info: Public Invited to Testify on Governor’s Proposed Income Tax

The KPBSD Board of Education encourages everyone to participate in Governor Walker’s Sustainable Future: conversations with Alaskans through an interactive revenue and expenditure model that “allows you to fix Alaska’s budget your way.”
In addition, this invitation to the public to testify is shared on behalf of the Alaska Senate Majority:

Public Invited to Testify on Governor’s Proposed Income Tax

Alaska Senate Majority
For Immediate Release: February 22, 2016
JUNEAU – The Senate Labor & Commerce Committee will host public testimony regarding Gov. Walker’s proposed individual income tax this Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 6 p.m. both evenings.
Citizens may testify in-person at their local LIO; submit written testimony to be placed on the record and distributed to committee members; or call to testify by phone. There are a limited number of phone lines to the Capitol; please plan to attend and testify at your local LIO.
WHO: Alaska public
WHAT: Public testimony on SB 134
WHEN: Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 6 p.m. and Thursday, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Alaska LIOs and Beltz Room 105, Thomas B. Stewart Legislative Office Building, Juneau
Call-in number: (907) 465-4962
Written Testimony: Send to
Live stream:
For more information, please contact Michaela Goertzen in the Senate Majority press office at (907) 465-3803.
