Students and Parents: Remote Learning Survey Invitation

Planning for the future: What is the remote learning experience from the KPBSD student, parent, and guardian perspective? #survey

When health mandates closed 42 schools on the Kenai Peninsula to students this spring, KPBSD shifted to remote learning for students. We’ve all learned and experienced a lot, and want to capture the learnings. To both reflect, and help the school district plan for an August smart school start, parents and high school students are asked to complete a brief online survey.

–May 20, 2020 KPBSD News Release

The SURVEY will take approximately five minutes to complete, and is open through June 5, 2020.

  • Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to respond to this survey
  • Parents or guardians are asked to reply on behalf of their students in grades K-8
  • Families with more than one child are invited to respond once for each child enrolled in KPBSD

“There are many uncertainties about what the start of school will look like in August. To help prepare for those uncertainties, The KPBSD has a working group of 20 members that are planning for the start-up of the next school year, and your responses will assist us.”

–Clayton Holland, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction

A separate survey for KPBSD staff is happening simultaneously to the parent and student survey.


Parent Survey: Do student early release days make a difference?

Dear KPBSD parents and guardians,KPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL

Please take a brief four question survey, open March 11 – March 28, 2016, to share your perceptions and thoughts about the six early release days for students.

KPBSD staff is also completing a similar survey.

“Each school day, more than 1,200 KPBSD employees do all that they can to provide a quality education to our district’s students. A part of this work is our continuous improvement process that requires us to regularly evaluate our practices so that we can in turn, make the necessary changes to help our students’ find success. An intricate piece of our improvements is our professional development for our certified staff.
With the need to do more for our staff in this area, for the past three school years we designated six school days as minimum days–with a 90 minute early release for students, while staff works a maximum day in order to deliberately devote time to collaborate and collectively address the learning needs of our students.
Now that you are familiar with these shortened student school days, we want to receive your feedback. Please complete these questions, and provide your optional comments.” – Sean Dusek, superintendent

Link: Take the survey now

Thank you very much for your time.
The next early release date is Friday, April 1, 2016.

KPBSD Early release date FY15

Survey: Soldotna area schools reconfiguration follow-up

KPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  versionSoldotna Area Schools Online Survey
open May 7 – 22, 2015

We are ending the first year of the Soldotna area schools reconfiguration, and seek your opinion via an online survey about two topics: the reconfiguration, and school start and end times for ten area schools. Please respond to brief questions in an online survey, open through May 22, 2015. Parents, guardians, staff, 7-12th grade students, and community members are invited to participate!
Start the survey now
At the start of the 2014-2015 school year the Soldotna area schools were reconfigured resulting in:

School start and end time
Should KPBSD consider changing the school start time for Soldotna area schools? This question continues to be asked to district administration, so we are asking you. Please keep in mind that we are simply gauging the school and community perception of school start and end times, no decision is made, and that any potential change would not take place in the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.

Thank you for your time and thoughts!

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to develop productive, responsible citizens who are prepared to be successful in a dynamic world.