Sterling business, Magpye's Pizzeria receives Golden Apple

Golden Apple Magpyes Pizzeria Sterling (6)
Golden Apple for Magpye’s Pizzeria, in Sterling, Alaska

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | April 4, 2016
Magpye’s Pizzeria, Business

In the Sterling community, there are many businesses that are strong supporters of Sterling Elementary School. For more than a decade Magpye’s Pizzeria has been supporting Sterling Elementary. A multi-generation, family-owned business, “Margaret “Maggie” Lupton and Jeffrey Clonts of Magpye’s Pizzeria offer constant, unquestioning generosity to our school,” said Principal Denise Kelly.
Many years ago, Sterling Elementary School established a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) system which continued to cultivate and focus on the students who demonstrate school wide expectations of being respectful, responsible, and safe. Sterling Elementary celebrates students’ prosocial school behaviors with pompoms. Last year, Sterling Elementary started giving students a golden pompom for going above and beyond the school’s expectations, or showing an extraordinary random act of kindness. Students who earn the golden pompom have the opportunity to win a pizza party, and Magpye’s Pizzeria has been donating pizzas for golden pompom parties all year. Principal Kelly said, “There is never a question of why, rather questions of how many, and when do you need them? Magpye’s has donated pizzas to our Students of the Month prior to the golden pompom celebrations. Additionally, at the end of every school year, Magpye’s Pizzeria donates a free personal pizza to every student at Sterling Elementary to enjoy a meal with their family.”
Not only does Magpye’s Pizzeria provide for all 230 Sterling Elementary students, every so often, during lunch, a student will have a Magpye’s personal pizza box. When asked about it, students excitedly say, “It’s from Magpye’s!” James Graybeal says, “It makes me feel good when Mr. Jeffrey brings me a pizza. He’s my friend!” Mariah Carrasco received a pizza for her birthday and she said, “I like that they remembered me!” In talking with Ms. Lupton and Mr. Clonts about it, they will often say that they needed to do it for the kids. Even when no one asks, they just give!
Magpye’s Pizzeria has been in the Sterling community for many years. Sterling Elementary School is grateful for the support that Magpye’s Pizzeria shows to the school, and the love and dedication they show to the children of the Sterling community.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Magpye’s Pizzeria for dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.
Magpye’s Pizzeria was nominated by Principal Denise Kelly, on behalf of Sterling Elementary School
Golden Apple recipients

Appreciation – hospitality and KPBSD applause


Dear Dr. Atwater,
My name is John Baker. I am just recovering from two days of music making at Kenai Central High School with over 300 students from your school district. From the moment Alan Fields picked me up at the airport to the time Renee Henderson dropped me off for my trip home, I was treated with warmth, respect and dignity.
If the 300+ students are a cross section of your overall student population, you have much of which to be proud. I asked a great deal of the singers in respect to focus and effort; they did not disappoint. They stayed focused and worked long hours in preparation for our concert. I know that it is no accident when students behave so extraordinarily well. Teachers, parents, administrators, and community mold our kids. “It takes a village.”
I would like to commend Renee Henderson of Kenai Central High School for her organizational skills and ability to run a big festival. She was also a wonderful hostess. She is a gem in your community. Renee was very professional in all of our correspondence before and during the event.
I would also like to commend the other choir directors for their efforts in preparing their singers for the festival and remaining engaged during the rehearsals:

  • Mr. Vernel Schneider of Soldotna High School
  • Mr. Kent Peterson of Skyview High School
  • Mr. Jeremy Anderson of Nikiski High School
  • Ms. Breighley Sexton of Seward High School
  • Mr. Eric Simondson of Ninilchik High School
  • Mr Kyle Schneider of Homer High School

How very fortunate you are to have such a fine and caring music staff within your school district.
In addition, Lassie Nelson, Administrative Specialist was very prompt in filling out the necessary paper work for my services. Not only was she friendly in our correspondence, she came to the concert to meet me in person. Your students and staff have left quite a positive impression on me.
John Baker
Choir Consultation
4235 SE Concord Rd
Milwaukie, Oregon 97267

Giving thanks in Kenai

November 15, 2011
A feast was held today! Kenai Alternative High School served their 21st annual Thanksgiving Day Meal to 166 parents, students, and invited guests–many who were community members active with the high school throughout the year. Greeters at the door welcomed everyone with hellos and smiles. What a contrast to the frigid, wind-to-the-bone noon day winter sun! Smells flooded the hallway–turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes–my taste buds quivered when I took the few steps to the gym.

Inside, more students welcomed everyone who gathered and stood in line for the feast! Students said they’d been cooking since the previous Friday, and shared the story of oh, so many spuds. After a meal fit for a king (or queen) I wandered the room with my camera, talking to students, a 2011 graduate who had returned to help, and community members. At one round table members from local churches explained to me they cooked a hot meal each morning for the students, five days a week, serving between 25-70 breakfasts each day. Another table of pre-school students wore festive hats, and posed for several delightful photos–little faces complete with the remnants of  pumpkin pie crumbs. High school students were warm and welcoming, thanking me for coming. A young Mom took a few minutes to visit while she rocked her baby to sleep in his stroller (except I kept smiling at him so his eyelids were slow to close.)  A few photos from the day are in the Kenai Alternative High School photo album at the KPBSD Facebook page.

Let us give thanks for these students, for their parents, community members, and for everyone who shared a meal together. The noon-day sun flooding through upper windows in the gymnasium highlighted warmth in the belly, mind, and heart of all who gathered.
Thank you Kenai Alternative High School–may you continue this tradition for decades to come. The community appreciates you–and clearly you appreciate students, parents, and local residents.