10K benefits Seward Elementary classroom instruction

$10,000 Worth of Gifts Arrive at Seward Elementary
The gifts have arrived, and teachers at Seward Elementary School are very excited about integrating all the new equipment into their lessons. After receiving a $10,000 gift for computer hardware from the education non-profit organization, Code.Org, teachers selected items that would enhance classroom instruction, especially S.T.E.M. lessons. For example, the new 3D printer by MakerBot will allow students to engineer tangible solutions to simple real-world problems, design their fix in SketchUp, then print the object out!
10K award
Third grade teachers are thrilled to have 28 new Chromebooks for their students. These are a cross between a notebook and a laptop, and they run without fans—allowing for stackable storage. The Chromebooks use Google for education applications, which KPBSD supports for all teachers and students.
“The third grade classes are looking forward to using the Chromebooks,” said Erin Flowers, a third grade teacher.  “These devices will provide extra opportunities for our students to prepare for AMP tests, improve fluency in reading and math, as well as provide the technological foundation required for continuous improvement in technology skills.”
Excitement stems from the possibilities that the new web cameras give each teacher, too. Leigh Ray, a second grade teacher, explained how websites such as www.epals.com allow teachers to connect with other classrooms around the globe—making contact based on age, academic unit of study, or other similar purposes.
Several other items rounded out the gifts received, including mp3 players, a new digital projector, and document cameras. With these new tools, students at Seward Elementary are definitely receiving a leading-edge, twenty-first century education.
Many thanks to Hadi Partovi, the CEO and co-founder of the education non-profit Code.org, for having the vision to bring computer science to every student in the United States, for instituting the now-famous Hour of Code, and for gifting Seward Elementary School with $10,000 of computer hardware.
Story contributed by David Kingsland, principal, Seward Elementary
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