroom success and innovation, our youth, and future generations.
Therefore, this week, please call, write, testify, or speak face-to-face to Alaska Senators, and your local legislators.
Tell something true from your own experience. For example:

  • What is one simple way that your KPBSD school has made a difference to you or your family?
  • How are innovations in the classroom preparing children for their future?
  • How did your KPBSD public education prepare you for your current work or career?

Please help propel the quality of education forward through a request for status quo education funding, and a viable solution to the state fiscal crisis.
How to contact your legislator
Senate Finance Committee 5% Base Student Allocation (BSA) cut to education in HB57:

  • State contribution to KPBSD is reduced by $5,293,712
  • Borough maximum allowable contribution to KPBSD is reduced by $1,217,554
  • Additional potential FY18 revenue loss: $6,511,266

On April 3, 3017, KPBSD administration put forth the preliminary FY18 Status Quo funded budget to the Board of Education. (This budget does not include the additional 5% BSA cut.)

  • Already, the FY18 budget includes a deficit of $3.49 million
  • Expenditure reductions of $2,619,308 includes the elimination of 30.5 full time equivalent (FTE) positions, and use of General Fund savings

“I’m very concerned that the legislature is proposing these further reductions to education funding, particularly this late in our process of budgeting and staffing for next year,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “KPBSD is committed to deliver a quality education to our students, and provide stability for our staff and communities. These reductions compromise our ability to prepare our students for their future.”

Today, please take two minutes to tell the Alaska Senate why you believe education funding should not be cut so drastically, this late in the session. KPBSD believes every child counts. Give your perspective in person, by telephone, via email. Click to find legislator contacts.

The number one KPBSD Board of Education legislative priority is, “Provide sustained, reliable, and adequate education funding for Alaska’s students.”

You're invited: February KPBSD community budget forums

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Alaska fiscal challenge and impact to KPBSD budget

Do you know which educational opportunities for your children and the youth in our communities might diminish because of a multi-million dollar budget deficit in the KPBSD? 

Attend a budget development forum to learn about the proposed 2017-2018 KPBSD budget, the $3.45 million deficit with status quo revenue*, expenditures, revenues, and administrative recommendations to address the deficit.
Parents, staff, students, business partners, community members, and elected officials—mark your calendar and bring your questions:

  • February 14, 5:30 p.m., Seward High School Library

  • February 15, 5:30 p.m., Soldotna High School Library,  This presentation will also be broadcast via skype for business at these school locations: Kenai Central High School library, Nikiski Middle-High School library, Port Graham, Nanwalek, Susan B. English, and Tebughna schools.

  • February 21, 5:30 p.m., Homer High School Library

Be informed so you can advocate for the 2017-2018 school district budget which will define opportunities and offerings in August, 2017. The budget recommendation will be presented to the school board on March 6, 2017.
*Why be concerned?
Think in terms of this: ten KPBSD teachers equates to one million dollars. If the Alaska State legislature passes additional revenue cuts to state education funding, the KPBSD $3.45 million budget deficit will increase. This is the additional impact:

  • 1% Reduction to BSA = $1.05 million
  • 3% Reduction to BSA = $3.18 million
  • 5% Reduction to BSA = $5.29 million

“Alaska is addressing its ongoing fiscal challenges, and it is important that everyone is involved in the conversation to ensure a long-term fiscal plan is finally implemented,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “As a part of this conversation, we will continue to prioritize services to provide the most effective and efficient education possible for all of our students. Your voice will help shape those priorities as well as clearly communicate that all students should remain the number one priority in Alaska and the Kenai Peninsula Borough.”

“Our annual budget is one of the most important things we do each year,” said Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support. “We want to give our parents, staff, students, and community members a chance to learn about our budget, participate in the process, and ask questions.”
Action ideas

  1. Attend a KPBSD school site council meeting, school board meeting, Key Communicator Hour
  2. Communicate with your school, friends, neighbors, legislators, and elected officials
  3. Watch the nine minute video shown at the fall community budget meetings to learn how KPBSD crafts a budget in response to the fiscal reality impacting all aspects of state government and funding for public education
  4. View any of the other short videos that explain aspects of funding and budgets*

KPBSD Finance Department
KPSBD online video channel: Budget

  • FY18 Community Budget Development presentation, 10-13-16, PDFand Video
  • Budget Basics PDF and Video
  • Fund Balance Categories PDF and Video
  • General Fund Revenue PDF and Video
  • Grants PDF and Video
  • Staffing Formulas PDF and Video        *link includes all videos & PDFs

If the future success for our KPBSD K-12 students is dependent on a quality education so graduates will be prepared for college or a career, funding public education is crucial. In this time of fiscal uncertainty, KPBSD asks everyone to attend a public budget meeting, and become involved in the financial solutions for our school district and state.
FY18 february budget meeting announcement graphic

Thoughts please: KPBSD #StrategicPlan survey is open

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KPBSD Five Year Strategic Plan Revision


Soldotna, November 7, 2016—Do you have an opinion about how to improve KPBSD schools?


Community members, families, students, and staff are invited to offer thoughts for the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 strategic plan revision through an online survey open through November 21, 2016.

KPBSD is refreshing and revising our five year strategic plan. Each of you has a unique perspective that will help guide our planning. Community members, families, students, and staff can have a voice in this process by completing the Survey. Your opinion will assist KPBSD to determine long term goals. Brief survey questions designed for our diverse schools include these topics:

  • Evidence of Education Quality
  • Challenge and Issues Impacting Education Quality
  • Educational Priorities
  • Student Skills and Abilities
  • Financial Priorities
  • Your Suggestions to Improve Quality of Education

The Survey is online, through this link:
The KPBSD webpage also includes a link to the survey,
Superintendent Sean Dusek said, “In an effort to improve our school district, we need a good plan to guide that effort. As a stakeholder in our community, you have a unique perspective that will help in the development of our new strategic plan. Your opinion will help develop areas the school district should focus on and guide which goals we should set. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey as we chart the direction of our schools for the next several years.”
Survey results will be essential in the process of refreshing and developing our long-term KPBSD strategic plan. A synthesis of the responses will be shared with the Board of Education, and available online. Thank you for making time to complete this valuable survey. Your feedback is important.

KPBSD schools ShakeOut on October 20, at 10:20 am

News Release
KPBSD schools ShakeOut on October 20, 2016


K-12 schools in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District will participate in the Great Alaska ShakeOut “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” earthquake drill on Thursday, October 20, 2016, at 10:20 a.m.

KPBSD students and staff join more than 120,000 Alaskans who have already registered to participate. Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support, said, “We need to be prepared for incidents we hope never happen, but if they do, we can minimize the danger to our students, staff, and community.”
Earthquake preparation and the proper “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique is valuable safety education for our students and employees. We will also practice a radio check-in to the district office from each of our schools following this earthquake drill.
Alaska schools, families, and businesses are encouraged to participate.


Public invitation to KPBSD Key Communicator Hour

News Release
Public invited to KPBSD Key Communicator events

Soldotna, October 17, 2016—KPBSD is hosting three Key Communicator Connect & Collaborate Hours to converse about the KPBSD budget, five year strategic plan, and respond to questions and ideas about our diverse district. Key Communicators gather throughout the year; everyone interested in KPBSD schools is invited to attend:

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2016, Homer Middle School library, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

  • Thursday, October 20, 2016, Seward High School library, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

  • Tuesday, November 1, 2016, Soldotna High School library, 6:00 – 7:00 PM


“People move in the direction of their conversations and seek accurate stories and information about the school district.” –KPBSD Key Communicator network

Who are KPBSD Key Communicators?

Parents, students, business owners, staff, alumni, grandparents, retirees, everyone who cares about education. Key Communicators help people in their local communities learn more about KPBSD, while also assisting the school district to learn and understand more about what people in our schools and community think, feel, and know. The concept is to promote a continuing exchange between Key Communicators and the school district, creating a loosely connected group of parents and citizens for two way communication and advocacy.


In 2014, KPBSD formed a network of people who are interested in our schools in order to cultivate positive relationships with the school district and in our diverse communities. Conversations happen every day in school parking lots, at the grocery store, via social media, and so forth. Our Key Communicators are informed about school district initiatives, issues, and celebrations through responses to questions, email messages, news releases, and e-news from district office communications. Each school year an opportunity to meet in person takes place. Together we will broaden community advocates.
KPBSD Key Communicators
Questions? Contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications liaison,, 907.714.888