I'm inspired. Teacher and student share time

Today I met a remarkable teacher, new to the school district. She and two of her students captivate me. I thought I’d spend an hour with them at the Kenai Middle School Vision Room to write a highlight story. Three hours passed swiftly, and I didn’t want to leave. You can read why next week.

Braille watches; teacher and student share time

I’m searching for words to express how KPBSD supports our vision impaired and blind students. I know I’ll be thinking about braille watches for the rest of my life.
Knowing what time it is helps us to orientate our day. As a sighted person, I look at a clock, the light or darkness outdoors, or easily ask a friend or stranger who wears a watch, “Do you have the time?” Or, I can look at my iPhone. I remember the first time I visited Alaska in the winter, took a nap, and woke up from a deep sleep, looking for a clock. The red digital numbers indicated 8:40. But suddenly I didn’t know if it was a.m. or p.m., and experienced confusing dis-orientation. I finally figured out it was  evening, after my heart pounded, and I took several deep breaths.
Can you imagine the value, difference, and independence a braille watch offers to a person who is blind? I’m only now beginning to comprehend.
Every life, and every learner matters. I’m proud to be part of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, and to share the stories of our teachers and students. Look for a web story soon. I think you’ll be inspired.