News Release: State, district, and school PEAKS results now online

State, district, and school PEAKS results now online
Soldotna, September 1, 2017— The first year results of PEAKS, the online assessment for students in grades three through ten in English language arts and mathematics are now available online. KPBSD students continue to outperform state median scale scores in both English language arts and math.

 “PEAKS is one part of the overall picture about how well our students and schools succeed,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “KPBSD focuses on continual improvement, creating lifelong learners, and believes the shift toward a greater emphasis on problem solving skills and critical thinking will make a significant, positive difference on all assessments that are implemented in our schools.”

Parents will receive individual student reports with English language arts and math results in mid-September. KPBSD will mail reports from the district office. It is important to remember:

  • Student achievement has not declined
  • What is expected of students, and measured, is different than in previous years
  • These first PEAKS results are setting a new baseline to help educators understand where students stand on their path to success
  • PEAKS results are only one data point. Multiple factors demonstrate student success and drive district decision making processes

 A September 1, 2017, Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) press release states, “Alaska educators have been involved in determining student performance criteria on the PEAKS assessment. A group of 35 Alaska educators gathered in April to decide how much students should know and be able to do at each achievement level. In early June, 84 Alaska educators gathered to determine the range of scores for each of the four achievement levels.”
As teachers and students gain more experience in the new and more rigorous standards, PEAKS scores will rise. This has been true for other states which adopt higher standards.

  • PEAKS is not a pass-fail test
  • PEAKS scores do not affect course grades, graduation, or grade retention, but students will receive focused support to improve
  • PEAKS, the AMP test and the SBAs are not comparable because they measure different standards, have different questions, and use different scoring
  • Fewer students meet the new standards than used to meet the old standards; the new standards focus on higher order thinking skills and problem solving




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News Release: KPBSD Pre-Kindergarten assessment dates

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Pre-Kindergarten Title I assessments will take place in April
Soldotna, March 17, 2015—Children who will be four years old by September 1, 2015, have an opportunity to attend pre-kindergarten classes at their local area school in the fall. To qualify for the classes, parents and guardians must contact their local area school to schedule a Pre-K assessment, and complete an application prior to the school screening appointment date.

“The Title I funded Pre-K programs available at specific sites in the KPBSD provide an excellent opportunity for children who turn four by September 1, 2015, to get a jumpstart on success in school. KPBSD’s Pre-K teachers are all certified and have specialized training in early childhood education. As a result, the programs they offer are engaging and developmentally appropriate, with an emphasis on preparing children to be successful when they enter kindergarten. Pre-K the KPBSD way focuses on experiences that facilitate each child’s growth in the targeted areas of social and emotional development; approaches to learning; communication, language, and literacy; cognitive development, and; physical well-being.” –Dr. Christine Ermold, director of elementary education

Parent or guardian action steps before school assessment date in April

  1. Contact local attendance area school for times and testing locations. (See alphabetical list of schools offering Pre-K sessions*)
  2. Complete a Pre-K Application—the school office in your attendance area will provide applications
  3. Return the application to your neighborhood school office during school hours
  4. Schedule your child’s assessment prior to the date for your neighborhood school. (Dates listed below)
  5. Children must be age 4 by September 1, 2015
  6. Title I KPBSD programs web link: Title 1 programs at KPBSD

*KPBSD Title I Elementary Schools and Screening dates
Students qualify for Title I services based on academic need

  • Chapman Elementary, 235-8671, April 14, 2015

  • Mountain View Elementary, 283-8600, April 16, 2015

  • Nikiski North Star Elementary, 776-2600, April 15, 2015

  • Paul Banks Elementary, 226-1801, April 23, 2015

  • Redoubt Elementary, 260-4300, April 28, 2015

  • Seward Elementary, 224-3356, April 30, 2015

  • Soldotna Elementary, 260-5100, April 28, 2015

  • Sterling Elementary, 262-4944, April 29, 2015

  • Tustumena Elementary, 260-1345, April 9, 2015

Title I programs are required to utilize effective, research based instruction, and must also provide evidence that students receiving Title I support are showing academic growth. Such evidence is gathered through regular formative assessments and through annual state standardized tests.
Title 1 Programs at KPBSD
Media Release: March 17, 2015: Title I PreK testing in April
