Everyone can learn, starting with newborns!

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Developmental Screenings for newborns to age five in Seward and Soldotna areas

Empowering all learners, starting with newborns!

Soldotna, January 12, 2018—Free opportunity for a screening to learn a child’s early development, motor skills, speech, early learning concepts, vision, and hearing for children ranging from newborn to age five (not yet in kindergarten) are offered this month. Children will be seen by appointment only, and appointments are free.
 Bubble girls in KPBSD

Opportunity! Child Find Developmental Screenings


Seward and Moose Pass
Friday, January 19, 2018

Seward Community Library
239 6th Ave. Seward, Alaska
10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
*By appointment only – call PJ at 907-422-1053 to schedule an appointment or for more information. SeaView Community Services Infant Learning Program and the KPBSD Child Find Program

Central Peninsula
Friday, January 26, 2018

Red Diamond Center, Suite 32 B, Soldotna, Alaska
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
*By appointment only – call 907-714-6647 to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Frontier Community Services Infant Learning Program and the KPBSD Child Find Program

Southern Peninsula area

Date not yet determined – it will be in February 2018

Facebook Live Q and A with Superintendent Dusek

20180123 KPBSD Sean Dusek Facebook Live Q and A event

You’re invited to a
Facebook LIVE Q & A
with KPBSD Superintendent Sean Dusek

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.

How-to watch:

It’s simple. Go to the KPBSD Facebook page on 1/23/18, at 7:00 PM, via your device or computer, and connect! You’ll see that KPBSD is live – click to view.

How-to ask questions or share thoughts:

Post your questions ahead of time on the Facebook event page, or live during the event in a comment on the live video.

How Facebook LIVE Q&A works:

  • KPBSD launches Facebook LIVE video, viewers click to view, and see content live in real time.
  • Viewers type comments into the feed below the video.
  • KPBSD does not “see” viewers via videoconferencing, this is a one way video view feed from KPBSD. Interaction happens via comments and post likes or emojis.

Everyone is invited to tune in – KPBSD parents and students, staff, community members, KPBSD partners, and KPBSD Key Communicators. Afterwards, the Q&A will be saved as a video to review at your convenience.


This Facebook live event is the first in a series to expand the KPBSD Key Communicator program, engaging our people and publics with conversation, and offering accurate stories, information, and responses to questions about the KPBSD. Please join in, and offer your thoughts and ideas.


You don’t need a Facebook account to watch live.

  • At 7:00 PM, go to https://www.facebook.com/livemap. Locate the live event streaming from Soldotna, Alaska, using the interactive map.
  • Click the blue dot indicating Facebook LIVE is happening in Soldotna, and the video will pop up.
  • Click on the video image to enlarge it on your screen. https://www.facebook.com/livemap
  • note: You cannot post questions without a Facebook account. You can email them to communications@KPBSD.org, and we will answer as many as we can during the video LIVE Q&A.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.
Facebook Kenai Peninsula Borough School District


Contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD Communications Liaison, communications@KPBSD.org. Or private message Kenai Peninsula Borough School District on Facebook.

How RESPONSIVE fits into the KPBSD educational strategy

Four key areas define the KPBSD five year strategic plan. In this two minute video, Superintendent Sean Dusek explains how Responsive is a core element:

Learn more about the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan

Video text
Hello! This is Sean Dusek and today we are going to examine what Responsiveness means in KPBSD.
As you know, we are working hard to refine our instructional approach for each student in our schools. With that being said, our foundational philosophy is still centered on the concept of a strong, positive relationship between every teacher and each of their students. In order to strengthen this foundation, our teachers believe that every student can learn and hold high expectations for that learning. A growth mindset for all teachers and students is critical.
The Alaska State Standards define what each student should know. Our teachers understand what engages each student through the foundation of a strong, positive relationship. This allows teachers to build assessments tailored to each student to determine if they are proficient in a given standard. The assessment is very likely much more than a test and is relevant to the individual child.
If a student cannot demonstrate proficiency on a given standard, we respond in a variety of ways with that individual. The learning environment is of the highest quality with specific interventions and a wide-variety of instructional practices that fit what an individual child needs, when they need it. If a student easily demonstrates proficiency, we respond with other opportunities for growth that expands the depth of knowledge for the child.
Overall, KPBSD responsiveness is about the instructional environment and expanding the quality of it for each individual. This will take outstanding and focused professional learning opportunities for teachers and leaders as the instructional toolbox is deepened to optimize student learning.
Thank you!
Responsive: Be immersed in a high quality instructional environment:

  • Prioritize strong, positive relationships with all students to support their social and emotional needs
  • Teachers will utilize a repertoire of high-yield instructional strategies that  are research-based, high quality instructional strategies, within the instructional environment
  • Develop a culture of continuous innovation within all schools across the district
  • Professional learning is embedded and ongoing, resulting in continuous growth and innovation
  • Develop a highly reliable and efficient organization through online and concurrent collaboration tools



Seventh graders personalize reading at Nikiski Middle High

“I’m very big on giving students as much choice as possible in their middle school years,” said Laura Niemczyk, Nikiski Middle-High School teacher. “I am also very big on turning kids into lifelong readers. With those two objectives in mind, I issued the 25 book challenge to my seventh graders this year. This is not a new idea—it comes from a modified version of Donalyn Miller “Book Whisperer” 40 book challenge. I was tired of fighting struggling readers on reading logs, fluent readers who hated reading after having done years of reading logs, and students who would tell me that they didn’t have time to read. Notice it’s a challenge, not an assignment. There was no mention of grades attached to it and when I introduced the challenge to students, not one asked me, “how much is this worth?” They had many questions: about the types of books they could read, about audio books, about books they wanted to reread, about reading on their devices. So now we read for chunks of each day’s class period. And it’s great.
I don’t consider it innovative when my classroom is full of students actively reading, and not looking up if someone enters the room. What’s better than I did before is that instead of having to assess students on written reading logs, I now meet students where they are at and provide them with multiple ways to show me what they know. We have class book talks, the students recommend books, write reviews, and engage in discussions on theme and characterization. Some of this I planned—once a week there are open ended prompts that are differentiated for student reading level and even book type. And they do them, without complaint, because they chose their book and choose how to respond. Some students write out their answers, others type, others draw, and some record an audio file.
Aspects of how this added innovation into our classroom came from the students. They are required to keep track of the books they have read. Once again I gave them options for this: a Pinterest board (it’s how I chose to do my reading challenge), Twitter, a written reading record form, chart in the classroom, discussion list on Canvas or through Goodreads.com. One student asked if she could record her answers in a blog; I said “yes!” That led to others asking if they could use LibraryThing.com and Shelfari.com to create their virtual book worlds. As always I said yes, and then asked them to show me what these things were.
In the last quarter, I learned A LOT about where kids like to go to share and talk about books, helped struggling readers learn that audio books are still reading (they can only “read” ten audio books for the challenge), and had some of the most authentic and informative reading conference-mini lessons of my teaching career—some of these have even occurred online in these new virtual book worlds the kids have created (and helped me to navigate). The students feel like they have a say in their education, we are doing things that make sense to them, and I am creating connections with my students.”
–Laura Niemczyk, Nikiski Middle-High School
#relevance #responsive #read #AKlearns
Personalized Learning in KPBSD

Celebrate Audra Faris, NNS music teacher

School Band and Orchestra SBO 20th Annual “50 Directors Who Make a Difference” in 2017!


 Audra Faris, Nikiski North Star Elementary music teacher, represents Alaska!audra school pic

“I feel quite honored and totally undeserving of this award. Somewhere, some kind soul nominated me for this modern band award. I am thankful that someone noticed I was doing modern band. It is not nearly as popular as concert band is in elementary schools. In fact, I think I am the only modern band teacher for elementary level in our district. But the kiddos love it! Our “rock band” is very successful. Kids get to play the tunes they know and enjoy, and it is very fun for me as well. Rockin’ out is a new concept for this classically trained singer and music teacher! I have to say jamming on the drum kit is my favorite!”

Kids playing guitar 2
School Band and Orchestra Magazine asked Ms. Faris a few questions, and shares her responses online

What is your proudest moment as an educator?

“I have had several. Whenever a student is smiling and enjoying themselves while performing, I am thrilled. There are thousands of those little moments that happen, not only during a performance, but while they are here in the classroom. But most of all, when a student continues music beyond my classroom, it lets me know that I have planted a seed in their hearts and sparked an interest that may not have been there before.”

How do you hope to make a difference in students’ lives?

“I want students to enjoy music. I want them to experience something really cool here in my classroom that makes them stop and say, “Wow, that was fun,” or “Wow, that makes me want to know more!” Music should be more than just a break from the regular classroom, it should be an enlightening adventure to exposing a part of who they already are. It should be a compliment to the wonderful person they are inside!”

What’s the most important lesson that you try to teach your students?

“Truly, it is that music is in everything. It is hard to imagine our daily lives without music: a radio in the morning on our way to work, the school song on the intercom, the students sharing their favorite artists and songs. But music goes beyond that. It is in the fluency of which we read and talk. It is the counting rules and fractions in math, it is our history that brought about many changes in our culture and diversity. Music is in everything. I talk often with my students about how what we are learning fits in to what they are already experiencing. It is not a hard bridge to cross. Rhythm, improvisation, theory, melody, playing an instrument and all that music encompasses can be sewn into a lesson pertaining to our daily routines and lives.”
Mrs. Gilman, Nikiski North Star Elementary principal said, “We are so excited and proud for her! Since she has been at NNS she has started a modern (rock) band and continued to develop the concert band. In addition, she has now started an after school choir. In terms of engagement, 68% of our fourth and fifth graders started band last fall and played at the spring concert in May. That is a tremendous level of participation for something they have to miss part of recess to pursue!”
kids playing guitar 6

kids playing guitar 4


Christmas Cheer in the Ninilchik Senior Center

“Singing in a small choir group this year was the best decision I have made! It was my way of relaxing after a long day of school. I became closer with some of the girls I barely knew. When we had a chance to sing carols at the senior center, I refused to pass this up! Even though I am glad we no longer have the pressure of performing in front of our school for a grade, I miss singing in front of a crowd. We practice two days a week during our advisory singing our hearts out. The senior center performance is the best memory I have of choir since I joined last year. I feel like I am giving back to the community that does so much for us. Even though we had a small crowd, I enjoyed every second if it. It was a great experience and I hope to do it in the future!” –Tala Marystar Hadro, Ninilchik School student
Ninilchik choir students singing
“My Foods 1 class made cookies for our senior center, and Eric Simondsen’s choir class delivered them to the senior center, and sang songs on December 19, 2017. The girls performed admirably. Mr. Simondsen conducted a great medley of Christmas time favorites, including a number from ‘The Grinch’, requested by the choir.  Snow was falling and the seniors very much enjoyed the young voices and cookies provided. We hope to make it an annual event.” – Joel Hilbrink, Ninilchik School teacher
Thank you to Joel Hilbrink, story contributor

How-to measure KPBSD student success #KPI

KPBSD measures student and organizational success with multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Superintendent Sean Dusek explains in short two minute video:

Learn more about the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan, and KPBSD KPIs
Video text:
Hello! Sean Dusek here with you again today to continue our discussion on the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Strategic Plan.
The focus of this video is on what our district measures to determine organization success. We call these measures Key Performance Indicators. With such a diverse school district we monitor a wide range of data points that are meaningful to not only the district, but to local communities.
First, we monitor academic performance very closely at all grade levels. This includes how students perform in relation to the Alaska State Standards. Most of these measures are classroom based and our teachers use a wide variety of assessments to ensure students are growing on a daily basis.
Attendance is a very important indicator we monitor as we have seen that students who are at school more than 90% of the time perform at a high level in school. While this seems intuitive, we have many students who struggle to get to school for a lot of different reasons and we do our best to support families to be in school every day with a positive and safe learning environment.
Another area that we monitor is a student’s participation in school and the community. Research has shown that school and community connection provides additional supports for a student as they go through a wide variety of experiences. We call these wrap around services to provide safety nets to promote student resilience, work ethic and empathy. These characteristics are highly valued by employers as they are looking for people who can work with others, overcome challenges, be optimistic and think.
We have several other indicators we monitor and I encourage you to take a look at our district dashboard on our website for more information. All of the indicators we currently have are grounded in research and give us a snapshot of how our district, schools and even individual students are doing throughout a school year. We will provide updates on progress with these indicators periodically and utilize the information to make adjustments to better meet the needs of our students.

KPBSD Winter Music Lineup


 Celebrate what’s right in the world, and treat yourself – attend a music concert or school play!

Programs are at school location unless otherwise noted. Also, some schools have more than one program, and so the location may vary by date.

  • Aurora Borealis Charter School – November 30, 7:00 p.m., Winter Program, Soldotna High School
  • Chapman School – December 12, 7:00 p.m., Winter Concert, Rootbeer Float Fundraiser
  • Cooper Landing School – December 13, 5:00 p.m, Play with Santa and Potluck Dinner
  • Homer High School – December 18, 7:00 p.m, Winter Concert, Mariner Theater; December 20, 7:00 p.m, Candelight, Carols and Desserts, Mariner Theater
  • Homer Middle School – December 14, 7:00 p.m, Winter Concert, Homer High Mariner Theater
  • Hope School – December 20, 6:00 p.m, Student Concert
  • K-Beach Elementary School – December 14, 6:30 p.m., Band Concert Grades 4-5-6; and December 19, 6:30 p.m, Holiday Concert Grades K-2, Soldotna High Auditorium
  • Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science Charter School – December 7, 6:00 p.m., Band Concert Grades 4-5; December 14, 7:00 p.m., Holiday Concert grades 1-5, KCHS Auditorium
  • Kenai Central High School – December 12, 7:00 p.m., Dessert Auction and Holiday Concert featuring the KMS Concert & Intermediate Band, KCHS Concert & Jazz Band, KCHS Auditorium; and December 17, 3:00 p.m. Holiday Choir Concert, KCHS Auditorium
  • Kenai Middle School – December 7, 7:00 p.m., Holiday Choir Concert; and December 12, 7:00 p.m., Dessert Auction and Holiday Concert featuring the KMS Concert & Intermediate Band, KCHS Concert & Jazz Band, KCHS Auditorium
  • McNeil Canyon Elementary School – December 7, 6:30 p.m., North Pole Musical
  • Moose Pass School – December 11, 7:00 p.m., Holiday Musical
  • Mountain View Elementary School – December 11, 6:00 p.m., Mountain View Youth Chorus and Band Concert; December 18, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 1-3, KCHS Auditorium
  • Nanwalek School – January 4, 1:00 p.m., Nanwalek Christmas Program
  • Nikiski Middle-High School – December 19, 7:00 p.m., Band, Choir, Guitar, and Ukulele Winter Concert
  • Nikiski North Star Elementary School – December 12, 6:00 p.m., Winter Choir Concert Grades 1-2, NMHS Auditorium; and December 14, 6:00 p.m., Kindergarten Winter Concert; plus 6:45 p.m., Concert and Modern Band Winter Concert
  • Nikolaevsk School – December 11, 1:40 p.m., Winter Concert
  • Paul Banks Elementary School – December 5, 12:30 p.m., Winter Program, Homer High Mariner Theatre
  • Port Graham School – December 21, 2:00 p.m., Port Graham Christmas Program
  • Redoubt Elementary School – December 19, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 4-5-6, at Redoubt Elementary
  • Seward Elementary School – December 18, 6:00 p.m., Holiday Program
  • Seward High School – January 18, 7:00 p.m., Music Collective
  • Seward Middle School – December 12, 1:30 p.m., Christmas Concert, Seward High School; December 14, 7:00 p.m., Band, Choir, and Drumline Winter Concert
  • Skyview Middle School – December 14, 7:00 p.m., Band, Choir, and Drumline Winter Concert
  • Soldotna Elementary School – December 4, 6:30 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 1-6, Soldotna High Auditorium; December 19, 6:00 p.m., Band & Choir Concert (SOEL and SMCS), Soldotna Elementary Gym
  • Soldotna High School – December 12, 7:00 pm, Band, Choir, Jazz Band, and Swing Choir
  • Soldotna Montessori Charter School – December 5, 6:30 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 1-6, Soldotna High Auditorium; December 19, 6:00 p.m., Band & Choir Concert (SOEL and SMCS), Soldotna Elementary Gym
  • Sterling Elementary School – December 7, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades K-3; December 12, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert Grades 4-6 and band
  • Susan B. English School – December 12, 6:30 p.m., K-12 Christmas Program
  • Tebughna School – December 20, 6:00 p.m., Christmas Play and Turkey Dinner
  • Tustumena Elementary School – December 11, 6:00 p.m., Winter Concert
  • West Homer Elementary School – December 12, 12:30 pm, Christmas Program, Homer High Mariner Theater

News Release: Title VI Native Education Meeting

News ReleaseKPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_Seal
Title VI Native Education Meeting

Soldotna, December 5, 2017—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Title VI Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, December 6, 2017.
The Title VI Committee is comprised of parents and guardians of Title VI students who have been appointed by school site councils. Interested tribal elders, community members, students and parents are encouraged to participate.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
3:00—4:30 p.m.
Borough Assembly Chambers, Borough Administration Building
144 North Binkley Street, Soldotna, Alaska 99669
Agenda includes:

  • Partnership Updates
  • KPNYL – Kenai Peninsula Native Youth Leadership
  • Native Leaders Gathering and next steps
  • KPBSD Upstream Academy
  • Shared Values Exercise and Identified Title VI numbers

KPBSD Title VI Advisory Committee is a requirement of the federal government to receive Title VI funds and assists KPBSD in setting the priorities to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Alaska Native and Native American student population. The KPBSD Title VI Advisory Committee will also consider and make recommendations as to programs, projects, or other efforts specifically aimed at encouraging or assisting Alaska Native and Native American students to stay in school and pursue further education.
Contact: Conrad Woodhead, KPBSD Native Education Coordinator, at cwoodhead@kpbsd.k12.ak.us. Questions? Please call 907-235-8671.

Upstream Academy October 2017 (1)

Upstream Academy: STEM, speed, drones, connect, learn!

KPBSD Upstream Academy 2017_10 PE (6)
KPBSD’s second Upstream Academy in October expanded to include students from both Title VI and Migrant Education–this brought a new dynamic and an element of cultural diversity and sharing to the academy! Students from Kachemak-Selo joined other migrant students from Homer, Soldotna, and Sterling and were able to share their lifestyle and culture with our Title VI students to the benefit of everyone.
KPBSD Upstream Academy 2017_10 PE (4)
Students were able to design their own obstacle courses for their drones, then code their drones on an aerial pathway through the course. Students could choose the difficulty for the courses and often had to rework the courses as they coded along. In addition, student’s problem solved issues facing drone technology and sought to understand how the current technology could be improved upon. This led to creative designs for future technology.
Upstream Academy October 2017 (10)
The success of Upstream Academy in part goes to the amazing community partners who help put together a week of STEM-based activities. The Alaska State Troopers came with their armored Bear Cat and demonstrated how the current technology in law enforcement keeps all of us safe. Students were even able to check for speeders in the Kenai Spur Highway using the Trooper radar equipment and drive their SWAT team robots. The Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Rangers taught students how they collect evidence in the field and how to read topography maps with their high-tech sand table.
Students enjoyed a visit to the Kenai Peninsula College where they learned about dorm life “ResLife”, and the welding, paramedics, and process technology departments. Dr. Nels Anderson even taught students how to start their own fires in the wilderness, using what they have on hand. The Kenaitze Tribe’s Yaghanen Youth Center provided a great afternoon learning about and participating in Native Youth Olympics.
Upstream Academy October 2017 (3)
“This week was so inspiring because I saw students who came in very shy and timid, but by the end of the week, these were the very kids that were helping other students troubleshoot their drones. It was an amazing transformation to see! This academy brought many kids out of their shells and they really seemed to have a sense of belonging and purpose.” –Kristin Jones, Lead Interventionist, Skyview Middle School
Upstream Academy October 2017 (1)
Story contributed by Rachel Pioch, KPBSD Migrant Recruiter, Skyview Middle School Title VI Tutor, Native Youth Leaders Advisor
Facebook: KPBSD Upstream Academy