Free eBook! Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School

School principal authors free interactive eBook to showcase 1:1 iPad initiative

Nanwalek School ebook

Free eBook!
Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School

Learning leaders in Nanwalek, a small village on the southern tip of the Kenai Peninsula, across the bay from Homer, Alaska, published Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School. The free interactive digital book details and celebrates the journey and accomplishment to leverage iPads for learning across the classrooms and community.
The 33 page eBook Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School, showcases how Nanwalek School worked to capture and archive cultural stories, teach native language, personalize learning, and transform classrooms into places of deeper exploration and creativity.
In August, 2015, Nanwalek School became an Apple and ConnectED school, when a comprehensive 1:1 technology solution for every student and teacher kicked-off, and included Apple hardware, software, and services.*
kids running with iPad
“The process of transforming learning at Nanwalek School through technology has been an incredible experience for everyone, and I believe it is important to capture the beginning of what can only continue to grow and expand,” said author Nancy Kleine, principal of Nanwalek School. “Learning focuses on strengthening academic skills while treasuring cultural values and resources at the heart of our students’ lives. Nanwalek’s isolated geography accentuates the impact of our 1:1 iPad initiative through the Apple & ConnectED grant, for it truly unveiled the world and its possibilities to students. However, what we are doing is relevant to everyone.

We offer learning that is engaging, personalized, and place-based.

“I attribute our successes to the time dedicated to strategic planning in partnership with students, parents, community, and the school district. We have provided a model for transforming learning. Sharing our work to date is a way to benefit others, contribute to the collective imagination of the educational community, and most importantly to help all students expand their options to live happy, hopeful lives. This book was created as a gift to the students and community of Nanwalek—people I have come to love dearly—and to the educational world at large.”
“I am very proud of Nanwalek School and Principal Kleine for their work on a book describing learning and traditions at Nanwalek School,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “It captures the hard work the students, staff and community do every day to help everyone be a life-long learner to reach their fullest potential. Great work and I look forward to many more years of blending tradition and technology to inspire learning at Nanwalek!”



*August 17, 2015 News Release: 1:1 iPads bring dynamic learning opportunity to Nanwalek School through White House ConnectEd initiative
Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School book cover

1:1 iPads bring dynamic learning opportunity to Nanwalek School through White House ConnectEd initiative

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
iPads bring dynamic learning opportunity to Nanwalek

Soldotna, August 17, 2015—Palpable excitement is in the air today at Nanwalek School, where 80 kindergarten through twelfth grade students anticipate receiving their own Apple iPad on Tuesday August 18, 2015.
A year in the planning, the rollout celebration to begin the comprehensive 1:1 technology solution for every student and teacher, including Apple hardware, software, and services, begins at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 18, 2015, with guests and dignitaries present to speak to students, staff, and the community. The upcoming year is a game-changer for Nanwalek School, the only school in Alaska, and one of 114 schools in the country, to receive an Apple grant as part of the White House ConnectEd initiative begun in 2013.
Nanwalek School is located in a small village on the southern tip of the Kenai Peninsula, across the bay from Homer, Alaska. By giving students access to the latest technology and powerful learning tools, we’re working to transform the classroom into a place of deeper exploration and creativity.
“We are very excited about this opportunity for our students in Nanwalek,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “A key part of any initiative is professional development for our teachers and through the training commitment from Apple, we are confident that the new technology will have a tremendous positive impact for all of our Nanwalek students.”
As a result of the initiative to receive iPads, Apple TVs, and MacBook laptops for teachers:

  1. Students and teachers will be introduced to a new level of technology that they have not previously experienced in the village or school. This experience will be enhanced by faster Internet installed by the district through ACS in September 2014
  2. Academic core learning will be strengthened through resources and e-books on the devices
  3. This grant includes professional development for teachers in differentiation to strengthen core instruction, and intervention processes to increase achievement

IMG_9979Nanwalek School honors cultural identity while developing students to be effective members of society. School goals for the ConnectEd initiative include:

  • Students, parents, and community will be our partners
  • Teaching will be transformed
  • Students will be active learners
  • Students will strengthen their academic learning
  • Students will have a tool for preservation of language and culture
  • Students will have more possibilities for postsecondary options


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Nanwalek School to receive 1:1 technology via Apple and ConnectED

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release

Nanwalek School receives Apple and ConnectEd grant

Soldotna, October 31, 2014—One of 114 schools in the country, and the only school in Alaska, our KPBSD school in Nanwalek, serving 79 students in kindergarten through twelfth grade, will receive an Apple grant as part of the national ConnectED program. This award enables Nanwalek School to provide a comprehensive 1:1 technology solution for every student and teacher, including Apple hardware, software, and services.
Instructional practices and student learning at Nanwalek School will radically change as a result of this initiative to receive iPads for each student in the following ways:

  1. Students and teachers will be introduced to a new level of technology that they have not previously experienced in the village or school. This experience will be enhanced by faster Internet was installed by the district through ACS in September
  2. Academic core learning will be strengthened through resources and e-books on the devices
  3. This grant includes professional development for teachers in differentiation to strengthen core instruction, and intervention processes to increase achievement

“I am thrilled to learn that Nanwalek School is a recipient of an Apple ConnectEd Grant, said Steve Atwater, superintendent. “I am confident that the infusion of technology into the classrooms and professional development for the staff will lead to an increase in student engagement and in turn academic achievement. Thanks to Principal Nancy Kleine and Director Jim White for all their work to make this happen.”
We continually seek ways to engage students in instruction, and trust that having this exciting technology will attract students to school and increase attendance,” said Principal Nancy Kleine. “This type of learning is interactive and focused, and students will learn the necessary skills to be effective members of society.”
“We believe that the young minds and young innovators of tomorrow should have every opportunity to realize their potential through today’s powerful learning tools,” states the Apple website. “It’s important to us that our contribution to ConnectED makes a difference for students and communities who need it the most. We’ve chosen to provide our support to schools where at least 96 percent of the students are eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program. Despite their economic challenges, these schools share a vision of what their students’ lives would be like with Apple technology.”

News Release: KPBSD 2014_10_31_Nanwalek School Awarded Apple ConnectEd grant
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